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    I know that after a person passes away, he will completely disappear from this world.  Since I was a child, I have been educated in atheism, so I also firmly believe that it is impossible for a person to transform into a ghost after death, and of course there is no such thing as "soul returning to the underworld".  It's just that my father is the one who gave me life.  It is no exaggeration to say that without my father, there would be no me.  My father is very important to me.  Therefore, emotionally speaking, it is really difficult for me to accept the cruel reality that my father has completely disappeared from this world.

    I remember when I was in college, I read an article in the library about the study of the human soul.  It is said that some scientists have specially done such an experiment, which is to compare and control the weight of some people before and after they die.  The research results show that at the moment of dying, people will lose a few grams of weight inexplicably.  In the end, scientists who specialize in research will regard this subtle loss of weight, which is difficult to detect, as the soul.  Because of the separation of the soul, there is such a slight difference in the weight of the human body before and after death.  Only by explaining it in this way can we make sense of why this strange phenomenon occurs.  I have no way of verifying the authenticity of this article.  If this experiment is true, then maybe the human soul will be real.  Of course, it is also possible that this is just a ghost believer trying to justify himself under the banner of science.

    I don't want to verify the authenticity of this experiment.  Because, even if this experiment is true, I may not believe in the concept of ghosts and gods.  But when it comes to my father, I hate atheism very much.  Because, how much I hope that my father who has passed away can truly turn into a dead soul and live in another world!  Although people in that world will completely lose contact with our world, as long as I know that my father still lives in another world, then I will feel better.  At least, deep in my heart, my father still exists.

    I know how unrealistic my hopes are.  It is precisely because I understand that my hope is just a "luxury hope", that I squeezed out the nearly 600,000 memory chapters of the documentary like squeezing toothpaste.  I hope that this article of mine can always live on the 17k website, so that my father can live forever in my article.  In the chapters of my memories, there is the soul of my father.  I hope that my father can always indulge in the past life that I have recorded, whether it is happiness or pain, as long as my father exists all the time.

    It is precisely because of my own thoughts that I will temporarily abandon my atheistic world view and temporarily believe that ghosts and gods exist.  That is to say, "Although the father's body is gone, his soul lives forever."  In fact, I really hope that my father's soul can still accompany us.  This point of view is a major premise of the second chapter I will write next.  Therefore, if you are a firm atheist, please don't accuse me of talking nonsense when you read the following chapters.  In fact, from the title of this sub-volume, you should be able to tell that most of what I describe is just my own fantasy, and it is not true at all.  If you can understand my deep affection for my deceased father, then you might as well read it as a novel about ghosts and gods.

    Even if it is a soul experiment under the banner of science, it is necessary to compare the situation before and after the breath to a certain extent.  Therefore, when I started, it was impossible to start from the moment my father died.  I remember I mentioned it to everyone before, it is said that when a person's life comes to an end, he usually feels something.  Therefore, in order to have no regrets in this life, some people may ask their family members to satisfy their desire for tongue and tongue a few days before death.  I remember that when my father mentioned that he wanted to eat hare meat, my wife once said to me: "People say, generally, there may not be a few days before you want to eat something." After hearing what my wife said, at that time  I also accused him of nonsense.  Because, I am very disapproving of these things.  However, the father's situation was indeed told by the wife.  After I brought the wild rabbit meat to my father to taste on Sunday, my father vomited blood and fainted the next day, Monday morning.  It was on that day that my father died in the hospital after rescue efforts failed.

    There is another saying, which was mentioned by my wife afterwards, or it may be suspected of being an afterthought, but for the opening of this fantasy article, we might as well just believe it.  According to my wife, in the last few days of a person, it is the time when yin and yang are handed over. Therefore, at that time, things that ordinary people cannot see are usually seen.  In other words, at that time, it is likely to see some things in the underworld.  At that time, it is precisely because of witnessing the strange image that ordinary people will speak nonsense.  Of course, my father's resolute character is not comparable to that of ordinary people.  In fact, in the last three days, although my father did not speak nonsense, his behavior was quite strange.  During those three days, my father stayed up all night.  According to the mother, the father wasBecause she couldn't fall asleep, she asked her to turn on the TV.  My father said, since I can't fall asleep anyway, it's better to listen to the reports of the news channel to pass the time.  However, my wife said that my father must have seen something unclean at that time, but because my father had always been very sane, he resolutely refused to say it, so as not to scare my mother.  But it was precisely because his father didn't tell what he saw and heard that his father became more and more frightened.  In order not to make myself too scared, my father asked my mother to turn on the TV, so that I could use the news reports on TV to distract myself and reduce my inner fear.

    Naturally, what my wife said cannot be true.  However, afterward, I thought about it carefully and felt that what she said was somewhat reasonable.  The first is the weirdness of my father not sleeping for three days in a row.  How could it be explained if it wasn't because of seeing something horrible all the time?  Not to mention my father who was already very weak at that time, even a healthy person might not be able to persist without sleep for three consecutive days.

    The second is the weirdness of my father listening to TV at night.  Normally, my father would only turn on the TV for a short while during news broadcasts.  At other times at night, after eating and taking a bath, I almost always lie in bed and rest.  During that time, my father hated noise the most.  Due to physical pain, my father's sleep has not been very good, so just a little noise may disturb his sleeping father.  From what I know about my father, it is absolutely impossible for him to ask to turn on the TV to annoy himself.  Therefore, the possibility of being distracted by TV as my wife said is still relatively high.

    In the end, it was the weirdness of my father pulling people to talk in those days.  My father was actually a man of few words.  However, in the last three days, my father would almost entangle himself in the conversation when he saw anyone, and even prevented others from leaving in order to allow himself to chatter.  Perhaps, the father at that time was also so uncharacteristically in order to distract himself and alleviate his inner fear.

    Therefore, in the fantasy chapter, I am going to start with the hare meat and focus on describing what my father saw, heard and thought in the last three days.  The father part.  The ghost of the father will be the most important part of the fantasy chapter.  In fact, this can be regarded as an alternative way to commemorate the father.  (Remember the site URL:
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