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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Prose -> Tears

259 Spiritual enjoyment

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    My father has always believed that alcohol is different from cigarettes. As long as it is not excessive, it will not only do no harm to the body, but will also have the effect of relaxing tendons, activating blood circulation, and strengthening the body.  Not only my father, but even my sister and I think so.  Therefore, when my mother mentioned that my father quit drinking, in addition to my father's strong opposition, my sister and I would also help my father to persuade my mother.  Of course, even without our help, with my father's stubborn temper, there is absolutely no possibility of quitting drinking.

    However, later, according to our unprofessional analysis, the reason why my father suffered from esophageal cancer and was discovered relatively late was largely due to alcohol.  Alcohol is originally a highly irritating liquid, so drinking frequently, under the strong stimulation of alcohol, the mucous membrane on the esophagus will often be damaged.  Over time, it is easy to induce disease.  In fact, suffering from esophageal cancer is not terrible, because many patients with esophageal cancer can still be cured.  But the terrible thing is that it was discovered so late.  When my father was diagnosed with esophageal cancer, it was already in the middle and late stage.  The middle and late stage mentioned by the doctors at the Municipal People's Hospital is probably the real late stage.  Once esophageal cancer develops to the middle and advanced stages, the chance of cure will be greatly reduced.  Why was my father's esophageal cancer discovered so late?  In hindsight, we thought it was likely to have something to do with my father's drinking.  Alcohol is known to have a debilitating effect.  Therefore, under constant paralysis, a slight pain in the esophagus is difficult to detect.  In addition, my father's temper is very "hard"!  For ordinary pain, my father would grit his teeth and support it, and he didn't care at all.  Under the dual effects of alcohol and "hard" gas, when the father found out that something was wrong, the condition had already developed to a very dangerous level.

    If our speculation is true, then the father's life is likely to be buried under the black hands of "alcohol".  I don't know, if my father knew about this situation in advance, would he still be so "good wine"?

    In any case, in the last few months of his life, my father was a true teetotaler.  This is undoubtedly extremely painful for a person who is addicted to alcohol.  However, for his own health, his father did it with extraordinary perseverance.  At that time, my father still thought he could recover.  In my father's opinion, such a sacrifice (forgoing the love of life, the wine) was worth it.  If he could know in advance that his final result would be a recurrence of the cancer, would his father be able to hold himself back from drinking?  Based on my understanding of my father's character, I'm afraid it will be very difficult.  Now that the ending is doomed, it's better to let yourself live a little more comfortably.  Even if it takes two or three months less life because of this, it is worth it.  Perhaps this is the father's proper attitude towards his best friend in life - "wine".

    It is precisely because of the uncle's understanding of his brother's "good wine" character that he yelled at the critical moment: "Don't forget the wine!" After the uncle mentioned "wine", everyone understood.  Because my father's "good wine" is famous in the village.  Uncle specially found a large drink bottle.  When everyone was busy pouring liquor into the drink bottle, the uncle kept saying: "Add more, add more! Until it is full!" Later, the uncle jokingly said: "As far as my brother's drinking capacity  Let alone one bottle, even if there are a few more bottles, it won't hold him back."

    The wine bottle and wine glass were placed on the father's right hand, because it would be easier for the father to communicate with the love of life - "wine".

    When my uncle mentioned wine, I also thought of another thing.  In any case, my father was considered an intellectual.  High school graduates in the 1960s and 1970s were definitely much rarer than college students today.  Intellectuals generally pay more attention to spiritual enjoyment.  Therefore, during the operation in the hospital, my father thought of watching "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".  However, after watching for a long time, my father felt that his eyes were uncomfortable, and tears flowed.  So, after trying it a few times, my father didn't dare to watch it anymore.  In addition to the uncomfortable eyes at that time, the father was mainly afraid of the sequelae caused by this.  After all, my father didn't want to cause the incomparably great pain of never being able to read books again because of the momentary spiritual enjoyment.

    After being discharged from the hospital, when my father thought he was recovering almost, he tried to read a few more times, but his eyes were still crying.  Later, until his death, my father never read the book again.

    Not being able to read books is undoubtedly a very painful thing for intellectuals.  Apart from eating, he could only lie down and rest, which caused his father to be extremely spiritually empty.  So my father tried watching TV again.  It's just that the strong light stimulation of TV is more harmful than reading a book.  It didn't take long for my father to know that watching TV was also very unrealistic for him at that time.

    Can neither read books nor watch TV, wouldn't it be blind?  For an intellectual, this is absolutely unbearable.  Father doesn't want to loseTherefore, every night, when it is nearly seven o'clock, my father will turn on the TV and "watch" the program of the central one on time.  Of course, using the term "watching" is not very accurate.  Because, at that time, my father could no longer use his eyes too much, so to be precise, it should be "seven points for listening and three points for seeing".  For my father, that half hour became the "most anticipated and enjoyed" time of the day.  Other times, all my father felt was suffering.

    Gradually, we also realized that our father was wrong.  Combined with the various performances of the father in the past, we finally realized our negligence of the father's spiritual enjoyment.  When the recurrence has not been detected, we hope that the father will overcome the harassment of the disease with a happy mental outlook and recover soon;  prolong life.  Therefore, after realizing such a problem, my sister, brother-in-law and I immediately tried to solve it.

    We know that my father likes to listen to Peking Opera very much, so we specially prepared a small speaker that can play mp3 for him.  I spent quite a while looking online.  Because now there are too few websites to download the full mp3 of the Peking Opera version for free.  In a market economy, almost everything is aligned with "money".  After a lot of effort, I finally downloaded more than 100 Peking Operas by famous masters.

    Although Peking Opera is the quintessence of the country, I don't like it very much, so my understanding of Peking Opera is extremely limited.  I remember that when I brought it home for the first time, I introduced it to my father: "Dad, I know you like to listen to Peking Opera. So I specially downloaded some.  '"

    "'Big Havoc at Zhuxian Town' is the 'Eight Big Hammers'. It tells the story of a young general of the Yue Family Army in the Southern Song Dynasty who took the initiative to invite Ying to attack Zhuxian Town, an important town of the Jin Army." After hearing this, my father corrected me before I finished speaking.

    Hearing this, I couldn't help but get a big blush.  How do I know this!  When I was downloading, I saw some marked "Havoc in Zhuxian Town" and some marked "Eight Great Hammers", so I introduced them that way.  Perhaps, it was because different people sang the same song, and in order to distinguish them, "Eight Sledgehammers Havoc in Zhuxian Town" was deliberately disassembled.  I never thought that I, who didn't know the inside story, mistook them for two tracks with completely different contents after seeing such logos.  (Remember the site URL:
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