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Letter 8

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    The Yuan who makes me miss day and night: 8th letter in 2006

    There are two more days until Valentine's Day Do you know the origin of Valentine's Day?  Please allow Yanzhu to pass the test first!

    You said, are we lovers?  According to the theoretical analysis, according to romanticism, we are, and still a pretty good couple; but according to the principle of realism, we are not, even if we are, we are just ordinary friends!  whee!  How does our Yuan like to understand, can you tell Yanchu?  Let's ask our Yuan to allow Yanzhu to take the liberty to use romantic terms to do it. In order to avoid unnecessary twists and turns, let's make our Valentine's Day simpler, please?  Let me send you a painting, it's amazing!  ¡Ä_¡Ä

    how?  Are you upset?  It's so simple, what about romanticism?  Don't worry, hee hee!  Let Yanzhu pass the hurdle again!  Or first count the black spots you can see in the picture!  ¡Ä_¡Ä It's difficult!  Get the right number, and other gifts from Yan Chu will appear soon!  By the way, don't forget to tell Yan Chu your answer!

    Do you know the explanation of the word "love"?  Professor Shi Xianwen, the rotating chairman of the wbsa world (Yanshu's teacher), analyzed in his book "Business Secrets in Chinese Characters" that "human beings are emotional animals, friendship can establish business relationships, and emotions can also make people  I lose my rationality and do things that do not conform to the rules. What is "love"? There is a word "heart" on the left and a word "green" on the right. "When the heart turns green", it is sentient beings. In three typical situations  , the human heart is most likely to turn blue: when you succeed, you feel that you are extremely powerful, and you dare to face any difficulties;  In order to relieve the anger in my heart, I will not hesitate to smash myself to pieces."  How about it?  Incisive?  Not bad!  Then, regarding some intimate relationship words between men and women, please allow me to come up with my own insights to share with our friends. "Husband and wife", a legal relationship, is a man and a woman who have a certain relationship.  The legal effect of living togethermay not be very correct, you can look up the dictionary, after all, what I want to share with you is the following nouns: bride and groom, the word "new" will not go into details  , the word "mother" can indicate the change of a girl's role. Maybe the ancients believed that a qualified bride is the process of a girl transforming into a "children's mother". You know that in ancient weddings (in some areas now  ), there will definitely be a ceremony to bless the new couple to give birth to a baby.  After all, I learned a little bit about the data about women giving birth in the class of my teacher. He said that Americans have done a lot of careful investigations on the degree of "pain". Now I will use you as an explanation.  I believe that Yuan has lived so long, your hand has been injured to some extent, does it hurt?  If it is serious, it can also be called pain, right?  Well, after reminiscing, let's make a hypothesis, just a hypothesis, but we must take it seriously ideologically!  Please close your eyes and fully imagine that our Yuan stretched out her lovely right hand, straightened it, and saw the line in the middle of the palm, okay, then use the "full moon scimitar" in your left hand,  Little by little, along the midline, cut down cruelly (who would be so stupid to do such an idiot experiment?), until the palm on the other side of the midline is cut off ("expert" demonstration, Yan research prompts  , do not imitate!!!), this experiment, according to the analysis of Americans, if the pain index is 10 units, this experiment is compared to normal people (97% of all human beings, according to legend, the other 3% is "  Monster"), the pain index is 9.1 units.  However, what is the pain index for women in childbirth?  9.9 units, so I am very respectful of women, not only because of this, but also because I was born by a woman, and The following explanation of "Lang" should be to prick up that kind ear and listen carefully  wife's words.  why?  Generally, newly married women will be called "little daughter-in-law", so let's analyze the word "daughter-in-law". There are two interpretations for "daughter-in-law".  up.  Second, the heart of being a woman begins to work.  This is why?  Because not only "daughter-in-law", but also "wife", this "wife" is like a family falling on her body, so, in fact, being a bride and a daughter-in-law are both very hard tasks, or  There is another way of saying: husband and wife, the word "wife" is similar to the above "daughter-in-law", let's talk about "husband", a man is not only a "husband", but also a "husband", that is, to choose  Take up the burden of a family, shoulder the responsibility of "ten feet" or "several feet", and be responsible for your own family.  And if it was normal, soon after, the husband and wife would have new titles: Haier his father, Haier his mother.  The word "father", the word "father" plus one more word means that being a father (husband) requires a lot of effort. Here, there is also the word "mother". Can you understand the word "mother" here as: have a good heartYes, you may not be the most beautiful, but in the eyes of the researcher, you are the most beautiful!  These are far from enough, because I know what I really want, what kind of life I want to live in the future, and what kind of person I want to spend my life with In fact, I really care about you.  Feelings can no longer be described in words, because there are no words to describe them, and they can be modified accurately. Maybe this is "true love". The reason for such true love should be the destined "karma"!  What do you say?

    But Liu Yanzhu, that silly boy, is poor and not the most handsome, and he is not very good at talking. Why, that is, what capital does he have to pursue Yuan?  This is a key question, right?  If I use "I don't know, maybe it's just because of true love" to answer, it will be somewhat irresponsible. The answer is that I will treat Wang Yuyan like Duan Yu, Yang Guo treats Xiaolongnv, Zhuge Liang treats Huang Achou  Zhou Enlai treated Yuan the same as Deng Yingchao, and for the rest of his life, he will share with you what the world has, and even try with you what the world does not have.  With sincerity, with sincerity, what else is wrong!  Words, temporarily, stop here; love, continue forever

    You said, are we lovers?  Happy Valentine's Day!

    Wish: Healthy and safe, happy every day!

    ?I love you, the night of February 11th, 2006 - the night of the 12th, and the day of the 13th

    Note: The origin of Valentine's Day: There are several different legends about the origin of Valentine's Day, one of which dates back to the ancient Roman Empire.  According to this legend, the Roman emperor Claudius wanted to expand his army, knowing that it would be easier to recruit unmarried youths.  So he made a regulation: young men must serve in the army for a certain number of years before they can marry.  But a priest named Valentine violated the regulations and secretly presided over the weddings for many young people.  Later, Claudius found out what Valentine had done, and put him in prison, where he remained until February 14, when he died in prison.  Valentine was regarded as a saint after his death, and the day of his death was named "St. Valentine's Day".  It has become a custom for lovers to express their love for each other on this day.  What we call "Valentine's Day" today is "St. Valentine's Day" named in memory of Valentine.  (Remember the site URL:
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