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Chapter 259: Nickname Disturbance

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    After a few days of transitional period, the residual heat of the National Day dissipated slowly, and we also returned to normal studies.

    Recently, I don't know what kind of wind is blowing, and I don't see any big fires like TV, so suddenly they started to call each other nicknames.

    Is it because you are not used to being called by your first or full name?  Not nice?

    In fact, most of the students are called by the final sound of Erhua, such as Lei Jie Gouer, Long Linger, Yu Pinger, Zhao Qizi, Liu Leier, Zhang Haozi, are still in the normal range, some are really exaggerated and outrageous  up.

    It's okay during the class, everyone listens to the class quietly, takes notes, or does homework, and when the get out of class is over, the nicknames are all there

    "Center, go play table tennis!" I pretended not to hear Bai Lei's call.

    I'm not used to this nickname yet!

    Speaking of the origin of the name is also quite strange!  During the English class a few days ago, Mr. Xu asked each of us to have an English name. In the end, according to the ranking of the class, everyone determined their English names one by one, so the name "Alan" was linked to me at that time.  up.

    Originally, the opening chapter was quite normal, but halfway through, the class leader felt that my name was not very pleasant and did not fit my style, so with the encouragement of the class leader, everyone used their imaginations to help me rethink an English name that suits me.

    In the end, the squad leader had an opinion. Through the combination of my nickname and English, he helped me to choose this one: Shen Teer (center). On the one hand, it echoes my elementary school nickname: Thief, and on the other hand, the English name has the center.  mean.

    ?It just reflects the meaning that everyone is centered on me. After getting my acquiescence, this nickname and English name has been with me since then.

    And the origin of Wang Xin's nickname has to be attributed to Yu Wei.

    "Peter" was originally Wang Xin's English name, but Yu Wei had a big brain and added elements of pranks, so he became a chicken leg when he screamed.

    Whenever Yu Wei yelled "chicken leg", Wang Xin rushed forward to argue and strongly demanded that the nickname be abolished.  But the happiness of children is so simple, the more you refuse, the happier I am,

    When the two were fighting, they happened to meet Lucy (qian) who was about to go to the toilet. After the little sister asked what happened, she also said that the chicken legs were not good, so from her point of view, she changed Peter to: brother p  , Since then, Brother P has become a brother among us.

    Bai Lei was given the nickname "White Fire Stone" by Tan Ting, and only the two of them knew the specific source.

    And Tan Ting's nickname was definitely imposed by Bai Lei, how can a girl be called "Huo Sanlun"?  How indecent is that?  Even if she runs fast, can chase after boys, and has a father who fires three rounds at home, she can't be called that, right?

    Among us, the richest girl is the little girl Lei Linli, without him, because of her nickname: Renminbi!

    And the biggest conflict between nickname and image is none other than Liu Qian (xi).  In terms of height and appearance, Liu Qian is ranked among the top five in the class, and she is also the Chinese class representative of our class.

    It is such a girl who is both beautiful and intelligent, who is actually called: Mooer Mooer (meaning cow)!  From time to time, it becomes a rhino again!  Zhang Hao is really heartless, why give him such a nickname!

    Our class not only has rhinos, but also buffaloes!  Wan Qiang is nicknamed this.

    As for Li Yi, it was a complete accident. At first everyone called him Brother Yi, and after calling him, he became Brother Duck. Hey, our accent is not shallow!

    Although the accent affected some people and made their nicknames go astray, the one who was most affected by their image was Zhou Yu.

    Zhou Yu is not outstanding in all aspects in the class, so his own characteristics are not very obvious. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to attract everyone's attention.

    However, this guy has so many ways!

    ? In order to improve my image, I tidy myself up every day (meaning clean).  The clothes and pants are clean and tidy, and the hairstyle is also meticulously blown.

    In addition, after applying Moss, his hair was smooth and shaped, and he was so handsome for a while. Because of Moss, he attracted everyone's attention. Of course, Moss naturally became Zhou Yu's code name.

    Moss' good friend, golf, has the same name as a celebrity in ancient times. He is tall and tall, and he was given the nickname: Tall Cannon!  As for the reason, it's not only related to his height, but also his voice. When Da Pao speaks, it's an exaggeration!  Startled like thunder, making you deeply doubt whether your ears are broken.

    There are dozens of people in our class, almost half of them are male and female, and there are quite a lot of girls with online looks, so the role of class flower was also born.

    ? Banhua election initiated by Gengen.?The candidates involve all the girls in the class, and the judges are all the boys in our class.

    After a private discussion between Gengen and several people, the squad leader, Liu Qian, Li Sha, Hou Qi, and Lei Ting entered the top five.

    There is nothing wrong with this list at first glance, but after a closer look, those who are familiar with it will find a huge shady scene!

    Can Lei Ting actually be selected as a class flower candidate?

    And finally won the class flower qualification with a large number of votes ahead?

    After hearing the news, the whole class cried out. Of course, Gengen and the others managed to attract everyone's attention.

    Speaking of Banhua Leiting, she is also a poor person.

    When Lei Ting was very young, her mother left her forever because of illness.

    There is a lack of labor in the family, and she even has to ask for leave to go home when the farming season is busy to help her father harvest the crops at home.

    This is a strong, strong girl.

    All aspects are very good, but the appearance and class beauty are not related.

    Due to long-term heavy farm work, her body is much smaller than her peers.  Coupled with the scorching summer sun, Lei Ting's skin was already tanned and partially red due to long-term labor.

    The image of a typical farm kid is no longer related to Banhua.

    The reason why Gengen and the others pushed Lei Ting to the position of Banhua was entirely out of teasing intentions, just to bully this poor girl.

    Lei Ting usually doesn't talk much, and she doesn't argue with these people, she doesn't move despite the rumors.

    However, after Ban Hua's hat was put on, the naughty children in the class mocked Lei Ting, laughed and played, and intensified.

    After class, when others go to the toilet, several people follow behind, mocking as they walk: "Look at our class girl going to pee~"

    It is really all kinds of swear words, and I am extremely angry to hear you.

    But fortunately, the fever of Banhua didn't last long, and after it dissipated, there was no sound.

    And the stories carried by each of us have just begun, and when I gradually unfold, I will tell you slowly.  (Remember the site URL:
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