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Chapter 64 Grandpa

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    Every winter, Yang Wenguang would stay at the second daughter's home for about a month. Among the children, her second daughter, Yang Yi, was her favorite.  Yang Yi is smart, capable, and knows everything as soon as she is taught. She also likes to be clean and has blood, all of which make Yang Wenguang deeply satisfied.  Therefore, when his daughter was not admitted to college, even though the people around him persuaded him to let her go back to class, he was unwilling from the bottom of his heart.  After all, you can have a caring person to take care of yourself.  Sometimes, there are many people around a person, but there may not be any truly caring people.  What that person really needs is not the care of the whole world. As long as there is a person who truly understands him, the presence of a person who makes him happy will have the whole world, especially for the elderly.

    The facts now prove that it was the right decision for Yang Wenguang not to let his daughter go back to class. At least now when he is old, he can live with this lovely daughter for a period of time every year and eat the meals she cooks  , chat with her.  Of course, that decision was a huge turning point in Yang Yi's life. Perhaps, if it had been a different decision at the beginning, her life now would be completely different from what it is today.  But in life, the cruel thing is that there are no ifs, we can only bear the consequences of the original choice now.  The consequences she bears are endless poverty and endless labor.

    In Chenyao's memory, grandpa seldom talked to their children. He always helped his daughter with work silently. He never knew to rest, and his eyes were full of work.  Therefore, even during the month when I came to my house, I never took a break.  In those years when he was a little younger, he would help his daughter go to the field to throw corn stalks, and he would come to help her harvest in autumn. Autumn is the busiest time, and he felt even more distressed about this daughter who was held in the palm of his hand since childhood.  In winter, he will help his daughter to trim the persimmon tree in the yard; he will help his daughter to tidy up all the mulberry strips;  Tie the broken ladle and slop bucket with wire, so that those tools have a longer life, and you can save your daughter a lot of money for buying tools; I can use tools to make brooms and small brooms for wiping pots  ; the upper part of the sorghum stalks will be used to pierce the cover curtain.  With Yang Wenguang's skillful hands, there is nothing he can't make, so in Chen Yao's memory in the early years, almost all the utensils at home were made by her grandfather.

    Yang Wenguang's favorite food is the corn porridge made by his daughter Yang Yi. He personally taught him how to make porridge.  He also taught other children in the early years, but those children were too stupid, and the porridge they made was unpalatable. Later, Yang Wenguang simply gave up, and only taught the most proud child any tricks in life.  Later, these methods were also passed on to her daughter by her mother, especially Chen Yao, who learned every life trick by her side.  For example, when making porridge, it must be boiled on a low heat, and it must not be boiled and soaked in water. The porridge made in that way is very unpalatable. It must be boiled for five to ten minutes after it is boiled.  It has been kept open.  For example, when the rolling pin rolls the dumpling wrappers, the sides must be rotated rapidly, and the middle must be thicker than the sides, so that when the dumplings are pressed down hard, they will not be exposed.  For example, when stewing meat, you have to use white sugar to fry the red sugar color yourself. The amount of oil you put in should be appropriate, and the fire must be low.  The beautiful one has a red sugar color, so that it will not fade when it is dipped on the white fat meat, and it will make a first-class braised pork.  When making pancakes, oil and salt must be rolled inside, so that the pancakes will have beautiful layers.  There are many more, all passed from grandpa to mother, and then to Chenyao.  When Chen Yao first started to learn these things, she was still too young to get the point, but her mother had a strong temper and a bit of a hot temper, and would always scold her when she didn't learn well.  Later, in order to avoid being scolded, every time Chenyao learned something new, she always tried her best to concentrate all her attention and strive to learn it all at once.

    And the most suitable thing for this polenta in winter is delicious sauerkraut.  Yang Yi¡¯s sauerkraut is not the traditional sauerkraut that people often say. There are two kinds of sauerkraut in her family. One is sauerkraut pickled with cabbage like other people¡¯s. Usually, the cabbage is taken, the dirty leaves are peeled off, and then  Wash it with clean water, put it in a small water tank, and then press it with stones. Make sure to press it firmly. After about a month, you will be able to eat refreshing sauerkraut.  And this other one was originally the Yang family's secret recipe, or Yang Wenguang's secret recipe, which was made with radishes.

    Chen Yao once saw her mother make this kind of sauerkraut.  Take the radish that comes down every year, separate the leaves from the radish, then wash the leaves, cut them into a size similar to the stuffing, rub the radish into shreds, and rinse with boiling water.? Go through it again.  Then find a clean small water tank, put it in clean water, press it with a big stone, and it will be ready to eat in about a month.  Although it looks simple, each process has a corresponding heat. Only Yang Yi got the true biography of his father, and the sauerkraut he made is top-notch and delicious. The brothers and sisters of the Yang family come to Yang Yi¡¯s house every year to take some away.  go back to eat.

    The pickling in the early stage is a technique, and the cooking in the later stage is even more so.  In order to maintain the original fermented taste, the sauerkraut taken out of the vat must not be soaked in cold water, otherwise a layer of flavor will be lost during this process, so the lid of the vat must be covered during the pickling process to keep it clean.  When pickled and cooked, be sure to add more oil. Sour food is very "oil-eating (oil-intensive)". Only by mastering the amount of oil can the sauerkraut be cooked.  Generally tasteless.  Fried and boiled sauerkraut is simply a world of difference.  As Chen Yao, who has made unpalatable sauerkraut by herself, she has a deep understanding of this.  Then there are salt and other seasonings, and these amounts must be mastered.  Another secret is that when the corn porridge is out of the pot, Yang Yi always puts in the oil and starts to fry the sauerkraut, because there are still some corn residues in the pot.  When they are blended together, it will be a delicacy when it comes out of the pot.  Every time he cooks this dish, Yang Wenguang will eat an extra bowl of polenta than usual.  Chen Yao was even worse, she wouldn't stop eating until she was full.

    Yang Wenguang also likes to eat sweet potatoes, especially the sweet potatoes from his second daughter Yang Yi's family.  Yang Yi chooses seedlings before planting sweet potatoes every year. She always chooses the best variety. Although the price is a bit expensive, she thinks it is okay to be more expensive.  If it was cheaper in the early stage, then a few cents was spent to buy seedlings of a bad variety, and a whole year of time, energy and fertilizers were wasted in the end, not to mention the sweet potatoes produced by no one would like to eat them.  Therefore, after her selection of seedlings of sweet potatoes, the fruits produced are very popular with the family.

    After harvesting each year, Yang Yi will select a batch of the best sweet potatoes, which are not injured when harvesting them, and then put them in cardboard boxes and put them in the cellar. Such sweet potatoes can last until the next spring.  Then the remaining sweet potatoes will be steamed at different times. Sometimes they will be placed in the pan for steaming steamed buns or steamed buns. Sometimes, a large pot of sweet potatoes will be steamed together, and then some of them will be eaten, and the rest will be cut into dried sweet potatoes.  .  Of course, most of the work of cutting sweet potatoes is done by children. The steamed sweet potatoes are cut into pieces and dried on the roof. After being exposed to wind and sun, they become hard dried sweet potatoes.  It is easier to save.  They are put in plastic bags, or cages, or cartons. Every time you want to eat them, you take them out, wash them, put them in a pot and steam them again, and they become soft dried sweet potatoes.  It's a great snack for them, and it's what they eat most of the time.

    In the early years, Yang Wenguang also loved to eat the dried sweet potatoes from his daughter¡¯s house. At that time, the hardness of the dried sweet potatoes that passed through the steamer was still acceptable to his teeth.  His teeth were left with only the roots, and he could no longer bite into the hard dried sweet potato, even the dried sweet potato that had passed through the steamer.  For this reason, Yang Yi often does her best to preserve the sweet potatoes, and when her father comes to live here, she will steam fresh sweet potatoes for him.  This daughter always misses him the most.  Whenever he thinks of this, Yang Wenguang is always glad that he gave his daughter his favorite name, Yi.  Although her current life may not be so smooth, and the burden of the family makes her breathless, but when she thinks that whenever she misses her daughter, she can walk to her house to live for a while and help her with work  , he was still satisfied.  (Remember the site URL:
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