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Chapter 580 Why Abandon Me

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    Lan Qian's whole body was stiff, and his knuckles even made a "cackling" sound.

    Qu Ping knew that he was very angry, and he wanted to blow up the world, but she still wanted to say that she had done nothing wrong.

    She and Shengkuan are husband and wife. It is natural for them to do shameful things together, and it is natural for them to have children.

    "You lied to me! Didn't you promise me not to let him touch you again?" These words almost came out of Lan Qian's teeth.

    But as soon as he said that, he regretted it. He felt that he was an idiot, an idiot who was dazzled by love.

    His husband dotes on her so much, how could he resist touching her?

    Thinking of the scene of her screaming and tactful on him, all the blood vessels in his body were about to explode.

    He's going to kill them, he's going to kill them!

    Only felt the black shadow shake in front of her eyes, Qu Ping's arm was pushed away, and the glass knife in her hand was thrown out, her throat was tightly stuck.

    "Ah" Qu Ping struggled hard, trying to call for help, but she couldn't make any sound.

    ?It was difficult to breathe, the scene in front of me began to shake, and the face that was so heroic and ferocious due to rage became more and more blurred until it disappeared

    I don't know how long it took, Qu Ping woke up slowly, she was very dizzy, she massaged her temples, and the dizziness only slightly improved.  Immediately, memories of the previous moment flooded into my mind.

    She just fell into a coma, and was pinched by Lan Qian.

    So is she dead or alive now?

    She struggled to get up, and saw Lan Qian sitting in front of the bed at a glance. She screamed, and subconsciously covered her neck with her hands.

    Lan Qian sat directly in front of her, smoking a cigarette, with several cigarette butts pressed in the ashtray.  He looked straight at her without any action, like a sculpture.

    Since he can see Lan Qian, he should not be dead.  How could he abandon Nuo Da's wealth and honor and die in love with himself all at once?  Qu Ping still has this self-knowledge.

    Qu Ping looked around in a panic, the wall lamp was on, and her shadow was cast on the bed, she was not dead.

    The gui has no shadow!

    Qu Ping shrank to a corner, bent her knees and hugged herself, lowered her head and didn't dare to look at Lan Qian, but her mind was racing.

    Just because he didn't kill himself just now doesn't mean he won't kill himself later.  In the face of life and death, she is still a counselor.

    She just lost her head just now, and now if she is asked to die again, she must not have the courage.

    Also, did he go to trouble the province?  Shengkuan hasn't been in the gallery recently, I hope his people don't find him.

    "You lied to me again!" Lan Qian uttered, showing no joy.

    Qu Ping was startled, she didn't dare to look up, she didn't know what he was talking about.

    "You are not pregnant! I have had your blood tested." Lan Qian said coldly.

    Qu Ping buried her head even lower, she really didn't expect this.  The overlord's attention is all here, no wonder his anger is not so big.

    "Why did you lie to me?" Lan Qian asked.

    Like an ostrich, Qu Ping wanted to bury her head.

    She didn't know how to answer, she was afraid that she would offend him by saying the wrong thing again.

    "If you don't speak again, I'll send someone to arrest your husband!" Lan Qian couldn't help threatening him loudly.

    Qu Ping straightened up in fright, and begged for mercy: "Don't grab him, don't grab him! I say, I say!"

    Don't dare to lie to him again, just confess.

    Sobbing softly, Qu Ping mumbled pitifully: "I really love my husband, and I don't want to divorce him. But you just don't believe me, and you still think that you are persecuting me. You even gave me an order  .I don't know what to do? I just made up this lie."

    Lan Qian didn't say anything.

    Qu Ping didn't dare to look at him, she didn't even dare to cry.

    The room was so quiet, it was surprisingly quiet, Qu Ping seemed to be able to hear the sound of her own heartbeat,

    Suddenly there was the sound of footsteps, Qu Ping raised her head and saw Boss Ba walking towards her.

    No way!  Is he going to use his strength again?

    Qu Ping backed away in fright, but there was a wall behind her, and there was nowhere to retreat.

    Wanting to die, she closed her eyes and waited for the boss's sentencing order.

    The body was pulled into his arms by the boss, and he held him tightly, almost breathless, and there was pain in his neck.

    ah!  He actually bit her?

    Qu?Did not dare to struggle, let him bite.

    Gradually, the pain didn't intensify anymore, and the cool lips gently rubbed against the wound, as if to soothe it.

    "Didn't you say that you were forced to marry him?

    Didn't you say you loved me for more than ten years?

    Why don't you come to me?

    Why don't you wait for me?

    I am in love with you now, I am madly in love with you, but you tell me that you are already in love with him, and you abandoned me.

    Why are you so hateful and hateful?  I really want to kill you.  " Lan Qian howled in pain.

    Qu Ping's whole body was stiff and she didn't move at all.  The pain in her heart was no less than that of Lan Qian.

    She knew that Lan Qian loved her, otherwise she would not be able to sit here safely.

    But what if he loves her again?  Their attention can only be two parallel lines, and there will be no results.

    ? I met the wrong person at the wrong time, but that wrong person was the one who had been in my heart and soul for more than ten years.  Did God play a big joke with them?

    "But I couldn't do it. What did you do to me? After being deceived by you again and again, I still can't bear to part with you?" Lan Qian murmured in pain.

    "You little liar, you annoying little goblin, what should I do with you?" Lan Qian whispered heartbroken.

    Qu Ping's heart was also bleeding, she reached out to hug Lan Qian.

    "I'm sorry! I can't give you what you want, but I really didn't mean to lie to you. My husband and I have been hand in hand for eight years, and our love has already penetrated into the bone marrow. We love each other very much, and we have two lovely children.  I am very reluctant to tear this home apart.

    And you have already stood in my heart like a god, unattainable, sacred and inviolable.  Qu Ping caressed Lan Qian's back and spoke from the bottom of her heart.

    "Then you used to accommodate me, go along with me, and endured all the time, just because I promised you to find out the cause of Lin's death?" Lan Qian asked.

    "Yes!" hurts, but it's true.

    Lan Qian took a deep breath before suppressing the heart-piercing pain.

    "We really have no chance at all?" Lan Qian still didn't give up.

    "No!" Qu Ping replied firmly.

    "If he dies, don't I have a chance?" Lan Qian asked gloomily.

    Qu Ping was taken aback, her body trembling.  She pushed Lan Qian away and looked at him in horror: "What do you want to do?"

    "I want to kill him! I'm going to snatch you here!" Lan Qian stared at Qu Ping with her sinister eyes, and said ruthlessly.

    Qu Ping's body trembled even more, angry!  urgent!  Afraid!

    "Then what you got must be a corpse!" Qu Ping gritted her teeth and replied coldly.  (Remember the site URL:
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