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Text Chapter Thirty-Three The So-Called Truth

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    Chapter Thirty-Three The So-Called Truth

    Thunder Dun¡¤Kirin

    It is absolutely impossible to dodge the move of using the lightning falling from the sky.

    Because the speed is too fast.

    After all, that is the speed at which thunder falls, how many people can react at this speed?  Coupled with the gathered power of thunder.

    Almost the moment Sasuke waved his hand, lightning fell from the sky, shattering the huge building and turning the surrounding area into ruins.

    "What a powerful ninjutsu, did it succeed in this way?" Little Sasuke said in surprise, he didn't have time to think about that feeling, he didn't expect his future self to be able to create such a powerful ninjutsu

    No, it's not completely unexpected, after all, Sasuke from the farther future is also very strong, but it has never been revealed.

    This can be said to be the most powerful ninjutsu that Sasuke has seen so far, and the user of this ninjutsu is his future self. The possibility of this revelation surprised him very much.

    "Itachi fell to the ground."

    The smoke and dust dissipated, revealing Uchiha Itachi who fell to the ground, the red cloud robe on the black background had been shattered.

    "It's over?" Little Sasuke felt the emotion from Sasuke of this era again, and then set his eyes on Da Sasuke: "Is this over? What is the truth?"

    He didn't see any revealing of the truth, but he saw that he in this era tried his best to finally fulfill that long-cherished wish and successfully killed Uchiha Itachi.

    "Keep reading." Da Sasuke had a complicated expression on his face.


    Accompanied by such words, Uchiha Itachi, who received such a powerful blow from Uchiha Sasuke Raiden, stood up again!

    Although his body was staggering and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, he did stand up.

    Red chakras appeared all over his body, forming a human shape little by little.

    Appeared around Uchiha Itachi's body like a skeleton, protecting him in it.

    "What's this!?"

    "Susano, the third pupil technique born from the kaleidoscope Sharingan, everyone who holds a kaleidoscope will use this trick." Uchiha Sasuke said: "It is the secret of the Uchiha clan."

    Susano slowly took shape at this time, a real skeleton, and then flesh and blood appeared, and the whole body was covered with armor.

    "This feeling?"

    Jiraiya stared at Sasuke, who was kneeling on the ground as if in pain, for a moment: "This Chakra"

    "It's Orochimaru. Orochimaru wanted to get my body, but in turn I took his body away, but now my chakra is exhausted, so he came out again."

    "Oshemaru." Nagato said: "The legendary Sannin I didn't expect to see the power of two Sannin in a row. I will go to Konoha in a short time. This era  The Hokage seems to be Tsunade, one of the original Sannin."

    "In this way the power of Sannin will be fully displayed in front of me."

    Sure enough, with the screams of Sasuke in this era, a white multi-headed snake emerged from his body.

    "Is this Orochimaru's technique?"

    Susano fights Yamato no Orochi.

    The heads of the snakes one after another were cut off by the Chakra sword emerging from the gourd in Susanoo's right hand.

    And what emerged from the mouth of the last snake head was the Orochimaru that was swallowed in this era.

    But the next moment, the arrogant Orochimaru was directly sealed by the Chakra sword "Ten Fist Sword" that emerged from the gourd.

    It took only a few seconds to act aggressively, but the slap in the face came immediately.

    "It was killed like this?" Nagato said with some surprise.

    "No, not yet." Uchiha Sasuke said: "That guy is very difficult to deal with, it is almost impossible to kill him, I can barely say 'sealed a part of Orochimaru' so, even in my  Orochimaru was still alive in that era."

    "And he has already obtained eternal life. How long that guy can live and how long he will live is completely unknown. He is a dangerous guy."

    "That snake is fine anyway, so I won't lose." Sasuke gritted his teeth and said, but the next moment, Uchiha Itachi coughed up blood while covering his mouth.

    Even Susano couldn't maintain it anymore.

    "This is? What happened?" Little Sasuke asked in surprise, "Does that technique consume a lot?"

    "Can Susano? ThisI can maintain this technique for as long as I want, but it does consume more pupil power.  "Da Sasuke said: "Itachi's state has nothing to do with this. His body has long since failed, and you should have noticed the slowness in the previous battle.  "

    "Even if I don't come in this era, he won't live long, and he is already terminally ill."

    "What¡ª?" Little Sasuke was startled, and became confused: "Then why did he take my eyes away? Even if it is taken away, it will restore the pupil power, and it won't make the disease recover?"

    "So he's lying to you." Jiraiya said: "That guy didn't intend to take your Sharingan away from the beginning, it looks like he wants to force Orochimaru out, that should be  his purpose."

    "Use the ten-fist sword to attack, and the Yata mirror to defend From the point of view of Susano, it is difficult to find a better match. Where did you find these things?" Da Sasuke looked.  Asked Uchiha Itachi on the side.

    "I don't know." Uchiha Itachi said: "I already have the Yata Mirror, but the Ten Fist Sword hasn't fallen yet. This is the future me, and it's normal to have more things than me."

    "Hey, wait! Stop chatting! I've been cornered." Little Sasuke said, "That guy is going to poach my eyes, are you just watching here now?"

    "Ah, don't be impulsive, just watch it here." Da Sasuke held Xiao Sasuke and said: "Andyou have to watch it carefully."

    "That guy¡ª!" Xiao Sasuke gritted his teeth and watched, watching Uchiha Itachi approaching step by step, and seeing the despair on his face.

    All the means of attack have been ineffective, and my eyes are about to be


    That Uchiha Itachi stopped suddenly.

    After finishing speaking, he tapped Sasuke's forehead with his fingerthe whole person lost his breath.

    "?" Xiao Sasuke was completely stunned.

    Although he is still young, he has a good mind. The big Sasuke kept saying 'truth' and 'truth' along the way, but he didn't say what the truth is.

    And in the previous battles, Uchiha Itachi has always acted as if he wanted to take away Sasuke's eyes in this era.

    Although Da Sasuke kept saying things like "acting" and "fake", Xiao Sasuke didn't fully believe it.

    Until now Watching the last Uchiha Itachi regain his most familiar appearance, that gentle smile, that familiar finger on his forehead

    "What the hellwhat happened?" (
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