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Text Chapter Forty-ninth Wildfire Village Mutation

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    In the next few days, Qingshui City has been very calm, and the impact of the last invasion is slowly fading, and it seems that everything has returned to its previous appearance.

    As usual, Zhang Haoran is still sitting in the command room. It is already four o'clock in the afternoon, and in two hours, this ordinary day will be over again.  While sorting out the materials in his hand, Zhang Haoran suddenly heard someone calling him.

    "Section Chief, there seems to be something wrong."

    Turning his head to look at the direction from which the voice came from, Zhang Haoran asked, "What's the matter, Xiaoye?"

    The staff member named Xiaoye glanced at his computer, and then replied: "There seems to be something wrong with a settlement. They haven't sent us a message for a week."

    After hearing this, Zhang Haoran didn't say a word. He frowned and came to Xiaoye's side, and asked, "Which settlement is it?"

    Looking at the computer screen, Zhang Haoran saw a small red dot with the words "Wildfire Village" marked beside it.

    "Wildfire Village hasn't contacted us for a week?"

    "Yes, but it's strange. Several other settlements have sent messages. Why didn't Yehuo Village only send messages? Could it be that they forgot?"

    There are many settlements around Qingshui City, and Qingshui City has connections with them. These settlements will send messages to Qingshui City every three days or so, which can be regarded as confirmation.  But who knows, this time the settlement called Wildfire Village has not responded for a week. Is this an accident?  Or did the other party forget?

    Having a bad premonition in his heart, Zhang Haoran asked: "Did you just find out, Xiaoye?"

    "Well, I was busy processing the data of the last intrusion some time ago, so I didn't have time to read it. I just discovered this problem after sorting out the data."

    After speaking, Xiaoye scratched his head in embarrassment. It has always been responsible for the monitoring work of the settlement. No matter what the reasons are, the current situation is his work error.

    Instead of scolding the other party, Zhang Haoran stared at the screen tightly, thinking about what was going on in this settlement.

    However, before he thought about it for a long time, someone suddenly stood up in the command room, and said to Zhang Haoran, "Section Chief, the city defense army called, and they said they want you to go there, it's at the west gate.  "

    "okay, I get it."

    City defense army?  What do they want to do with themselves?

    Suppressing the confusion in his heart, Zhang Haoran walked out the door.

    Driving to the west gate of Qingshui City, Zhang Haoran saw several soldiers waiting for him from afar.  After stopping the car, Zhang Haoran walked towards the other party.

    "Hello, Chief Zhang."

    After the leading soldier saluted Zhang Haoran, he continued to speak: "I am the captain of the Fourth Brigade of the Patrol Team of the City Defense Army, Zhao Fan."

    After shaking hands with the other party, Zhang Haoran asked: "Captain Zhao, what do you want from me?"

    Zhao Fan didn't talk nonsense. After gesturing to the soldiers under him, several soldiers hurried to the troop carrier in the distance.  After tossing and turning on the carriage, several people quickly came to Zhang Haoran carrying a stretcher.

    Looking at the unconscious middle-aged man on the stretcher, Zhang Haoran asked doubtfully, "This is it?"

    Zhao Fan explained: "The name of this person is not known yet, but he himself said that he is a treasure hunter."

    So-called treasure hunters, they refer to a certain group of people.  Before the arrival of the other side, human beings possessed many precious works of art. With the occurrence of disasters, many precious works of art were buried underground or in ruins.  After the disaster and the reconstruction of civilization, many businessmen attach great importance to these works of art, and often pay high prices for them.  People make money and birds die for food. Under the instigation of merchants, a large number of explorers who look for artworks for resale have also spawned. For such people, people call them treasure hunters.

    Because most works of art are lost in the wild, treasure hunters take considerable risk each time they go, but the rewards can be huge if they do succeed.  So, in today's world, being a treasure hunter is a special kind of profession.  All major forces and organizations have treasure hunters, but Qingshui City is special, so there are not many people who make a living from treasure hunting.

    Looking at the face of the middle-aged man, Zhang Haoran pondered: "A treasure hunter? What's going on with him now?"

    Zhao Fan said: "According to his description, when he returned to Qingshui City from the wilderness today, he reported to us when he entered the city that he found something abnormal in Wildfire Village. I asked him to describe what happened in Wildfire Village.  Talking and talking and then passed out."

    Abnormal?  Passed out?

    Reminiscent of the fact that in the command room, Xiaoye told herself that Yehuo Village had not been contacted for a week. Combined with the current situation, Zhang Haoran realized that something really happened to Yehuo Village.?.

    Thinking of this, Zhang Haoran said anxiously: "What did he say, please repeat it to me."

    After recalling for a while, Zhao Fan said: "He said that he had finished eating his dry food in the wilderness, and he had been hungry for two days.  After Yehuo Village, he found that the whole village was silent, and there was no one there, so he called out a few times, and when no one answered, he opened the door of a house."

    "I didn't expect that after opening the door, the family's corpses fell in disorder at the door, and the ground was covered with blood. He ran away in fright. After wandering around for a while, he pushed open the door of another villager's house, and the result was another  All the members of the family also died. Later, he opened all the houses in the village and checked, and he found that everyone in the village had died, from infants a few months old to elderly people in their 70s and 80s.  The whole village was spared."

    "What's even more bizarre is that he said that the livestock raised by the villagers were all dead. He was so scared that he almost peed his pants when he saw it, and he didn't dare to stay in the village. He ran out of the village as hard as he could, saying that there was still food on the side of the road.  Saw the skeleton."

    "He fainted when he talked about it, so that's all I know."

    With an incredulous expression on his face, Zhang Haoran said in surprise: "You mean, all the people in Yehuo Village are dead?"

    "Yes, he told me personally."

    Having glanced at the treasure hunter on the stretcher, Zhang Haoran now understood why Yehuo Village did not contact Qingshui City for seven days.

    Wildfire Village is already a dead village.

    And this time, if it wasn't for this treasure hunter, then no one would know the situation of Yehuo Village.  Even if a team is sent to inquire about the news, it will be at least a day after the team returns.

    But then again, the villagers of Yehuo Village are all dead, so what is the reason?

    With a wave of his hand, Zhang Haoran said to Zhao Fan, "Take him to the hospital quickly."


    Watching the green military vehicle slowly driving into the city, Zhang Haoran frowned, and then he took out his mobile phone and called Jiang Cailing.
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