The story begins with a gambling boat in the dark The male protagonist, Kaiji Ito, is muddle-headed and achieves nothing, and he is burdened with millions of debts because he kindly guarantied others. In order to repay the arrears, Kaisi accepted the instigation to board a ferry named "Hope Ship" in order to participate in a mysterious gambling game. Once he wins, the arrears can be written off. After boarding the pirate ship, Kaisi discovered that most of the participants were failed youths like himself. Then the organizer conveniently set out the rules of the game: Participants must use the poker marked "rock, scissors, cloth" as a prop to capture the star logo on the opponent's body. Participants will lose their qualifications, and the huge sum of money they can borrow from the organizer at the beginning of the competition has also become an important factor for them to make a profit or escape