The forty-year-old Hatoko (voiced by Miki Nakatani) is currently working in a cosmetics planning and development department, where she serves as an assistant to the head of the department. As a single person, she would drink a glass of spirits mixed with water every lonely night, and then lay drunk on the bed recalling the "best ten" of her past life, such as the death of her grandmother, running away from home, her first overseas trip, and passing the exam. College, dating a boy for the first time, and breaking up with her boyfriend all made her dreamy, but full of melancholy. Even though he graduated from the prestigious University of Tohoku, it seems that he is farther and farther away from the happy life he envisioned in high school. At this moment, she received an invitation from her classmate association, and the name of her first boyfriend moved her heart
This animation does not seem to have been singled out. It is a Japanese animation series "Anime Time for Adult Women". It uses the novels of Naoki's female writers as the script and describes the unique life experiences of adult women. You will find a part of yourself in each story. It¡¯s very short, within half an hour. I personally like this episode the most. I can¡¯t tell you the specific plot, because a lot of joy is the joke brought by the contrast caused by the reversal of the plot. As the name suggests, it is the ten best things in a woman¡¯s life. , It¡¯s all very small things, but it¡¯s not Xiaozhenxing¡¯s style, on the contrary, it¡¯s a bit irrational at first thought, but the more you think about it, you can¡¯t help but laugh.
The recent social news is really too annoying, why don't you watch this and have fun, and reap the joy of the day in half an hour. (Remember the site URL: