The film tells the story of a young homeless man Yong Nam (played by Cao Jung-seok) who ran into Yizhu (played by Lim Yoon-ah), a student from a college club at his mother¡¯s 70th birthday party, and escaped with her from a city covered by poisonous gas of unknown origin. It is a new type of disaster action movie.
South Korea's summer box office champion, and "Extreme Job" is weaker than the script, but it feels good, it is a very pure popcorn movie, it will not antagonize the audience at all, all rhythms and plots are used to stimulate adrenaline . One thing that the director is good about is that he handles the sensational points more restraintly. He will not let everyone sensationalize for more than 3 minutes, and basically finish it in one minute, and he does not pursue reflection on the human level. The parkour scenes are a bit weaker than the special parkour movies I watched before, but because the whole rhythm is fast, it is quite exciting, and it is closer to the level that ordinary people can understand.
This theme is the same as the Japanese movie "Survival Family" released last year. It is about a family saving themselves when disaster strikes, and they are all warm and heartfelt. It is really rare for this kind of movie to be made into a family movie, because I like watching wilderness. Survival and wasteland movies, not to mention movies of this type, even variety shows love to test human nature. Occasionally seeing such a small and fresh one is actually quite good. Of course, the quality is still higher than that of human nature, at least the script is very good. , It¡¯s just that after watching those movies, it takes a while to watch, unlike these decompressing process of watching, you can forget it immediately after watching. The only feeling is that people should exercise more.
By the way, I recommend "The Kim Drifting" as a Korean survival film. The hero jumps into the river and commits suicide, but wakes up and finds himself drifting on a deserted island in the middle of the city. Compared with other wilderness survival films, this film is new in that it is set in In the city, we can see many paradoxes of modern society from the life of Robinson Robinson in the city. Moreover, the hard corner of the main character is very close to the people, and there are regular ships passing by the river. The male protagonist's psychological transformation from trying to ask for help at the beginning to enjoying himself and avoiding the outside world in the middle is quite interesting. (Remember the site URL: