The Australian TV series "Miss Fisher's Detective Collection" is adapted from the novel "Flaine Fisher Detective Novels" by Australian writer Kerry Greenwood. The first episode of the first season premiered on February 24, 2012. It tells the story of a lady named Fisher who investigates cases in Australia. She has a cheerful personality, is full of wisdom, and is quite beautiful.
Thank you for the recommendation from the chubby fashion goddess G. The Amway she gave is: The heroine, Miss Fisher, is a rich, beautiful, and tasteful mature woman. Except for the inspector, who is a solid white moonlight, she saw anyone who was interested in solving the case. Handsome passers-by will flirt with each other, and then sleep with satisfaction. She is simply the most favorite heroine of all the dramas I have seen so far.
?After seeing such comments, I couldn't help but read it. The heroine is not beautiful at first glance, but she really becomes more and more attractive as the plot unfolds, and the costumes are also very good-looking. Although there are suspicions of anticipation and Marysu, the difficulty of the case is also low, not as good as my Miss Bai Yueguang Marple. But overall still very interesting. According to the original book, the real male protagonist is a mysterious wealthy businessman of Chinese descent, and the emotional drama between the two of them was weakened in the TV series, but Fisher has a bunch of good p friends.
I also forgot which little angel pushed "Best Bid" a long time ago. It was probably rated as a complete collection of green tea and liar's routines, with a little bit of Lolita meaning. I lost half of the surprise when I watched this because of spoilers, so if you want to watch it, you can watch it directly. (Remember the site URL: