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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Prose -> dream record

Chapter 838 2021.9.26 Lost on the road

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    Yesterday, I dreamed again My mother and grandma and I sat around a round table for dinner. We chatted while eating, and it was very lively.  My sister sat on my left, my mother sat on my right, and my uncle sat directly opposite me.  My sister said something, and I happily applauded her, thinking about acting like a baby.  Uncle laughed and said that I was not as good as my mother, and repeated the word "maybe" that my mother said about my sister, and everyone laughed.

    My sister asked me to ride her all-inclusive electric bike to her house, and I agreed.  After the meal, I rode that electric bike and galloped on the road. This was the second time I rode this road, and I rode this bike once not long ago.

    At this time, the road in this section is relatively old. The central motor vehicle lane is not too wide, and it is separated from the non-motor vehicle lanes on both sides by a thick and clumsy cement flower bed green belt.  I was driving very fast. At this time, I have not yet entered the interval area with green belts. There is no green belt for a part of the length here.  When I was about to ride into the section of the road with a green belt, I saw a few cars blocking the road on the non-motorized lane, which was not easy.  At my current speed, if I want to turn into a non-motorized lane, I have to grab the brake on the handlebar hard, and I have to slowly follow behind the small congested cars, which doesn't feel good.  The other way is to drive directly from the motor vehicle lane against the green belt on the right, wait until the next green belt break in front, and then turn from the motor vehicle lane to the non-motor vehicle lane, so that you can quickly avoid the few grinding cars on the non-motor vehicle lane.  It is the quickest way to drive a car without grabbing the brakes and waiting for the road.  Just when I was going to drive like this on the motorway, a white car with its lights on and some other cars came quickly along the curve in front of the motorway.  This directly forced me to turn into the non-motorized lane. In this case, if I insisted on driving forward in the motorized lane, it would be too dangerous, and safety is more important.

    I continued to drive on the non-motorized lane at a slower speed than before, and suddenly saw a group of people standing in the dark on the right in front of me. Several dark-colored cars were parked in the crowd near the right wall. The sea of ??people came from the right.  The wall on the side of the road has been covering half of the width of the road, and there is a large area in front of it.  Don't know what these people are doing here, the dark tone looks like everyone is dark and can't see clearly.  The sky is dark and bright, as if it is not yet dark, but it also seems to have just dawned.

    I gradually stopped the electric car, got off the left side of the car, and then walked slowly through the intersection left on the left with my hand.  This place happens to be the stuck point between the non-motorized vehicle lane and the end of the green belt. Passing through here, the front is spacious.  I just walked through this small entrance a few steps, just beside the crowd, I met Zijia (pronounciation) proprietress and the boss on my right side, the proprietress greeted me warmly, and then we said a few words and I went  Say goodbye and move on.

    I rode my sister's all-inclusive electric car and drove into the community on the right side of the main road. After entering the gate of the community, I turned along the road to Building E (code name), parked the electric car in the parking space here, and then walked towards  Pass the side door of the community.  This is the route I took when I rode this bike last time, and now I just copy it as it is.  This neighborhood is not the neighborhood of my sister¡¯s house. I need to walk out to the main road and find a car to get to the neighborhood of my sister¡¯s house.

    I walked to the side door of this community, which is an open single door in the middle of the side wall at the end of the community, a very simple wall and a very simple door.  When I walked out, I saw that the path outside the door was also crude, and the path was not very spacious, about two meters wide, running left and right.  I turned left and looked ahead of the road, and it felt like an old street.  The front is quite far from the intersection, knowing that walking straight out of this road will lead to the main road, so I can then find a car and take a car to my sister's community.

    But I stood there in a daze. At first, I felt that the walking distance was far away. I thought that I had walked such a long way from the place where the electric car was parked just now, and I had to continue to walk out of this small road.  find a car.  In fact, I just wanted to find a shared bicycle to ride. I thought it would be economical and easy.  But on second thought, didn't I come here on my sister's electric car!  Why do I have to park my electric car in this community before looking for a car to go to my sister's community?   Just ride my sister's electric car to the neighborhood of my sister's house!  Thinking of this, I suddenly felt a sudden change in my heart. I didn't know what I thought about such a simple thing at the beginning.   Recalling the first time I did take such a path, but the problem is that the two situations were different. The first time someone came to this community to ride the electric car I parked there, and it was another way for me to come out and ride the car.  There is a reason.  But this time, there were not so many chores, and no one came to ride the electric bike, but I was still copying the first path mechanically, which seemed crappy and unreasonable.  My sister asked me to ride her electric bike to her home. If I really park the car here and find a car to go there by myself, it will be a thousand miles away from the result that needs to be dealt with.  The car was not delivered, and I did not bring the car that should be delivered when I arrived.  Xu Shizhen will have to make another trip when the time comes.

    think of thisSon, I was speechless and annoyed, and decided to turn back and ride an electric bike.  But after thinking about the distance to each other, it is actually quite far to walk back from this community to the parking place. Finally, I decided to walk along this old street to the main road in front, then turn left and walk for a while to find this community.  The door, go in through the door.  Because the parking location is closer to the gate, it is convenient to find it from there.

    Walking on the main road, I walked along the left side of the road and searched far and near for the gate of the community on the left side. In my impression, I should see it not too far away. It is a very impressive gate building.

    Turning around, I walked in through the gate and looked around, but the more I walked, the more I felt something was wrong. It didn't feel like a living quarter here, and I became more and more sure that I had walked into a university campus.  Thinking back to the gate that I entered just now was indeed very impressive, and then thinking about the gate of the community that I entered by riding an electric car before, my impression is already blurred.  I regret that I didn't go back directly from the simple little side door of the community just now, and now I went the wrong way again, so I can only go out of this school first.

    At this time, I was walking on a small path that was not very spacious, with tall buildings on the left and right sides, and the same in front.  Observe that there are many windows on these upper floors, and there is a breath of life. It should be the dormitory area on campus where many students live.  When I was thinking about how to get out of this dormitory area first, I happened to see the front in the distance. On the road that turned left at the end of this road, a female student suddenly came out from the blind spot blocked by the dormitory building on the left.  , went straight to the right sideways, bowed his head and walked out from a single door opening left in an iron gate.

    As I was approaching that side, I looked at the iron gate,the gate opened on the cut side of the corner of the road, separated from the road by a certain distance.  It was painted with beige white paint, and it was an old-fashioned double-opening iron door welded by round iron pipes of different thicknesses.  Although the door is closed now, there is a large opening at the bottom of the left door to enter and exit. This design is common on such old doors.  The female student came out from here just now, and I concluded that this is a female dormitory area, and the one who came out of this dormitory area was the iron gate diagonally to the right in front of me.

    I approached the iron gate, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a young boy sitting in front of the main entrance of the small shop, looking at me blankly.  He was wearing light-colored off-white clothes and looked exactly like Huo Jianhua. He should be the owner of the small shop.  Except for the small shop on the other side of the road, there are clean and flat walls, so that place looks a bit abrupt and eye-catching.

    From the way the little brother looked at me, I concluded that he was fascinated by me, the so-called love at first sight.   After realizing this, I have the burden of being an idol, so I started to pay attention to my behavior.  Due to the height of the door opening, I also bent over and stepped out.  During the period, I lifted the bunch of white silk flowers wrapped in off-white paper that I was holding with both hands to a place that half covered my face, only showing a pair of eyes.  Knowing that his eyes are beautiful, he thought it would be more attractive to be mysterious like this, and the whole set of movements of bending down and raising his right leg to cross the door was also done gracefully.  The one-piece white dress on her body goes all the way to her knees. It looks good and is a plus.

    Almost simultaneously with my appearance, the little brother's small shop actually released the goddess' appearance music. I don't know if the little brother is listening to the song. Anyway, playing this kind of background music at this time is quite appropriate and beautiful.

    After I walked out, I continued to make an elegant left turn and walked along this main road in the school,the wind was blowing, and my white skirt was blowing with the wind.  For a while, my perspective left my body, and the perspective in front of me was my lower body walking in a white skirt. The corners of the skirt were blown and swayed by the wind, looking pure and beautiful.

    The angle of view returned to the normal line of sight of the body, and I was still walking forward.  From the time I went out to the present, I never looked back at that little brother, and I told myself not to look at it.  Thinking that the little brother should be behind me and still paying attention to me at this moment, I guess that maybe he will chase me and talk to me, and I also hope that he can chase me and say something to me.  But this vision did not appear for a long time. I had this expectation in my heart until this expectation gradually faded. I walked to the main gate of the university campus, which was on my right side, facing the main road.  Some students went out from the main road leading to the school gate on my left, and there were many students outside the gate.

    I turned right and walked out the gate, completely letting go of my dream about that little brother.  I didn't take a few steps outside, and among the scattered crowd, I met the leader of my former army, who was standing diagonally to my right.  The middle one, about fifty years old, is strong, wearing a camouflage military uniform and carrying a camouflage backpack.  It was a surprise and a pleasure for us to meet here by chance. It has been a long time since I think about it.  The leader withdrew his backpack and said he had something for me, then he put the bag at his feet and bent over to search for it.  At this time, comrade-in-arms Xiaohao (code name) ran to our side from a distance slightly slanted to my right. He was also wearing a military uniform, thin, and showed me a sunny smiling face.  I haven't seen Xiaohao for a long time, happy.  I don't know what they are doing here.

    The old leader rummaged through his backpack and found a simple small picture frame that was about the size of his hands. Inside was a small painting, which was given to me.  I happily accepted it.

    ?Feelingsomething is wrong outside the gate of this campus, the road is not like the road I took before(Remember the website website: what.

    The old leader rummaged through his backpack and found a simple small picture frame that was about the size of his hands. Inside was a small painting, which was given to me.  I happily accepted it.

    ?Feelingsomething is wrong outside the gate of this campus, the road is not like the road I took before(Remember the website website:
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