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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Prose -> Stepping on the Countryside and Sighing the Flowing Water

Chapter 28 Waiting for Abandonment Before Going Alone

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    Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, Xiuran did not go home for the holiday.  When he came out, he told his stepmother that he was going to the south to do a business, and it would take two months before he could go home.

    [1] "Thank you for sending rice dumplings" by Yang Juyuan. Poem

    When the spring comes in March, the spring is still there,

    ?The Duanyang Festival is coming again;

    ? Treasure the master's kindness and diligence,

    Manpanjiao is covered with millet and gold.

    In the evening, as usual, Qing Wan came to the wall in the northwest corner to play her bamboo flute, this time playing "Evening Wind and Flower Fragrance"[1].

    This is a folk song that misses a lover. Qingwan once sang it to Xiuran when she was young. I remember the lyrics in the third stanza: "The wind blows on the Dragon Boat Festival in May, and the gongs and drums are beating.  My little sister is all alone"

    Just savoring it carefully, the sound of the flute stopped abruptly, and then, a package of things was thrown out of the wall.

    Xiuran picked it up in the past, and opened it to see, it turned out to be a pack of zongzi.  He hurriedly picked one up, peeled off the green and yellow zongzi leaves, and revealed a bright yellow zongzi. He took a bite, and it was sweet and pleasant. This deep affection was deeply sweetened in his heart.

    He composed a poem casually:

    "If you don't eat three Lu baits for years,

    ? One day meeting is like an old friend.

    ? Spinning and peeling green wild rice with fragrant hands,

    ? Test meal yellow soft sticky lips.  "

    Xiuran was eating deliciously, a carriage came over, and the driver saw Xiuran eating rice dumplings by the side of the road, so he asked, "Young master, I have watermelon in the carriage, do you want it?"

    Xiuran asked in surprise: "Watermelon? Where can I get watermelon this season?"

    "So it's a rare thing!" said the driver proudly, "I bought it from Qiongzhou [now Hainan] through a trustee, and I planned to sell it in large quantities before the festival, but the cargo ship was delayed for several days on the Grand Canal, which caused a lot of trouble.  I just got it today."

    "Then, how much is your watermelon per catty?"

    "I don't want more silver from you, thirty cents a catty."

    Xiuran shouted loudly: "Qiongzhou Shalu big watermelon sells~30 cents a catty~"

    "You son, I didn't ask you to sell it for me. I asked you if you would buy it or not?" The driver thought, who is this?  While eating I was thinking about it, when I heard the bamboo flute sounded again in the courtyard, but the strange thing was that the tune only had three notes, which were clearly the three notes of "I want to eat".

    Xiuran laughed and said, "I have brought you business by hawking. You see, this is how business should be done. You need to peddle along the street."

    In fact, this coachman is not in business, he is just a solicitor, wanting to earn some extra money, so he wants to sell some watermelons to Xiuran.  He asked, "Where is there a buyer?"

    Xiuran said: "Weigh five watermelons for me, leave one for me, and send the rest to the gate of this courtyard, and another beautiful lady will pick them up Oh, remember, you want  Selling all the way to deliver"

    "And why?"

    "If you don't sell watermelons, how would that lady know that you sell watermelons?"

    "Then what do you mean, I have to ask your wife for money?"

    "You are tight on the money, don't worry, I will pay you"

    "However, son, I don't have a scale, how about I sell it to you individually?"

    "How can you forget to bring your scale when you are in business? Then, how much are you going to sell?"

    "One of these big watermelons must weigh seven or eight catties. How about this, I'll give you one catty for thirty yuan, two hundred and one for seven catties, and one thousand and fifty yuan for five. Young master, give me one  How about two silver coins?"

    "Okay!" Xiuran paid the money readily, picked up a big watermelon and said, "You send those four to the gate of this yard, you go forward, turn left, turn left again and you will be there, remember,  To sell all the way"

    "Got it." The driver left happily.

    Xiuran hugged the big watermelon and led the leftover zongzi to his residence.  When he got to the house, he didn't bother to cook, so he ate all the yellow rice dumplings Qing Wan gave him, and he cut up the watermelon and ate two pieces to quench his thirst.

    After the stomach was settled, Xiuran lit the oil lamp and prepared to read a book to pass the time.  Suddenly, he felt a 'gurgling' in his stomach, followed by cramps. He quickly picked up a piece of paper on the table and ran to the toilet.

    "What kind of watermelon is this? Could it be that it is grown with crotons? Qing Wanye, please don't eat it" Xiuran was squatting in the latrine, thinking wildly, when she heard screams from the Xiulou  It's bad, she also has a bad stomach No, she won't make such a noise after eating a bad stomach

    He suddenly remembered Liu Haohao's advice before leaving: Cousin is going to have a baby.When she was sleeping, she would keep yelling loudly, so that you would not be able to hear it when you fell asleepCould it be that Qing Wan is about to give birth Thinking of this, he hurriedly pulled up his pants, and hurriedly wiped his buttocks before he could even wipe them off.  ran into the house.

    He changed into a very scary clothes in order to pretend to be a ghost to scare away others and win his son.

    While putting on makeup, he thought: Didn't it mean that there are still more than 20 days left to give birth, so why start calling now?  Could it be that she also broke her body from eating, had diarrhea, and pulled her son out?

    After he changed his clothes, he trotted all the way to the gate of Qing Wan's house.

    About three o'clock, Qing Wan's cry stopped, and a baby's cry pierced the night sky.  Xiuran's heart was filled with excitement¡ªI also became a father.

    Not long after, the door opened gently, and a dark figure sneaked out of the door with a package in his arms.  Xiuran knew about this black shadow, he was the newly hired servant of the Zhen family.

    [2] "Village Night" Bai Juyi. Poem

    ? Frost grass and insects are everywhere, and there are no pedestrians in the south of the village and the north of the village;

    Looking at Noda in front of the door alone, the moonlight buckwheat flowers are like snow.

    In a piece of gray-white grass that has been beaten by frost, bugs are whispering, and there are no pedestrians around the mountain village.

    Xiuran quietly followed the male servant, sneaking all the way.  They passed a field, and saw the bright moon shining on the endless buckwheat fields, and the buckwheat flowers all over the ground were like dazzling white snow.

    They followed to a grove again, and saw that the manservant found a big rock and stood beside it, still muttering something, but they didn't know what he was praying for.  After a while, he slowly raised the burden and threw it towards the stone.

    It was too late to say it, but it was so fast, Xiuran rushed forward. The male servant saw an evil spirit with disheveled hair, threw the burden on the evil spirit, and ran away

    Xiuran put the burden on the big rock, opened it hastily, and checked his son.  Seeing his son sleeping soundly, he was overjoyed, so he couldn't help lying down and kissing him.

    The male servant wanted to know if the evil spirit was chasing after him, so he looked back, and by the moonlight, he saw the evil spirit stretching its mouth towards the child, and exclaimed in shock, "The hungry ghost is eating the child" He rolled and crawled towards the child.  The village fled.

    Xiuran thought to himself: How can I support such a small child?  He thought of his confidante, Zhu Aifang, and knew that one of her sisters had just given birth a few days ago.  He picked up the child and walked to "Changchun Courtyard".  ? (Remember the site URL:
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