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Text 381: Lupine in action

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    Putting aside the misunderstanding on Harry's side, Lupine returned to school after two days of recuperation in the Screaming Shack.

    After two days of thinking, Lupine felt that the contents of the note were still credible, but Sirius Black, as a lunatic who blew up an entire street in public, made some unreasonable things.  Things are not impossible.

    There are not a few Death Eaters who only think about destruction.

    Therefore, Lupine also made a decision in his heart.

    First find out whether Ron Weasley had a mouse pet, and then take advantage of the Easter holiday to go out and investigate. Although it is likely that nothing can be investigated, Lupine needs more evidence to convince himself,  To believe what Blake wrote on that note.

    And if Black is really innocent, Lupine needs this evidence to exonerate him.

    "Today's class is over here. Before the next class, everyone needs to complete a paper on Evil spirits. The length must be more than fifteen inches."

    Lupine was tidying up the teaching aids on the table while assigning homework to the students, causing the crowd to howl.

    Even Lupine was starting to give them more homework as the final exams approached.

    After assigning homework, Lupine paused, and then said: "Ron, you stay first, and the others can go."

    Lupine didn't intend to inquire about it, but decided to ask Ron directly. Anyway, according to Sirius Black, Pettigrew Peter had already escaped, so there was no need for him to cover up his purpose.

    However, he didn't know that what he did frightened Ron.

    "Is he trying to bite me?"

    Ron grabbed Harry's robe tightly, and asked in a trembling voice.

    Before Harry could speak, Hermione rolled her eyes: "This is at school, and so many people know that you were left behind by Professor Lupine, and you were bitten by a werewolf who didn't transform.  , and will not become a werewolf, at most it will be a slight change in living habits such as like to eat bloody steaks and the like."

    "That won't work either!"

    Even though he said so, Ron was indeed relieved, but he still hoped that Harry and Hermione could stay with him.

    As for Fish?

    If he dares to do that, he will be beaten to death by other girls!

    "Sorry, I have to rush to my Muggle Studies class."

    Hermione resolutely refused, and then quickly walked out of the classroom.  Harry, on the other hand, stayed on politely.

    "What nonsense is she talking about? Didn't Muggle Studies start with Defense Against the Dark Arts?"

    After Hermione disappeared outside the door, Ron turned his head and said to Harry with wide-eyed eyes.

    Facing Ron's question, Harry, who knew no more than him, spread his arms and shrugged.

    The two were chatting, when Lupine came over, Ron immediately took half a step back and stared at him warily.

    Seeing this, Lu Ping was slightly taken aback, and then smiled wryly: "It seems that you have discovered my secret"

    He is too familiar with Ron's current state. Whenever someone finds out that he is a werewolf, he is basically in this state. Ron is not bad, and the aggressive ones will even attack him directly.

    "I didn't mean to hide it from you. It's just that it's very difficult for a werewolf to find a job. So, can you please keep the secret for me?"

    After his identity was exposed, Lupine appeared very generous, which made Harry even more convinced that he was not a bad person.

    And Ron still looked vigilant, but his attitude was slightly relaxed.

    "Of course," Harry nodded, "We still like the class you teach, as long as you don't attack the students, we have no reason to drive you away."

    Ron snorted twice. Although he was a little reluctant, he didn't object to Harry's statement.

    "Thank you so much." Lupine smiled, and started talking about business. "It's not a big deal for me to find Ron. I just heard that he had a special pet mouse, so I was curious and wanted to see it."

    "You mean Scabbers?" Hearing someone mention his pet again, Ron suddenly became depressed again, "It has disappeared, when our family traveled to Egypt probably by the cats there  Take it away."

    Consistent with what Sirius said

    Lupine narrowed his eyes, believing the note more and more.

    But heI still wanted to confirm further, so I continued to ask: "Can you tell me in detail? About Banban."

    "What's there to say about it?" Ron didn't know why, "Babber is just a very ordinary mouse. Percy raised it and left it to me."

    "Percy left it to you? How long has it been in your house?"

    "I don't know, anyway, I saw Percy raising it when I was very young."

    Now Lupine was basically sure that the mouse that Ron raised was definitely not an ordinary mouse if it wasn't Pettigrew Peter, and a mouse couldn't live so long.

    "Okay, thank you."

    Lupine didn't ask any more questions. Ron and the others obviously regarded Scabbers as an ordinary mouse, and they couldn't ask any more questions.

    So he smiled at Harry and Ron, and left the classroom.

    "What the hell is he doing?"

    Lupine's behavior was so weird that Ron, who was confused, even temporarily forgot his dislike of werewolves, and turned to discuss with Harry.

    "Who knows? Maybe the werewolf would want to eat mice before transforming?" Harry was also at a loss.

    "Oh, then I'd rather believe that Scabbers is some kind of magical animal, then it won't be eaten by those cats in Egypt."

    Thinking of Banban again after a few months, Ron felt a little sad again.

    "By the way, do you think it is possible that this matter has something to do with Sirius Black?"

    For some reason, this idea suddenly popped into Harry's head.

    "Don't make fun of me, buddies," Ron said with a laugh, "it can't be that Lupine is using a mouse to report to Black, right?"

    After the two of them had a clueless analysis, they put this matter behind them.

    On the other hand, after Lupine got the information he wanted, he basically believed the contents of the note, but he still planned to take advantage of Easter to leave school to search for more clues, preferably to find  Scabbers, suspected to be Pettigrew Peter's mouse

    Although that possibility is not great, whether it is to further ascertain the truth, or to clear Sirius' charges later, and to find Scabbers, or Peter Pettigrew, it is necessary.

    So Harry, who was still monitoring Lupine, soon discovered that with the coming of the Easter holiday, the little black dot representing Lupine had completely disappeared from the Marauder's map.

    "Professor Lupine is out looking for creatures that will be used in the next class and the final exam."

    When Harry asked Professor McGonagall about Lupine's whereabouts, this was the answer he got, and it was also the excuse Lupine used to ask Dumbledore to go out.

    However, in the eyes of Harry and others who had long been suspicious, Lupine probably took this opportunity to leave the school and join Sirius Black.

    So Lupine, who was about to get rid of suspicion, suddenly became suspicious again in the eyes of Harry and the others

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