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Chapter 267: Twelve Midnight

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    The silver column that reaches to the sky penetrates the sky and the earth, is guided by the compass that sets the sky, and covers my whole body.

    The big formation is reversed, and the master is automatically protected.

    Because of the rush of time, this is all the defense I can do.

    The next moment there was an earth-shattering explosion, and I only felt that my feet were empty for an instant, but it was Tai Sui that exploded.

    I flew out under the aftermath of the explosion, and the huge Yin Qi absorbed by Tai Sui filled the entire Yin courtyard.

    This is one of the consequences of the bursting of Tai Sui. Now that the rift in the underworld has opened, and it is midnight again, the yin-yang Pisces pattern is dominated by yin qi, and yang qi is weak, so yin qi will gather more and more.

    I have to seal part of the yin energy, otherwise the feng shui pattern of yin and yang Pisces will be broken.

    Second, the cracks in the ground are still expanding, slowly connecting, and deep pits appear.

    This is a sign that the rift in the underworld is widening.

    I was flying upside down, but my thoughts returned like a tide. Although my body and mental strength were extremely weak, even my seven orifices were shocked to the point of bleeding.

    But I still endured it and observed the current situation.

    How to do?

    I kept thinking, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

    Fortunately, I didn't fall into a deep pit, but landed at the junction of two cracks, lying dangerously on my side.

    I looked at the abyss-like ground space below me, exerted strength with my arms, rolled over, and wobbled to stabilize my figure.


    I coughed up two mouthfuls of blood, thinking about countermeasures.

    Talismans, formations, and secret techniques are all useless.

    Then we can only

    I took out the edict, my eyes were full of surprise.

    It is definitely not a coincidence that Qi Qiye Gui took out the edict at the charity auction, and I will use it in a blink of an eye.

    I even thought of the purpose of Qiye Gui's decree before heading to Shangxi Road.

    Combining all kinds of things, he may also have something to do with this place, and also has a relationship with my Wang family.

    These thoughts flashed by, and as far as the eyes could see, it was pitch black and the yin energy spread.

    The terrifying atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger, especially in the center of the Yinyuan, which seems to be more special.

    At the same time, the feng shui pattern of yin and yang Pisces has changed, and my own aura is rapidly integrating into the Yinyuan.

    Before, I had a large array of protection, which has not changed, but now it suddenly appeared, strong and unstoppable, reminding me of the body changes after nightfall when I was on the fourth floor. This is integration, and it reflects what Du Yu once said.

    Once you come in, you can't get out. The reason is that Yinyuan will transform outsiders into a part of the Feng Shui pattern!

    But I have the edict in hand, and I am not worried about being assimilated at all. Now I only need to seal the cracks in the underworld.

    Immediately, I ran towards the central position. Here, there is a huge deep pit, with Yin Qi like a pillar, running through the sky and the earth.


    I threw the edict into the air, directly submerged into the Yin Qi column, then changed my hand, pointed at the edict and shouted.


    The edict swirled in the Yin Qi column, and a large vortex suddenly appeared, immediately suppressing the Yin Qi column.

    The column of Yin Qi was instantly torn apart and shattered.

    I coughed up blood again. Although the edict is very convenient to use, it is absolutely invincible in terms of speed and strength.

    But now I am running the edict with a seriously injured body, and I was still backlashed after all.


    My hand decision changed again, and it was another command.

    The yin energy of the entire Yinyuan came rushing towards the edict, like rivers from all directions merging into the sea, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

    After most of the yin qi gathered, I estimated the balance of the yin-yang Pisces pattern, leaving a part of yin qi to fill here.


    I am another point, the command vortex bursts out with bright light, completely bursting out with all its power.

    The next moment, these yin qi suddenly entered the cracks in the ground, where they came from and went back!

    I was holding on to the feeling of fainting, and said weakly with the last order.

    "seal up!"

    The invisible aftermath of energy spread throughout the space, and the ground seam slowly healed under this mighty force.

    Seeing this scene, I was completely relieved.

    At the last moment, I seemed to see my grandfather. If there is no accident, I am afraid that there will be no more edicts.

    Lord, Wen Tao misses you.I fell down straight, my upper eyelids and lower eyelids were fighting, the will to hold on was finally broken, I couldn't bear it anymore, and I was about to close my eyes.

    But just when I closed my eyes, a bright light was drawn by the edict, as if rushing towards my body.

    I was startled, I don't know if it was an illusion, and then passed out


    I seem to have returned to my childhood, to the time when I learned Feng Shui from my grandfather.

    ?Memory is like playing a movie, but it is three times faster, and more of it is fragments.

    The last scene stayed at the scene when my grandfather left.

    "Wen Tao, my master is gone."

    A very short sentence made me feel reluctant to give up. I stretched out my hand to grasp, but only grasped a piece of darkness.

    I slowly opened my eyes, surrounded by dim lights, and a figure flickered.

    There was a commotion in the ears, and then a familiar voice yelled softly.

    "Give me some peace."

    It's Du Yu.

    My thoughts gradually returned, looking at the environment I was in, it should be in the Yin Building.

    Du Yu's appearance gradually became clear. With a happy expression on his face, he breathed a sigh of relief and asked softly.

    "Young Master, is there anything uncomfortable?"

    I pointed to my mouth, Du Yu was startled for a moment, then patted her head, and said hastily.

    "Quick, hurry up and prepare water for the young master, and let the chef make some nutritious meals."

    Immediately someone went out, Du Yu turned to look at me with guilt in his eyes.

    "I'm sorry, my subordinates can't help the young master share his worries."

    I didn't speak, my throat was so uncomfortable that I couldn't speak.

    On the 27th, Du Yu came over with a glass of water. Du Yu helped me up, and then carefully fed me water.


    I coughed twice, feeling like my lungs were going to explode, and it took me a while to say anything.

    "time and location."

    Du Yu said hurriedly.

    "It's the second day now, the time is 11:13 in the morning, and the location is the room on the fourth floor."

    I frowned slightly, how did I wake up so quickly?

    Du Yu looked at me nervously, but I ignored it, recalling all the things before I fell into a coma, and finally came to a realization.

    Could it be the light attracted by the edict?

    Could it be that thing is the essence of Tai Sui?

    I hurriedly felt my body, and found that the fatal injury was slowly recovering, full of vitality, but a recovery process was missing.

    Sure enough, although this Tai Sui is evil and covered by Yin Qi, it is still a magic medicine after all.

    Edict is worthy of being the treasure of my royal family, who knew to benefit me at the last moment.


    I sighed in my heart, thinking of my grandfather.

    It would be nice if this dream was longer.

    "Young master, are you alright?"

    I looked at Du Yu's concerned expression, then at the group of people who crowded into the room and looked at me curiously, and said in thought for a while.

    "Tell me first, what's going on outside." (Remember the website URL:
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