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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Horror -> Junior Feng Shui Master

Chapter 241 Stay for a meal, please

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    Hearing what I said, Ye Hongyu pursed her lips, and finally nodded slightly.

    We went upstairs and knocked on the door.

    The sound of footsteps made Ye Hongyu's expression more and more complicated, and finally hid behind me.

    The door opened, and there was a woman in her fifties. The years had left traces on her face, but the foundation of beauty was vaguely visible.

    This should be the mother of Sister Ye Hongyu.

    "Who are you?"

    I let out a breath slowly, and turned sideways with a smile on my face.

    The woman looked at me suspiciously, and immediately saw Ye Hongyu, she froze in place, her whole body began to tremble.

    "Red, red"

    The woman's eyes were foggy, and she couldn't even speak clearly.

    A man's voice came from inside the house.

    "Who is it?"

    "Red fish."

    The woman burst into tears out of excitement. These two words took her a lot of courage.

    "Who are you talking about?"

    The man's voice immediately rose, and a figure appeared at the door. Seeing Ye Hongyu, he was also excited, but he quickly calmed down.

    Although his eyes also started to turn red, he didn't cry like the woman did.

    It's just that his trembling body shows that he is also not calm.


    Ye Hongyue stepped forward with a smile and blinked at me.

    "Sister, what are you doing standing there, come into the house quickly."

    Ye Hongyu's expression was extremely complicated, her hands that had nowhere to rest kept stirring the corner of her clothes, her eyes were a little dodgy, she didn't dare to look into her parents' eyes, I stood aside and didn't speak, and I didn't know what to say.

    Seeing that Ye Hongyu didn't respond, Ye Hongyue hurriedly spoke.

    "Mom and Dad, I actually knew that my sister was coming, but she wanted to give you a surprise, so I didn't let me tell you."

    The woman looked overjoyed and said in a choked voice.

    "Really, Xiaoyue."

    "Of course it is true, oh, what are you doing standing outside the door, come in quickly."

    Ye Hongyue dragged Ye Hongyu into the house, their parents hurried out, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

    I can somewhat understand the current atmosphere. The mother and daughter who haven't seen each other for 20 years must be a little strange to both sides.

    But as the fetters of children, these strange things are insignificant.

    But apart from being unfamiliar, there was also being at a loss, whether it was Ye Hongyu, the daughter, or the couple.

    But this kind of atmosphere will not last long, and a topic or person is needed to open up the situation.

    Obviously, I was the breakthrough to open up the situation.

    "Hello, you and Red Fish"

    Meeting the woman's curious eyes, I smiled.

    "Hi auntie, I'm Ye Hongyu's friend."

    "What's the boy's name?"

    "Wang Wentao."

    "How long have you known Red Fish?"

    "We've known each other for a long time."

    "Where is the young man from?"


    "The kid Hongyu has a cold personality, and I'm causing you trouble."

    "No auntie, she's fine."


    Through talking, I learned the names of Ye Hongyu's parents.

    Ye Hongyu's father's name was Ye Cheng, and his mother's name was Li Shufen, which fit well with the names of that era.

    Following our conversation, the atmosphere eased. Li Shufen couldn't hold back her smile, and kept taking out fruits and all kinds of food, for fear of not being well received, but her eyes also peeked at Ye Hongyu from time to time.

    Although Ye Cheng kept silent, he also cared about Ye Hongyu very much, but he didn't say anything, but his attention was always on this side.

    Soon, both sides had a topic that no one could avoid, or a topic that both wanted to face.

    Li Shufen looked at Ye Hongyu, hesitated to speak, and her eyes turned red again.

    Ye Hongyu and I sat on one side, Li Shufen and Ye Hongyue sat opposite, and Ye Cheng sat in the distance.

    Li Shufen really wanted to sit down, but she never had the courage.

    Ye Hongyu lowered her head slightly expressionlessly, her trembling body revealed her nervousness.

    "Red, Red Fish, how have you been all these years?"

    Ye Hongyu shuddered,Answer for a long time.


    There was no emotion in her voice, she was very indifferent, and she also raised her head to look at Li Shufen and at her mother.

    There was stubbornness in her eyes, and there seemed to be irony in her eyes.

    I frowned slightly, sighed in my heart, and didn't speak.

    Li Shufen forced a smile, unconsciously avoiding Ye Hongyu's gaze.

    "That's good, we can rest assured that you are doing well."

    "rest assured?"

    I don't know if Ye Hongyu couldn't suppress the emotions in her heart, or if she wanted to say something a long time ago, she opened her mouth.

    "Don't worry about me?"

    Li Shufen opened her mouth, Ye Hongyu seemed to laugh at herself.

    "I'm already twenty-five years old, what's there to worry about?"

    "Red Fish, I, I I actually don't know what to say."

    "Do you not know what to say, or do you have nothing to say?"

    Ye Hongyu looked into Li Shufen's eyes.

    "You don't want to say sorry, do you?"

    Ye Hongyu's unexpectedly strong and stubborn appearance made her words full of sourness.

    Li Shufen looked a little flustered, and Ye Hongyue wrinkled her nose.

    "Sister! This is our mother."

    Ye Hongyu withdrew his gaze and said calmly.

    "I'm already very vague about what our mother looks like."

    Li Shufen started crying again, Ye Hongyue looked at Ye Hongyu angrily.

    "Sister, why are you always like this, we are a family, can't you talk well?"

    "Is it a family?"

    Seemingly stimulated by Ye Hongyue's words, Ye Hongyu's mood was a little unstable, so she raised her volume and said.

    "Is there a family member who pushed his own daughter out at the age of five? Not only do I blur her appearance, but I don't even remember this family. Isn't this normal?"

    Ye Hongyu laughed at himself.

    "My home is that mountain, that Taoist temple and that old man."

    "Sister, you are too much!"

    Ye Hongyue's pretty face flushed slightly, and said loudly.

    "Mom has always been thinking about you, and hoped that one day you would come back, but you have been avoiding it!"

    Ye Hongyu didn't speak again, but Li Shufen hurriedly waved her hands.

    "Xiaoyue, stop talking, it's all my fault, it's all my fault."

    She looked at Ye Hongyu and said with a sob.

    "Red fish, it's mom who's sorry for you. I know you hate me in your heart. It's been twenty years and I hate myself too. It's my fault. I don't expect you to forgive me. I just hope that you can give me a chance."  , after all, you are my daughter."

    Ye Hongyu had a complicated look on his face, and he still didn't speak, but his fingers had already mixed the corners of his clothes together.

    "Anyway, mom will be happy if you come back. I don't know what to say. If there is something wrong, tell me and mom will correct it."

    Ye Hongyu shuddered all over, the word "Mom Gai" softened her heart.

    I saw it in my eyes and knew that Ye Hongyu's mood must be very complicated, but it should be very clear.

    "Red Fish, don't be in a hurry to leave, please stay and have a meal, please." (Remember the website URL:
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