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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Horror -> Junior Feng Shui Master

Chapter 150

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    Even in my dreams, I would never have imagined that the purse that Wang Baobao gave me turned out to be a map.

    I didn't pay attention when she was embroidering, and I didn't pay attention when she gave me the purse, but now, I was really shocked.

    The pattern on the purse is a huge mountain range. In the center of the mountain range is a flower bone. As expected, this is the location of the Heavenly Corpse Land. The surrounding petals are mountains. The pattern on the flower symbolizes the route  .

    The reason why I am so sure is because it is too vivid, and with the vision of the wallet glowing and hot, I am 100% sure that this is definitely a map.

    Yan Sitong and Mo Shan hurriedly looked over, their eyes were full of shock.

    I suddenly didn't know what to say, did Baby Wang already reach this point?

    "Third Master, this is the map leading to the Heavenly Corpse Land. Are we at this location now?"

    There is a red dot on the map, on the outskirts of the mountains, this should be our location.

    It's no wonder the three of us were so shocked, this is quite the satellite positioning of modern society.

    "Third Master, how did you do this?"

    I pondered for a while.

    "This is the blood of Baby Wang."

    There is a hard object in the purse, which should be a medium like a jade pendant, on which Baobao Wang's blood soaked, thus producing the current miraculous vision.

    I am 80% sure in my heart.

    ?Because the dragon veins intercepted by my grandfather were suppressed in the Tujia village, the formation seals were still dominated by the blood of the Wang family.

    So the formation, the heavenly corpse, the dragon's veins and the Wang family's bloodline, have already been connected in the dark.

    It is reasonable to have such a vision, this is the magic of the nature of the world and the aura.

    As for the map, it should be the clues left by my grandfather back then, and it is an inheritance that all generations of the Wang family need to keep in mind.

    Thinking about it this way, everything in the purse can be matched, but it is difficult to copy the purse because there are not so many prerequisites.

    I pondered for a while. Although there is a purse map, there is no detailed route to the Heavenly Corpse Land on it. It is just a framework. We still have to decide how to get there.

    Yan Sitong and Mo Shan didn't bother me. After a while, I pointed to the northeast direction.

    "Go from here."

    We are now on the periphery, and it is not realistic to continue walking straight through the sky, because the mountains ahead are high and dangerous.

    Then you can only find a suitable path around and go straight through.

    I took the Tiantian compass and started to walk northeast.

    On the way, we rested for half an hour, and arrived at the inner circle of the mountains around three o'clock in the afternoon.

    Just walking to the northeast end, I suddenly felt something was wrong.

    Because we're going full circle here.

    Mo Shan also felt it, and couldn't help asking.

    "Third Master, you also found out?"

    I nodded and looked around. The dense forests and peaks of different heights made the surrounding environment look the same.

    "climb mountains."

    I pointed to a mountain peak on the right.

    "The terrain is good for the shape, it is born between mountains and rivers, it is used for mazes, and it was born on Fengshui."

    What I mean in layman's terms is the current location, the environment has been changed by Feng Shui, so I can't get out.

    In my perception, the mountain peak on the right has a spreading aura, and it should be a place where Fengshui is arranged.

    The three of us climbed to the top of the mountain and saw a huge boulder.

    On the front of the boulder, there are engraved gossip figures.

    Mo Shan and I looked at each other, Mo Shan said.

    "Gossip? Is this a maze? One-sided gossip is not enough."

    I pointed to the opposite mountain peak.

    "Don't think about it, there are gossip on the four high mountains in the east, west, north, and south."

    Mo Shan and Yan Sitong looked over and nodded frequently.

    "It seems that there really are. In this way, there are gossip on the top of the surrounding mountains, corresponding to the basin below the mountain. No wonder we can't go out."

    I looked at Yan Sitong and explained.

    "This is not the formation in the records. Fengshui is infinitely varied, and Qimen Dunjia is also adaptable."

    "At present, gossip from all directions is a derived formation, and it is also a conventional Fengshui formation."

    Yan Sitong nodded and asked.

    ??What shall we do then?  "

    I mused.

    "There is definitely a path leading to the Heavenly Corpse Land at the foot of the mountain, otherwise the high mountains on all sides will not be able to set up the gossip feng shui situation, and must be broken."

    "Third Master, how do you plan to break it?"

    Mo Shan pointed to the giant gossip stone with a solemn expression.

    "We have no tools at hand, and we can't use the talisman. It is impossible to explode. The most important thing is that the gossip has always been guarding. Now the four mountains are connected, and we have both offense and defense. If we try to move, we may be backlashed."

    I smiled.

    "Naturally, formations must be used to fight against."

    Mo Shan was taken aback, as if he didn't understand what I meant.

    I took out the command flag from my bag and looked at Mo Shandao.

    "The command flag can be used as a prop to break the formation."

    Seeing Ling Qi, Mo Shan exclaimed.

    "Flag array!"

    I can understand Mo Shan's surprise.

    The flag array is to use the command flag to set up and break the array, which is something that all Feng Shui masters know.

    But it is not a method that everyone can use. Among them, at least one must read through "The Book of Houses", "The Burial Book", "Shaking the Dragon" and other books on Fengshui formations.  , which is a prerequisite for displaying the flag array.

    Secondly, you must control the aura between yourself and the world. You don't need to change the world, but you must use the means to use the aura of the world. Only when both points are in place can you display the flag array.

    Among the array mages, the banner array masters are divided into a separate profession. The main reason is that they can break the formation and set up the formation without borrowing external force, but the banner array masters are quite rare.

    My age surprised Mo Shan, but it¡¯s hard for me to explain. I can¡¯t say that I¡¯m gifted and have a photographic memory?

    This is all the hard work and teachings of my grandfather and my uncle. If you can't become a banner master at the age of twenty-seven, it would be too shameful.

    Mo Shan gave me a complicated look and gave me a thumbs up.

    "The third master is worthy of being the third master."

    I smiled, looked at the gossip boulder in front of me, and said.

    "If you want to break this kind of gossip formation with both offense and defense, you can click through the eight characters right now."

    "Attack is worse than defense, and defense is worse than harmony."

    I pointed to the remaining three peaks.

    "There are eight trigrams in all directions, east, west, north, south, and everything within the envelope of the four mountains is a maze. The four mountains are connected with each other, and they flow endlessly. If you want to break it, you have to integrate into it."

    I placed the command flag around the gossip boulder, and placed another gossip, said.

    "Rong can also be understood as stealing. I want to secretly replace this gossip. After replacing it, I will integrate it into the Fengshui pattern of the four mountains, so that we can find key nodes and open up a path for us."

    As long as all the eight trigrams of the four mountains are replaced, the maze will be broken naturally, but there are not so many flags, and time does not allow.

    So I want to hide the truth, find another way, and tear off a corner of the formation.

    Mo Shan admired.

    "Third Master, you have been taught."

    I arranged the gossip, and just about to activate the formation, Yan Sitong suddenly exclaimed.

    "There seems to be someone on the opposite mountain." (Remember the website URL:
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