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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Reborn in 1999  Unleashing the Era of Black Techno

Main Text Chapter 1010 The country fully supports it!

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    Chapter 1010 The country fully supports it!

    The prospect of automotive quantum communication is so great, how can Changtian Technology let go of such a blue ocean?

    Cangqiong Automobile Company and the quantum communication team have already established a technical link, gradually transferring related technologies to Cangqiong Automobile.

    The principle is very simple, as long as the quantum communication system and real-time camera monitoring are installed on the car, and then through the quantum satellite that can monitor the city roads, the relevant data can be processed.

    Changtian Technology is afraid that this is not safe enough, so it arranges quantum cameras in low-altitude areas to form a trinity information processing system.

    Near the ground will also dispatch mobile drones to cruise. If there are too many vehicles in a certain area, the drone is equivalent to a mobile processor and monitor, effectively alleviating the problem of insufficient computing power.

    Quantum communication is real-time and unimpeded, and any information can be exchanged immediately.

    If a car is out of control, it may be judged by the processor and then automatically decelerate.  If someone insists on hitting someone or a car with his car, he will be controlled and the police will be called.

    As long as the processing capacity is sufficient, it can observe the situation of the surrounding roads in time, control the vehicle in advance, avoid traffic accidents, and keep humans away from the harm of car accidents.

    However, it is not easy to achieve the condition of "sufficient processing power". The number of quantum communication satellites must be sufficient, otherwise it will not be seen at all.

    Some people think that two satellites are enough to monitor the ground.

    One looks at the Eastern Hemisphere and the other looks at the Western Hemisphere.  Otherwise, look at the northern and southern hemispheres.

    How can there be such a cheap thing in the world.  The number of satellites is too small, and they can be seen but cannot be seen, so the number of satellites must be increased so that they can be observed in time.

    Two dogs looking at a hundred sheep is not the same concept as ten dogs looking at a hundred sheep.

    In addition, the processing power of each satellite is limited, and the transmission of so many traffic pictures is also a test of computing power, which depends on the number of stacks.

    Moreover, Xia Guo must launch such a satellite as soon as possible, because if you don¡¯t launch it, others will.  Musk's "Starlink Project" is to launch tens of thousands of near-Earth satellites. At that time, they will not be able to squeeze in if they want to.

    However, if Xia Guo is to be persuaded to launch enough quantum detection satellites, the prospect must be shown.

    Therefore, under the witness of the Academy of Sciences and the transportation department, an unprecedented quantum communication unmanned driving experiment began. For this experiment, Changtian Technology has to apply for the use of quantum satellites. At present, there are too few satellites, and too many projects have to be queued.  Really not enough.

    The experimental site is set in Suzhou and Hangzhou. The road conditions here are very complicated. There are a large number of ramps, side roads, intersections, schools, hospitals, and even unconventional lanes such as tidal lanes and waiting lanes. If you can pass the exam here, then  Don't be afraid of what happens.

    "Pedestrian crossing ahead, the operator should always pay attention to braking in manual mode!"

    "The car took the initiative to give way to pedestrians and passed smoothly."

    "The auxiliary road ahead merges into the main road, and the speed will be reduced automatically."

    "When there is a car coming from the opposite direction, it will automatically slow down and the car will be merged successfully."

    The test went smoothly. The car itself has a radar camera, there are drones in the sky, and there are quantum communication satellites in space. Coupled with chips and the powerful processing capabilities of the computing group, any situation can be detected and avoided in the first place.

    "It's so smooth that we can't even show the intelligence of our technology." The operator stretched his waist and said in a low voice. From the busy morning to the present, the whole person's spirit is tense. The experiment is too important.  A lot of pressure.

    "You crow's mouth!" The person in charge gave him a hard look.

    At this moment, the experimental car passed the gate of a residential area, and a car suddenly accelerated from the railing of the residential area.

    "Oh! That car is crazy!" The faces of all the people present changed drastically. The current situation is very dangerous. There are cars behind and behind the test car, and it is impossible to advance or retreat.

    Before the operator could react, the experimental vehicle moved by itself, and jumped out obliquely towards the front right, just to get out of an angle, when the out-of-control car plunged into the original position of the experimental vehicle on the road  , ruthlessly loaded onto other vehicles.

    "Uh, this" This scene stunned everyone present, this car will seek advantages and avoid disadvantages?

    At this time, something more powerful happened. The experimental car backed up slowly, found an angle to avoid the accident area, and drove away. Because the green light was on and the traffic started to move, of course it had to go.

    Everyone is reminiscing about the evasion just now. The evasion just now was perfect, and it just counted the nearby pedestrians, cars, etc.The existing information station network is completely useless to Xia Guo.

    Xia Guo is fully capable of controlling the initiative of the modern military communication system.

    The 21st century is not an era of hand-to-hand combat. The success of information warfare is directly related to the trend of modern warfare.

    This includes how much market value and how long the industrial chain is. It is impossible to calculate the economic accounts, employment accounts, and public accounts. No matter how you calculate it, it is a huge profit. Sometimes the country even works at a loss to ensure social stability.  What Sky Technology provides is all positive effects, and it can develop healthily and sustainably. What is it like to launch rockets for free!

    Some high-level executives are worried that if Xia Guo collects money, it will be easy for other countries to take advantage of the loopholes and poach Changtian Technology. The United States will definitely be happy to launch it for free.

    Based on the above reasons, relevant departments attach great importance to this matter and arrange it as a major project.

    ?The institutions of all links attach great importance to it, and no one wants to feel uncomfortable at this node. Besides, what Changtian Technology does is not beneficial to the country and the people?  You have your own benefits, why do you need a card?

    With the promise of the relevant state departments, Changtian Technology finally dared to divert resources, and the quantum communication technology will be fully promoted in the next generation of cars.

    The laboratory and the production line have started to work together, and the related technology needs to be changed to better adapt to the actual situation of the vehicle.

    On the other side, the production line has started to be remodeled, and the manufacturing equipment has begun to adjust the manufacturing process and link parameters. It is just waiting to start work. In the early stage, some prototype cars will definitely be produced for testing.

    Just when Changtian Technology was working on quantum communication, the press conference of the blue factory and the green factory has been put on the agenda, and the new mobile phone will be released globally in a few days.

    ? In order to build momentum, Blue Factory and Green Factory stepped up their propaganda efforts.

    ? Endorsements by top celebrities, TV, and websites are bombarded indiscriminately, and everyone can't help but watch it.

    Under such an atmosphere, Blue Factory and Green Factory are full of confidence.

    The mobile phone is equipped with the IOS system, which is fully benchmarked against Apple, and all the latest versions are used, and even minor repairs and patches are not missing.

    In terms of hardware, it surpasses Apple, Qualcomm's chips, and Sony's cameras are all the latest, and even Apple does not have such treatment.

    However, this kind of configuration has caused the cost of mobile phones in the blue factory and the green factory to skyrocket. Everyone is curious about what price the blue factory and the green factory will sell.

    The press conference started on time. The two companies were merged to make the scene look more lively. In fact, there were indeed many people participating in the press conference. The mentality of the media is that watching the excitement is not a big deal.

    There are still many anchors outside the arena live broadcasting. It is indeed a sea of ??people, with red flags waving, gongs and drums, and firecrackers.

    When it was released, the minimum price of both the blue factory and the green factory was 5,000 yuan.

    The reporter asked why they set this price. Chen Ming, the boss of the blue factory, said: "Our mobile phone is positioned as a high-end mobile phone, so our price will not be very low, but the experience must be very good."

    A reporter asked a very sharp question: "If the mobile phone sales are not good, will the price be reduced?"

    Shen Wei, the boss of the green factory, said very confidently: "We will not cut prices, and high-end products have the value of high-end products."

    As soon as these remarks came out, there was a stir on the Internet, and the vast majority were ridiculed.

    "Haha, it's not that I don't want to lower the price, but that I can't. If you buy such a configuration, the cost will be outrageous!"

    "Don't talk about the blue factory, the things in the green factory are expensive, and people earn less!"

    "There are only two talents like Chen Ming and Shen Wei out of five hundred people."

    "What do you mean two out of five hundred?"

    "Two two hundred and five!"

    "Laughing! It's like we'll buy it if it drops."

    There are also some people on the Internet who expressed their expectation for the mobile phones of the blue factory and the green factory. After all, they wanted to use Apple's IOS system for a long time, but they have not been able to do so.

    It's just that such people are very few and can be ignored.

    Seemingly intentional or unintentional, other mobile phones equipped with Apple's IOS system in the world also chose to develop conferences in the past two days. For a while, Apple's mobile phones seemed to occupy the entire world, and no other brands of mobile phones were seen anymore.
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