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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Reborn in 1999  Unleashing the Era of Black Techno

Chapter 717 Head-on battle

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    Motorola is a company in the United States. Although the Xia country market has contributed huge profits to Motorola, Motorola's key markets are still in the United States and Europe.

    Moreover, Motorola's marketing strategy is to cooperate with telecommunications companies in the United States, mainly for offline sales, which is the so-called package sales.

    This part of mobile phones is mainly aimed at affordable users, that is, users who do not have too many requirements for mobile phone performance.

    This part of the users is Motorola's user base.

    Therefore, whether Motorola develops powerful smartphones like htc has become less important.

    This is still somewhat different from htc and apple.

    In addition, in the era of smartphones, Motorola was already a little behind, so the amount of hardware he purchased from Changtian Technology was very small, and he was more likely to be constrained by politics and capital behind the United States.

    Under the balance, Motorola's top management thinks it's okay to offend Changtian Technology, but it just pays some liquidated damages, which won't hurt Motorola's muscles.

    But if it offends the capital of the United States or certain congressmen.

    Then it will be difficult for Motorola to develop more business in the United States and even Europe in the future, and it will be even less likely to compete with HTC and Apple.

    This is why Motorola gave up on cooperating with Changtian Technology.

    Wall Street Capital and the families and characters behind the scenes are also quite awesome.

    Very good at using small things to make big gains.

    If Wall Street directly uses its influence to ask Apple or HTC to stop the cooperation with Changtian Technology, both Wall Street, Apple and HTC will pay a very painful price.

    After all, apple and htc have already paid a lot of money.

    If Wall Street uses the capital behind them to directly negotiate with these two companies, the negotiations will definitely not go well.

    But it will be much smoother if you talk to Motorola.

    Although the total number of contracts signed by Motorola and Changtian Technology is not many, because Motorola is a world-renowned communication company, its influence is very large.

    When Changtian Technology was in full swing, Motorola took the initiative to terminate the cooperation with Changtian Technology due to safety and technical issues, which would form a domino effect.

    Motorola did this to tell the capital and technology circles.

    Don't cooperate with Changtian Technology anymore. Cooperation with Changtian Technology is not only not in the interests of the US technology industry, but also not in the interests of the US capital industry.

    Sure enough, Motorola's announcement severely impacted Xia Guo's technology market and the global capital market.

    After all, there have been rumors in Xiaguo's technology market and capital market for a while that companies such as Apple and HTC will terminate their cooperation with Changtian Technology.

    It has always been that the wolf has come, the wolf has come, and the wolf has never come.

    Now that Motorola has announced the news, it really is a wolf.

    Everyone is starting to worry!

    Motorola was the first to announce the termination of cooperation with Changtian Technology, so will he be the last?

    Everyone felt that it must not be the last one.

    At Apple headquarters in the United States.

    Countless reporters and I were also at the door of Apple. They just wanted to know whether Apple would terminate the cooperation with Changtian Technology?

    If Apple also announces the termination of related cooperation, it will be a blockbuster to the global technology community.

    Many iPhone users around the world are also very worried.

    Because they have used iphone 3gs and the latest iphone4, they can clearly feel the performance gap between iphone3gs and iphone4.

    The performance gap between the two mobile phones is not only due to the chip, but the most important thing is the hardware of Changtian Technology.

    Consumers are worried that if Apple terminates its cooperation with Changtian Technology and stops purchasing Changtian Technology's hardware.

    Then the performance of the iphone4 mobile phone will be greatly reduced.

    This is absolutely unacceptable to consumers who have already used high-performance mobile phones.

    Jobs did not expect that Wall Street would play this trick.

    This can be regarded as knocking mountains and shaking tigers.

    If several capital tycoons behind Apple come to negotiate with Jobs and ask Jobs to stop purchasing Changtian Technology's hardware, Jobs may really have no choice.

    So this time is very sensitive.

    It is absolutely impossible for Jobs to answer any questions from reporters.

    Because answering a wrong word at this juncture may cause destruction to Apple.?? Whether it is Wall Street or A-share institutions, brokerages or retail investors, everyone is facing a big enemy.

    The market will open at 9:30, and orders can be placed between 9:00 and 9:30. This is called call auction before the market opens.

    Wall Street funds and domestic institutions with Wall Street traditions immediately began to exert their strength.

    They frantically sold the shares of Yuedong Internet and Bird, or shorted through securities lending.

    This time, the share prices of the two subsidiaries of Changtian Technology, Yuedong Internet and Bird, were immediately pressed on the limit board, and the sell orders were very scary.

    The pending orders from 9:00 to 9:20 may be fake orders, because they can be withdrawn.

    However, the pending orders after 9:20 are real orders, because these pending orders cannot be withdrawn before the market opens.

    ?Taking Yuedong Internet as an example, the pending orders sold are as high as several million lots.

    If there is no tens of billions of funds, it is impossible to open the limit.

    Such a ferocious operation left the retail investors dumbfounded and terrified.

    Millions of pending sell orders mean that institutions are crazily stampede-style shipments.

    Institutions are desperate to ship goods, so don't retail investors stay here to stand high on the hills?

    This means that today's decline is only the beginning. The shares of Yuedong Internet and Bird are very likely to confirm the downward trend from today, and the decline must be at least 40 to 50%.

    If the institution is determined to ship, the drop is likely to reach 100% or even 200%.

    Retail investors were terrified.

    Hurry up and sell the stock price at the limit down, hoping to escape early.

    The panic generated by retail investors formed a stampede-style selling, and the number of selling orders placed was even greater.

    It is almost impossible to open the limit.

    After all, there is no institution or retail investor in Xiaguo who can suddenly spend tens of billions to save the price of a stock market.

    At this time, some institutions in Wall Street and Xiaguo were very satisfied with the reaction in the market.

    Everything is in their expectation.

    They are trying to cause the market to lose confidence in Changtian Technology by hitting the stock price of Yuedong Internet.

    And at this moment in Changzezhou.

    The investment and financing department of Changtian Technology has specially set up a studio.

    There are more than a dozen screens hanging in the studio.

    Some of them are watching the real-time stock prices of Yuedong Internet and Bird, some are watching the Shanghai and Shenzhen indexes, and some of the screens are watching the related futures indexes in the United States.

    At the same time, there are more than 10 colleagues in the investment and financing department, who are in the trading center of a securities firm in Suzhou and Hangzhou, and are always on the phone with the headquarters.

    Because this time the battle against Wall Street may involve hundreds of billions or even hundreds of billions of funds.

    Therefore, Changtian Technology found a broker to cooperate to ensure that it can complete the operation in a timely and smooth manner.

    All the staff are on standby, waiting for Chen Xiao's order.

    In the capital market, there may be some technologies or techniques that can help everyone win.

    But to really win, these technical skills are not worth mentioning in front of reality.

    "Mr. Chen, what should we do now?" I want to see that Yuedong Internet has evaporated tens of billions of RMB in one day, and he is covered in cold sweat.

    According to Chen Xiao's established policy.

    It is necessary to ensure that the fluctuation range of Yuedong Internet and Bird shares does not exceed 10%.

    So this time should be investing a lot of money to buy back shares.

    But seeing such a terrible pending order, Chen Xiao changed his mind.

    He not only wants to ensure the stock price stability of Yuedong Internet and Bird shares, so as to tell the market not to lose confidence in Changtian Technology, but also to tell those hungry wolves on Wall Street and some shameless institutions in Xiaguo, who is Xia?  The master of national finance.

    Chen Xiao wants all the institutions and capital on Wall Street involved in blocking Changtian Technology to liquidate their positions.

    Chen Xiao said to Wang Xiang: "If you want to find a way to pull the stock price to the horizontal line, you only need to pull the stock price to the horizontal line, seesaw it back and forth, don't surrender all at once, and don't pull it all at once."

    Following Chen Xiao's order, the staff of the investment and financing department used multiple accounts and different brokerages to buy shares in Yuedong Internet and Bird through means in compliance with regulations.

    This time a miracle happened.

    More than one million selling pending orders were eaten one by one, and then the stock prices of Yuedong Internet and Bird shares rose from the lowest point in a straight line, and after a game with foreign capital, the stock prices all pulled to the horizontal line.

    This kind of operation left retail investors dumbfounded, especially those who hung the stock price on the limit board, ready to cut their flesh and beat their chests and feet.

    Wang Dezhi was dumbfounded, because he was the leek that was cut off by the limit.

    He cried and cursed: "I'm xxxx"

    Wall Street did not give up and continued to smash the market, and the stock price, which had just returned to the horizontal line, fell again.

    This time, Chen Xiao didn't take any further action, waiting for the stock price to be pressed on the limit again.?Being eaten up one by one, the stock prices of Yuedong Internet and Bird shares rose from the lowest point in a straight line, and after a game with foreign capital, the stock prices all pulled to the horizontal line.

    This kind of operation left retail investors dumbfounded, especially those who hung the stock price on the limit board, ready to cut their flesh and beat their chests and feet.

    Wang Dezhi was dumbfounded, because he was the leek that was cut off by the limit.

    He cried and cursed: "I'm xxxx"

    Wall Street did not give up and continued to smash the market, and the stock price, which had just returned to the horizontal line, fell again.

    This time, Chen Xiao didn't take any further action, waiting for the stock price to be pressed on the limit board again.
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