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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Reborn in 1999  Unleashing the Era of Black Techno

Text Chapter 631 Please Changtian Technology Rescue

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    He Jiang wished that he would be twenty years younger, so that he would have more energy to do engine research and development.

    But it is a pity that he is now obviously feeling physically exhausted, and feels that there is still a lot of work that he did not have last night.

    The turbofan 10 engine was indeed developed by He Jiang's 606 after decades of hard work, but the core technology still refers to the American general f101 engine and the Russian al-31 engine.

    Moreover, many core components are not produced by themselves, but are imported.

    The easiest way to judge whether an Hangfa factory is 100% localized is to look at the import and export situation of the Hangfa factory.

    The 606 Institute has imported foreign materials and parts in recent years.  Such as turbojet engines, metalworking machinery knives and blades, nickel powder, aluminum non-chip powder, milling tools and so on.

    From the whole engine parts to some materials, tools, etc. are imported from abroad, and the main importers are also the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany.

    This shows that the so-called localization has only just begun, and there is still a long way to go.

    However, the turbofan 10 engine has gone through a history of more than ten years from its establishment in 1989 to its success in 2007. Could it be that He Jiang and the 606 Institute really got nothing?

    Not so.

    Xiaguo's scientific research workers basically have a thorough understanding of the design principles and working principles of medium-sized engines.

    It's just that many core materials cannot be produced by themselves.

    This feeling is like a computer apprentice who can use parts to assemble a computer, and even has the skills to repair radiator fans and some parts of the motherboard, but he has no way to produce cpu by himself.

    Even so, it is a great improvement.

    The successful development of the turbofan 10 engine will also enable Xia Guo to enter the permanent member of the global "aero engine" council, but there is still a big gap with the United States, Germany, and Russia.

    Seeing Li Huiru waiting for him to eat, He Jiang snuffed out the cigarette in his hand and put it in the ashtray. Then he took another sip of strong tea and said, "You old woman, you have nothing to do every day and only supervise me."

    Li Huiru rolled her eyes and ate with He Jiang.

    The two have been married for forty years, their love remains the same, and they are as close as guests.

    He Jiang picked up a piece of dumpling, dipped it in vinegar, and bit it down. The oil and water soaked out of the dumpling, and it was dazzling under the light.

    He Jiang tasted two mouthfuls and said: "The fat has been reduced."

    He Jiang is a person who came from the old society, and he is afraid of hunger.

    Even with better living conditions now, he is still used to eating fatty meat.

    Because in the era he lived in, fat meat could relieve the smell of meat, and it was much more expensive than lean meat.

    Li Huiru said: "The doctor told you to eat less fat, it is not good for your health."

    He Jiang said: "Just listen to half of what the doctor says."

    The old man was very stubborn, and Li Huiru stopped arguing with him, and she got used to it over the years.

    In fact, Li Huiru is very "selfish". He doesn't want He Jiang to make a fortune, and he doesn't even want He Jiang to make great achievements in academic research.

    She just hoped that she could take good care of her husband and lead a normal life.

    After He Jiang ate two mouthfuls of dumplings, he suddenly coughed violently.

    Li Huiru hurriedly brought He Jiang a bowl of noodle soup, and said, "Oh, you really are, take your time, and no one will grab it from you."

    At this moment, He Jiang took his hand away, only to find that it was a puddle of blood.

    This startled Li Huiru.

    "Old man!"

    He Jiang paled, smiled and waved his hands and said, "It's all right."

    Before he finished speaking, He Jiang suddenly felt a sharp pain in his lungs. He was gasping for breath, but he felt that he was not breathing well.

    He Jiang was in shock.

    The 606 Institute has a medical system, especially high-end experts like He Jiang, equipped with private medical staff.

    The medical staff rushed to He Jiang's residence immediately, and sent him to the hospital in the institute while doing rescue work.

    Fortunately, people rescued him, but he was lying in the ICU with a tube intubated.

    In the evening, in the tertiary hospital in the institute, a number of experts consulted and sent the relevant situation report to the dean Zhou Zuowu.

    Li Huiru and He Jiang's children, relatives, friends, colleagues, and students were all waiting at the door.

    "Dean Zhou, how is the old man's condition?"

    Zhou Zuowu glanced at He XiaoOsimertinib, which is not as effective as the experimental osimertinib, but is available.  "

    Dean Zhou didn't say the price.

    Because he knows that for a person like He Jiang, even if it costs millions or even tens of millions, the country must find a way to treat it.

    ?Because He Jiang's value is unlimited.

    The development of domestic medium-sized engines has not been completely successful.

    If something goes wrong with He Jiang, it will be a great loss to the country.

    He Xiaomi murmured, "Didn't you have a physical examination last year? Why did this happen all of a sudden!"

    Dean Zhou said with some helplessness: "The physical examination can only be used as a preventive measure, and it cannot be 100% sure. Moreover, it has been more than a year since the last physical examination, and the condition is constantly developing."

    ? If the physical examination can solve the problem.

    Then people will not die.

    Obviously, it is not correct to rely on physical examination to solve the problem.

    It's like a car is regularly maintained every year, and there is a day when it will be scrapped.

    Birth, old age, sickness and death, the laws of life, the laws of nature, no one can change.

    Although He Jiang is very busy and does not go to the hospital to see a doctor himself, the annual physical examination is required by the state and is compulsory.

    This is to ensure the health of top engineers.

    However, it is a pity that although He Jiang's lung nodules were discovered last year, the current medical methods can only make He Jiang smoke less and work and rest on time. This kind of lung nodules is also difficult to treat.

    However, with the nature and status of He Jiang's work, there is simply no way to achieve the above points.

    Moreover, small cell lung cancer can occur suddenly, which is the fundamental reason why most cancers are detected at an advanced stage.

    There is no point in arguing about such issues now.

    "Dean Zhou, what's your suggestion?" Li Huiru said these words weakly.

    Dean Zhou said: "I suggest transferring to Shanghai Fudan University Cancer Hospital immediately for proton and heavy ion therapy as soon as possible."

    "We will also find a way to report to the higher authorities as soon as possible. If possible, we hope to buy some osimertinib from the United States."

    "If the treatment goes well, the cancer cells have not spread and the tumor space is shrinking, then the tumor can be surgically removed, which can prolong the survival time of Mr. He."

    Dean Zhou didn't dare to say that He Jiang's 100% cure can only prolong He Jiang's survival time.

    Li Huiru nodded.

    She is a medical student, and she also knows that the plan given by Dean Zhou is the best one at present.

    Of course they also have to race against time.

    Strive to transfer He Jiang to the Shanghai stock market as soon as possible before his condition deteriorates, and he can buy targeted drugs from the United States.

    He Xiaomi doesn't understand medicine, so he suddenly said: "If there is no spread, does that mean that the cancer cells are only in the lungs?"

    Dean Zhou nodded.

    He Xiaomi quickly added: "If the cancer cells are only in the lungs, then it's easy to handle! Just remove the lung and replace it with another lung?"

    "After all, if the entire lung is removed, the tumor cells will not have any conditions to develop!"

    After hearing this, the doctors at the scene felt that this idea was theoretically feasible, but in fact it was a little naive.


    Dean Zhou suddenly thought of one thing.

    The combined colony therapy of Changtian Technology.

    ? Whether or not the cancer has spread.

    It is more effective to remove all lesions as soon as possible than chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

    Dean Zhou quickly put down the documents in his hands and said: "Wait a moment, I will report this situation to the higher authorities, hoping that they can coordinate and transfer Mr. He to Changtian Technology's Lung Disease Intensive Treatment Center  , complete the lung resection first, and then see if further treatment is needed based on the follow-up examination."

    ? If after lung resection.

    ?It was also found that the cancer cells had metastasized.

    Then there is only where to transfer to where to treat.

    But the current lung must be removed.

    After all, this affects the patient's work of breathing.

    It is very likely that the patient's other flatulence was still alive, but died of respiratory failure.

    Dean Zhou immediately reported to the higher-level department, and the transfer must be made by the higher-level department.

    Because Dean Zhou knows that Changtian Technology's intensive care center has been queuing up for several years.

    If the relevant departments are not allowed to come forward, He Jiang will definitely not be able to wait for the time to line up.

    Chen Xiao's villa on Tianyue Island.

    After the New Year's dinner.

    Shen Wei and Wen Qi stayed at Chen Xiao's villa, because the two of them had no place to live in Tianyue Island, and other colleagues were about to leave one after another.

    At this moment, Chen Xiao received an emergency call from the relevant leaders of Suzhou and Hangzhou.The case must be made by the higher authorities.

    Because Dean Zhou knows that Changtian Technology's intensive care center has been queuing up for several years.

    If the relevant departments are not allowed to come forward, He Jiang will definitely not be able to wait for the time to line up.

    Chen Xiao's villa on Tianyue Island.

    After the New Year's dinner.

    Shen Wei and Wen Qi stayed at Chen Xiao's villa, because the two of them had no place to live in Tianyue Island, and other colleagues were about to leave one after another.

    At this time, Chen Xiao received an emergency call from the relevant leaders of Suzhou and Hangzhou.
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