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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Reborn in 1999  Unleashing the Era of Black Techno

Text Chapter 339 Industry Shock

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    Zhang Min was indeed anxious.

    Zhang Min is the clearest about Jiangzhou's investment promotion situation.

    ?Because Jiangzhou is an inland city and does not have any supporting industries, it is difficult to attract powerful companies.

    Just last month, Jiangzhou spent a lot of effort to introduce a furniture factory with an annual output value of 1 million.

    Not only to buy air tickets, but also invited this company from Yangcheng to Jiangzhou to actually check the market, and promised to give preferential tax and other measures.

    But even so, after seeing the environment in Jiangzhou, the company shook its head and left.

    Before leaving, the owner of this furniture factory said: "There is no supporting company at home, and we have to go to other cities to get all the parts, which will greatly increase our cost."

    "We are very grateful to Jiangzhou for the preferential measures given to us, but the environment here is indeed not suitable for a single enterprise to grow here."

    As the person in charge of the Industrial and Science and Technology New Zone, Zhang Min is under a lot of pressure.

    The reality in Jiangzhou is that it is impossible to recruit even a furniture factory, let alone a technology company with high added value.

    Now because of the relationship with Changtian Technology, even well-known domestic PC companies like Shenzhou and internationally renowned PC companies like Dell are willing to build factories in Jiangzhou, and they will invest hundreds of millions of RMB in fixed assets.

    This kind of opportunity is something that can be encountered but not sought after.

    Under such circumstances, Zhang Min is of course very nervous about the investment of companies such as Dell this time.

    Seeing that these companies were about to leave, Zhang Min didn't care about social etiquette, and directly grabbed Minister Xiao's hand.

    "Minister Xiao, what's going on?! Is it because our reception is not good enough?"

    "The future development of our new science and technology zone has not been introduced yet"

    Minister Xiao looked at Zhang Min who was so anxious, so of course he could understand his mood.

    But Minister Xiao understands others, who can understand Minister Xiao?

    Minister Xiao had no choice but to say: "Mr. Zhang, I'm really sorry. We just got the news that Changtian Technology seems to be planning to withdraw from Jiangzhou."

    "You also know that on the surface, Changtian Technology's products are a supporting industry for PCs, but in fact, we are the supporting industry for Changtian Technology."

    Minister Xiao smiled wryly. There was nothing wrong with what he said.

    Without Changtian Technology's products, Shenzhou's PC would not have any competitiveness.

    Similarly, it is impossible for Dell to open up the European market so quickly and regain its new life in Germany.

    "Now that Changtian Technology is about to leave Jiangzhou, we will build an assembly line here. Isn't this a good thing?"

    What Minister Xiao said was indeed true. After Minister Xiao nodded to Zhang Min, he got into the business car with everyone.

    The commercial vehicle slowly left the new technology zone and returned to the hotel in the city.

    Minister Xiao hurriedly called Wang Xiang to confirm the fact that Changtian Technology intends to leave Jiangzhou.

    ?Since then, Shenzhou, Dell and others have immediately discussed strategies, and are planning to suspend the production line in Jiangzhou, and make plans after Changtian Technology decides on the next step.

    However, the news that Shenzhou, Dell, and Onda are planning to invest in Jiangzhou has long been released by the relevant departments of Jiangzhou. Jiangzhou, Jiangyang Province, and even the national level are reporting frantically every day.

    The reason for such a large-scale publicity is to let people all over the country and even the world know that there are excellent companies like Dell investing in Jiangzhou, Jiangzhou has a very good living environment for technology companies, and more companies are welcome  Come to Jiangzhou to invest.

    Zhang Min returned to his work unit in despair, planning to report this matter to the mayor.

    Unexpectedly, the news that Changtian Technology is planning to evacuate the family has been spread wildly in the public opinion circles and among the people.

    The first to report on it was Xinlang Technology.

    "Heavy news, Changtian Technology is preparing to fully withdraw from Jiangzhou. The specific reason is unknown!"

    The shorter the news, the more exciting the content.

    Soon, news clients of the entire Internet were rumored that Changtian Technology was about to leave Jiangzhou.

    As soon as this news came out, it was like an atomic bomb had been placed on the entire technology.

    Changtian Technology is not currently the richest technology company in the country, but there is no doubt that Changtian Technology is currently the most innovative technology company in the country.

    No one doubts that in 5 or 10 years, Changtian Technology will definitely grow into a technology giant in Xiaguo.

    So have a huge hairZhanli's technology company, many cities can't ask for it, and his willingness to stay in Jiangzhou has indeed made many city managers feel very heartbroken and regretful.

    What everyone didn't expect was that Changtian Technology would leave Jiangzhou?

    What is the reason?

    As soon as the news came out, many netizens who cared about Xia Guo's scientific and technological progress made comments under the news or in the forum.

    "Changtian Technology should have left Jiangzhou a long time ago. It doesn't matter what Jiangzhou wants. Staying here will increase the manufacturing cost."

    "I think I should go to Shenzhen City. The current environment for doctors in Shenzhen City is very good, and there are many supporting enterprises!"

    Not only the netizens were commenting, many Jiangzhou citizens also commented after seeing the news reported in the newspaper.

    Jiangzhou is an inland city. To effectively develop an inland city, it must be driven by a certain industrial group to develop. If there is a certain industrial group in Jiangzhou, then the city can develop and the living standards of the local people will also be improved.  .

    "We also hope that Changtian Technology can attract high-quality companies to Jiangzhou and increase Jiangzhou's tax revenue. You can improve our treatment!"

    "Changtian Technology is a company that was born and bred in Jiangzhou, how can you just leave?"

    "It's such a pity! I really don't know what those people in Jiangzhou think!"

    Shenzhen Stock Market, Shanghai Stock Market, Yanjing, and even the first, second and third tier cities of Rongcheng and Zheng City, after getting the news, tried their best to find out the reason, and offered an olive branch to Changtian Technology one after another, and put forward extremely favorable conditions.

    Some cities have even taken the initiative to contact Wang Xiang, and welcome Changtian Technology.

    This news has spread throughout the Xia Kingdom's scientific and technological circles, and caused a great shock.

    Many PC supporting companies or Internet companies that originally planned to invest in Jiangzhou gave up this idea in an instant.

    Various departments in Jiangzhou, especially those departments that invest in foreign countries.

    During this period of time, there will be more or less news about some investment from the outside world, but in the past two days, all investors and companies have expressed that they will not consider investing in Jiangzhou for the time being.

    The news that Changtian Technology was preparing to withdraw from Jiangzhou even aroused the anger of Jiangyang Province.

    Jiangyang Province is an inland province, and the enterprises that can be sold are either pig raising, ham sausage making, or old steel factories or machinery factories.

    However, these enterprises are not competitive across the country, and many of them even have negative equity and should be eliminated.

    Finally, a long sky technology came out, why did you just leave?

    In addition to being angry, the relevant leaders of Jiangyang Province immediately called Jiangzhou Convenience, and scolded the other party immediately.
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