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Chapter 777

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    Li Xiucheng has a way to understand the troubles of determination, and it is quite heavy when it is placed on Dean Cui's body.

    After hanging up the phone, Dean Cui sighed again and again.

    He was also quite distressed, it wasn't that he didn't want those patients to use anticancer drugs, the point was that no one used anticancer drugs, but according to Li Xiucheng, if he didn't see results for a day, he, the director of Jiangcheng People's Hospital, didn't need it either.  dry.

    Dean Cui turned around in a hurry.

    Suddenly, my thoughts changed, and I thought to myself: "This matter is suppressed by Li Xiucheng, why not let this matter go to the hands of the attending doctors, there will always be some patients who will use Luyi's anticancer drugs  It's strange, why does Li Xiucheng insist on promoting anti-cancer drugs"

    Could it be that there is really a problem with anticancer drugs?

    He thought repeatedly, but couldn't come to any conclusion, so he could only let it go.

    Hospital conference room.

    The directors of each department have already arrived. Dean Cui arrived one step ahead and waited for the directors of each department to arrive. After waiting for more than ten minutes, almost all of them arrived except those who were busy.

    Dean Cui raised his hand and signaled the nurse at the door to close the door, and the meeting was about to officially begin.

    His eyes swept over all the directors of the departments present, and he asked the first sentence: "In the hospital, are there any patients who have taken anticancer drugs?"

    The directors of the departments lowered their heads one after another, neither spoke nor responded. The meaning was very clear, and no one took anticancer drugs.

    Dean Cui looked at the faces of everyone, and slowly said: "The city has a task, let our hospital vigorously promote anti-cancer drugs, but we can't force it, we must explain the pros and cons to patients and their families, and let them choose by themselves.  Looking at me like this, I can't help it, this is a task assigned by the city."

    "Dean, can this be considered a task? Don't you look at it, what's going on on the Internet, those who give chemotherapy to patients, who doesn't come here with the mentality that they can live for a few years, you ask us to persuade them  They? I can't do this!"

    Someone expressed his opinion.

    If there is one person, there will be a second person, and there is a commotion in the conference room.

    "The task, I have conveyed it, how to do it, you can figure out a way for yourself, if you can't do it, just explain it to Li Xiucheng yourself, it's useless to ask me!"

    Dean Cui directly blamed the situation.

    No matter what the directors of these departments thought, he escaped first.

    The directors of these departments are also human beings, and they know how to deal with them.

    The dean suppressed it and gave it to the department director.

    The director of the department suppressed it and gave it to the attending doctors. As long as they were close to cancer, almost all received this task.

    When the news spread, the whole hospital erupted instantly.

    "Have you heard, the hospital said that it is going to force the use of anti-cancer drugs."

    "Mandatory use?"


    "It's for making money, what else can it be for."

    "Doing chemotherapy, isn't the hospital more profitable? Anticancer drugs are so cheap, how much money can they make!"

    "It's cheap and there are cheap ways to make money. Luyi's anti-cancer drug is said to be a pure Chinese medicine preparation. You all know what kind of nightshade it uses. It's ridiculously cheap on the market!  You can buy hundreds of pills, I read about anti-cancer drugs, just the small pills, such a small piece, maybe even a piece of nightshade is not needed, do you think it makes money or not?"


    "Is there anything impossible? Think about it, if it wasn't for the problem with the anticancer drug, would it be compulsory?"

    "It makes sense!"

    "Not really."

    "I'll go to a doctor and ask."

    The ward broke out first.

    Once the patient's family members make a fuss, it will be unlucky for the attending doctor.

    many people.

    The office is full again.

    Looking at this battle, those who want to promote anti-cancer drugs dare not admit it at this time, for fear that after admitting it, the family members of these patients will be scolded bloody.

    Perhaps, being scolded is light.

    Hearing the riots in various departments, Dean Cui had no choice but to come forward in person.

    But as soon as I left the office, many people suddenly came outside the office.

    "Hey! Who are you! What are you doing!"

    "We are reporters!"

    "Get out, get out! What are you doing here? If you don't leave, you will call security!"

    "President Cui, please accept our interview! Why do doctors recommend Luyi's anti-cancer products?medicine?  "

    They are all local reporters in Jiangcheng, and there are still a lot of them!

    The patient's family members also noticed.

    "Look over there!"

    "It's Dean Cui!"

    "Hurry up, hurry up, let's hear what's going on!"

    The family members of the patients also crowded over.

    There were not many people in the office, and Dean Cui had no time to retreat, so he could only watch helplessly as they plugged the microphone over.

    A female reporter from Jiangcheng Daily has already raised the microphone to Dean Cui's mouth: "Dean Cui, according to people familiar with the matter, the hospital issued a task to all the cancer doctors in the hospital this morning, asking them to vigorously promote  Luyi Company¡¯s anticancer drug, may I ask if this is true? If it is true, why do you want to do this?¡±

    Without waiting for Dean Cui to speak.

    A patient's family member suddenly said loudly: "It's true. I heard the doctors talking about it with my own ears."

    The reporter next to him immediately handed over the microphone and asked, "What time did you hear, and how did you hear the two doctors talking?"

    The family member of the patient said: "At noon, I was eating outside, and I heard two doctors discussing that they didn't wear white coats, but I knew them all. One asked, did any patients take anticancer drugs? The other said, no.  , the other asked again, we have at least one death order here, if there is no one, I don't have to do it, why do you think we are so unlucky"

    He was blabbering, and Dean Cui was not easy to interrupt. He didn't know how to explain this matter after the interruption.

    Wait until he finishes speaking.

    The female reporter asked again: "Dean Cui, is this true?"

    Dean Cui smiled, and said very officially: "The launch of anti-cancer drugs complies with all regulations. Now that you have entered the hospital, as the attending doctor, you have to recommend anti-cancer drugs. As for other things, it is inconvenient to inform you.  .¡±

    The female reporter continued to ask: "President Cui said so, that is to say, the forced promotion of anticancer drugs is true, right?"

    This time, Dean Cui did not follow what she said, but asked instead: "I am the dean, but I am also a doctor. As long as you are a doctor, you can't refuse the temptation of anticancer drugs. It can really treat cancer.  anticancer drugs."

    After the voice fell, the female reporter was stunned.

    But immediately another reporter came up and asked: "Dean Cui, are you a loyal supporter of anticancer drugs?"

    "A supporter?" Dean Cui laughed, "What is a supporter? Is it a supporter of cold medicine if I take cold medicine when I have a cold? You must be sure of one thing, the medicine is used to save people  Yes, the medicine that saves people is a good medicine, and there is no relationship between support and disapproval.¡± (Remember the website website:
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