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Chapter 10 Sequelae of Overuse

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    Zhou Xiao saw the car beside Shen Wei - a BMW.

    He is not very familiar with cars, but he still knows BMW Peugeot.

    Zhou Xiao smiled and said, "Aren't you afraid that I'll be covered in blood and dirty the car for you?"

    Shen Wei opened the car door, "You can wash the car if it's dirty, and I can't find it if it gets lost."

    Zhou Xiao smiled, rejected Chen Er's kindness, and got into Shen Wei's car.

    The interior of the car is a pink color that only girls like, and there are a few hello kitties at the front desk. There is a faint fragrance in the car, which is very nice. I don't know if it is the fragrance of the girl or the perfume in the car.

    It was only at this time that Zhou Xiao looked at Shen Wei seriously.

    The girl is wearing a ponytail, revealing a clean and white neck, a pair of crystal clear eyes looking at the front seriously, a straight nose, slightly dizzy cheeks, cherry lips exhaling like orchids, and oval cheeks are very glamorous.

    Zhou Xiao thought to himself, the girls in the city are better at dressing up than the girls in the village.

    Zhou Xiao felt that Shu Yuqing and Yang Qian were already very beautiful, but compared with Shen Wei, they were a little bit worse.

    Seeing Zhou Xiao staring at her, Shen Wei felt a little embarrassed, and started looking for topics.

    "Don't know your name yet?"

    Zhou Xiao said: "Zhou Xiao, the depressed Xiao."

    Shen Wei couldn't help laughing, "Where does someone introduce herself like this? My name is Shen Wei, and I have a heart that is like a tiger sniffing a rose."

    "Zhou Xiao, it hasn't rained in Jiangcheng for more than a month, and there are few wild mushrooms. Where did you find your matsutake?"

    Shen Wei took a look at Zhou Xiao, and quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, my family has a hotel in the city, and there is a shortage of matsutake recently, and matsutake has been artificially sown on a large scale in Yun Province, and the taste and quality are excellent.  Not as good as our local ones. I mean, if you have the goods there, I want as many as you can!"

    "No." Zhou Xiao replied coldly.

    Zhou Xiao's matsutake is of course good!  It is strange that the matsutake that has been watered with a lot of spiritual power is not good.

    But Zhou Xiao's spiritual power is seriously overdrawn today, he has a splitting headache and his whole body is floating, and he is now suppressing the discomfort in his body.

    You can do it once to make money with matsutake, but you can't do it too much.  Zhou Xiao was worried that he would earn money but not spend it.

    If someone spoke to Shen Wei in such a tone, Shen Wei would have lost her temper a long time ago, but now she has something to ask for, so she held back the resentment in her heart and continued to speak kindly:

    "The price is negotiable, and I will leave you my business card. If you find a top-quality matsutake like today in the mountains, please contact me directly, and I will come to buy it."

    Shen Wei kept talking, but to Zhou Xiao who was seriously unwell, it was very noisy, and he was a little nauseated.

    The car had already arrived in the town, Zhou Xiao couldn't bear it and said, "I'll just get off here."

    Shen Wei: "I'll take you home!"

    Zhou Xiao got out of the car by himself and said, "No, thank you!"

    "Hi! You!" Shen Wei looked angrily at Zhou Xiao who left and the business card that was left in the car, and was very unconvinced!

    Shen Wei thought that she was not ugly, and the boys who chased her in college had a strengthening company. Why is this stunned young man not even looking at her?

    Shen Wei opened the vanity mirror on the car, she should be well dressed today!

    "What are you thinking?" Shen Wei blushed.

    "Hmph!" The aggrieved Shen Wei ignited the ignition and stepped on the gas pedal. She still had business to do, and she had to send the matsutake back to the hotel as soon as possible. Today was an important guest.

    Zhou Xiao turned into a dark alley in the town, held onto the corner of the wall, and vomited out.

    This is the sequelae of excessive use of spiritual power.

    Possessing spiritual power, being able to see body tissues and cells, and being able to control the growth of cells is a special ability obtained by Zhou Xiao.

    However, how to use this ability reasonably and how to improve it still needs to be explored slowly by yourself.

    After recovering from his breath, Zhou Xiao ate big Sanliang noodles and Sanliang dumplings for breakfast and lunch at the restaurant in the town, and then went to the mobile phone shop in the town and spent 2,000 yuan to buy a mobile phone, as well as some clothes and daily necessities.

    The last 8,000 yuan left 5,500 yuan.

    Zhou Xiao opened a bank card at the rural credit union in the town, opened mobile banking, and deposited another 5,000 yuan in it.

    This money is enough to cover my living expenses for a long time.

    Zhou Xiao, who returned to the town, didn't notice that a car followed him to Qingxia Village.

    The news that Zhou Xiao made a lot of money selling matsutake in the town?, has been passed on by farmers who went to the town to sell things in the same village.

    This is terrible, Zhou Xiaogou has completely become a celebrity in the village.

    "What! You said that Mangzi Zhou puppy earned 8,000 yuan selling matsutake!?"

    Eight thousand yuan is the annual income of the poorer people in the village.

    "I'm afraid you heard it wrong! Eight thousand? It hasn't rained in our village for more than a month, and there are no wild mushrooms anywhere!"

    "It's real matsutake. The second sister-in-law Li saw with her own eyes that Zhou Xiaogou took 8,000 yuan from others!"

    "This brat is really lucky!"

    "I really don't know where this kid picked the matsutake, maybe he stole it."

    This is the case in the village. You are poor and everyone ridicules you and looks down on you, but one day you have a little money, and most people start to envy you again.

    Only Yang Qian was happy for Zhou Xiao. She taught Zhou Xiao how to use a smartphone, downloaded WeChat, and added each other as friends.

    "Now I can chat with you tonight!" Yang Qian said happily.

    Zhou Xiao joked: "If you want to chat at night, I'll just go to your house, why use WeChat."

    "Speech!" Yang Qian said angrily, "What a stinky little dog, he will be glib after a day in town."

    Zhou Xiaoxi passed away with a smile.

    Zhou Xiao thought of a plan to make money.

    He saw a lot of people in the town selling artificially cultivated mushrooms such as chicken fir mushrooms and tripe mushrooms, and the prices were not bad.

    Although ordinary fungi are not as expensive as matsutake, they should not consume as much aura as matsutake, and they can be artificially cultivated on a large scale.

    If you can use spiritual power to cultivate and improve the appearance of these bacteria, there should be a market.

    Zhou Xiao is going to try after a few days of rest.

    At this time, Chen Xin, the butcher who had just had his front teeth filled, also heard the news that Zhou Xiao had made a lot of money selling matsutake, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became!

    The beating I received cannot be in vain.

    And in the past few days, my chest has not been so painful. Zhou Xiao must be lying when he said that he has cancer!

    Chen Xin received a call from an acquaintance.

    "Haozi, why did you think of calling me?"

    Liu Hao followed Zhou Xiao in the car, and finally found out that Zhou Xiao was from Qingxia Village.

    "Brother Xin, I never thought that the guy who sells matsutake is from your village!"

    Chen Xin: "What's the matter, Haozi?"

    Liu Hao: "This kid ruined my business at the town's market today, and even let me lose the lottery. Since he's from Brother Xin's territory, it's easy to handle." (Remember this website URL: www
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