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Main Text Chapter 28: The Catastrophe Is Not Over yet, A New Sister Is Acknowledged Section 1

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    I don't know how many days they walked before they stopped in a cave.

    There were bursts of roars of monsters in the cave, as if smelling the smell of blue sheep and strangers, a flaming Balrog rushed out from inside.

    Lord Dharmakaya faced the Balrog, his sleeves moved lightly, and the Balrog fell to the ground before it could get out of the cave.

    A few more howls came from inside, and another little Balrog rushed out.

    "That's right, there's a small one inside, who wants your cave to be warm."

    It takes more than 20 years for the Balrog to reach adulthood, and it is only about ten years old now.  It saw Balrog's mother lying outside recklessly, rushing out.

    "Well, this position is very good, fall down!" The little Balrog also fell to the ground in response.

    Lord Dharma God drove the blue sheep to walk past the Balrog, and golden rays of light from Balrog's body escaped from the body, continuously drifting towards Lord Dharma God.

    She settled Zheng in the hole and stared at the blue sheep with greed.

    She turned her head and shouted to Zheng who was still in a coma, "Little kid, don't sleep, wake up." A golden light floated from Zheng's body back to Master Dharmakaya.

    Under the tightly closed eyes, the eyeballs rolled rapidly, and after a while, they really opened them.

    The dim cave made him uncomfortable. He sat up slowly, rubbed the back of his head that was still aching, and looked around.

    Seeing a person sitting with his back facing him in the light of a fire over there, he rubbed his eyes, crawled a few steps outside, and after he saw it clearly, he called out in a low voice, "Mother, mother, are you back?"

    Master Dharmakaya turned his head. The mask of unknown material on his face contrasted with the flames of the Balrog. It was a mask that only covered the upper half of his face, exposing his mouth and eyes.  The background color looks a little weird.

    "Mother? Am I so old?" She said with a smile

    Zheng saw that this person was indeed wearing mother's clothes, but it was not mother's clothes. The successive changes made him vigilant and retreated sitting up. He didn't stop until his back was on the wall of the cave and there was nowhere to retreat.  .

    "Little kid, would you kill a sheep? I'm hungry." Master Dharmakaya watched Zheng's movements with a smile, but ignored him.

    "You, who are you." Zheng stared at her, although he didn't notice any malicious intentions from her, but he had just experienced a fierce battle.

    Seeing a stranger wearing his mother's clothes again, he looked around and his friend was not here, this is an empty and dry cave.

    "Where am I? Where did the others go?" Zheng asked anxiously again, "Are they still alive?"

    "I just asked you if you would kill sheep, and you just ask so many questions. If you don't make food, I will starve to death. Will you call my soul to ask?"  God and servant get along with a superior look, talking to Zheng jokingly.

    "I, I will, but, but I don't have a knife." Zheng saw that she seemed to be really hungry, and his stomach was growling, and he saw only some light outside the cave.

    This light seemed to be the same as the one in front of her, it was a pile, not a flame, but it felt like fire.

    Master Dharmakaya got up and took a small bag from the blue sheep who was kneeling beside the Balrog to keep warm, and walked up to Zheng and handed it to him.

    "No, the odds and ends packed from your house. Have you checked if there are any available."

    Zheng saw that the cloth bag belonged to their family, so he had to open it, and there were some salt bowls, needles and threads, and small things like fire pockets inside.

    He took his father's knife and said, "This, this is barely enough."

    "Well, that's good, I made food, you ask slowly, I'm tired, if I fall asleep, call me when I'm done eating." She really yawned as she spoke.

    Walking under the quilt where Zheng just got up, Zheng squatted aside, and there were still thousands of questions in his heart to ask, but looking at her like this, he might not be able to ask anything.

    "If you want to escape, you can do whatever you want. There are two Balrogs in front of you and at the door. If they chase you, you can think about whether you can run away." Dharma body turned over and over again in the quilt, "Oh, what is happening on the ground?"  It's really hard."

    Only then did he realize that the pile of magma-like rocks in front of him seemed to be living things.  It seems to be breathing weakly.

    The outside one was bigger than it, and it was right in the middle of the outside of the cave. If he wanted to escape and pass by it, he thought he would not have the strength to do so.

    He could only pick up the knife and drag the dumb blue sheep aside, hold down its head and neck and pull the knife horizontally.?I have time to make a shelf for you.  "Zheng has just been fed by her a few times, and he always feels a little closer.

    "Well, when you are full, go cut down the tree and make me a roast leg of lamb." Master Dharmakaya took the newly brought mutton and concentrated on feeding it.

    Zheng felt full after eating two pieces, so he shook his head and stopped eating.  Master Dharmakaya began to eat again.

    There were not many slices of meat in the back, so Zheng found a few stones and erected the branch of the meat skewer upright.

    "You, are you full?" Zheng asked cautiously.

    "Well, just ask if you have anything to do." Master Dharmakaya tore the mutton slowly. It seemed that he was full, and his eating behavior became more refined.

    "Who are you and why did you bring me here? Are my little friends still alive? How are they doing?" Zheng asked a series of questions urgently.

    "Wait, wait, I have a bad memory, so I asked them one by one. What is the first question, and who am I?" Master Dharmakaya interrupted Zheng

    "I'm a ranger, the kind of person who travels around every country, eats something delicious and finds something interesting. I can do whatever I want, ranger, you know?" She tilted her head and looked at Zheng.
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