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Text Chapter 122: The Vengeful Fan

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    "This decree, the Marquis will not accept."

    For a while, Zheng Fan swallowed subconsciously. Is this going to do it directly?

    Zheng Fan glanced at the guards beside him from the corner of his eye, and found that their eyes were calm. Even if his Lord Marquis said such disrespectful words, even if this was the capital, they would not make any trouble.

    Zheng Fan really wanted to say, brothers, this is not Yinlang County, but the capital, and there are a large number of forbidden soldiers in the capital, don't you hear what your Lord Hou is saying?

    Rationality told Zheng Fan that it would be very wrong to point a knife at Wei Zhonghe and Eunuch Wei at this time, because Eunuch Wei is old, and doing so would disrespect the old and violate traditional virtues.

    But let Zheng Fan put down the knife now, he can't put it down.

    Since you have already boarded the Marquis of Jingnan's boat, if you disembark now, you will only have a dead end.

    This decree was given by Emperor Yan to the third prince Ji Chengyue, not to Marquis Jingnan. At this time, Marquis Jingnan said "he will not accept this decree", which means that he does not approve of Emperor Yan's decision on this matter.  .

    In this, it is naturally impossible that Jingnan Hou loves his "nephew" and feels that Emperor Yan's punishment is too severe. It can only be said that Jingnan Hou feels that the punishment is too light.

    The corner of Wei Zhonghe's mouth twitched,


    "Master Hou, please be careful with your words."

    ?As the chief inspector of ceremonies, although he may be regarded as an eunuch, his status has surpassed ninety-nine percent of those in the Yan Kingdom.

    At this time, the holy decree was in the capital, and it stands to reason that this was Wei Zhonghe's real home field, but there was no way, even if Jingnan Hou had the attitude he said, he still had to continue to be cautious.

    "Murting the soldiers of the frontier army is the foundation of our country's founding. If not for our great Yan sons who have sacrificed their lives for the country for hundreds of years, our big Yan today may have already been reduced to a barbarian pasture and become the northern border of the Qian and Jin Dynasties.

    Banned?  "

    The last two words, with a clear mocking tone.

    The translated meaning,

    Could it be,

    Still want to live?

    ? Wei Zhonghe pressed his hands down, the whisk went down, and said sincerely:

    "Your Majesty, this is His Majesty's will."

    Wei Zhonghe had no choice but to use this sentence. In fact, this is a general's way, but it is also a seven-injury fist.

    Some things, as long as the tip of the needle has not reached the point of confrontation, there is room for change, but once the face is really torn apart, there is really no way out for both parties.

    However, in the face of Jingnan Hou's pressing force, Wei Zhonghe knew that he could no longer retreat.

    "Wei Zhonghe, you are so brave, you dare to falsely preach the imperial decree!"

    Jingnan Hou stood up and looked directly at Wei Zhonghe.

    Jingnan Hou did not choose to resist the edict, nor did he choose to question whether the edict was effective for him. Instead, he kicked the ball back to Wei Zhonghe.

    In fact, this window paper is really fragile. Anyone who touches it lightly will shatter, but the crux of the problem is who is going to take the initiative to puncture it.

    Jingnan Hou's domineering is domineering, and arrogance is arrogance. When he came to Beijing today, he did not enter the palace, and did not go home. He went straight to the prince's mansion.

    He is not the kind of courtier who trembles when he enters the capital, nor is he the kind of general who fears the emperor will suspect him all day long if he has some military power.

    Wei Zhonghe took a deep breath,

    Facing Jingnan Hou's questioning,

    He didn't dare to bluntly confirm that the imperial decree he just issued was indeed from His Majesty!

    It's not that he is cowardly, nor is he afraid,

    Rather, he knows,

    This card table,

    ?You can sit on His Majesty, you can sit on a powerful family, you can sit on Zhenbeihou, you can sit on Jingnanhou,

    But only,

    Without Wei Zhonghe's position, he is not qualified to play cards!

    Jingnan Hou ignored Wei Zhonghe's silence, and turned to look at the third prince standing behind Wei Zhonghe.

    "Ji Chengyue, you claim to have read a lot of poetry and books. I asked you about that book, and I know: 'The rope is not twisted, and the law is not expensive'."

    The third prince Ji Chengyue bowed down,

    Even if his close companion and teacher had just died in front of him, he still maintained his own demeanor. Perhaps, at this time, all he had left was this demeanor.

    "Back to Lord Hou, Cheng Yue has read it."

    "Read it?"

    "Yes, Cheng Yue also read that 'You can't be courteous to a common man, and you can't punish a doctor'."

    &nbsbsp; People, after breaking away from the basic material needs of food, clothing, housing and transportation, they have to start pursuing spiritual life, right?

    Below, is the right arm.


    All limbs are useless.

    Zheng Fan stood up, feeling a little dizzy from the intense mental stimulation.

    He believes that it won't take long for what the Marquis of Jingnan has done today will surely spread throughout the capital, and even spread throughout the entire Yan Kingdom soon.

    As for myself, the "executor", a person who personally disfigured the prince's limbs, his reputation will definitely be extremely resounding.

    The third prince on the ground couldn't cry anymore, he was not dead, but his eyes were nearly paralyzed and lifeless.

    Wei Zhonghe's flesh has been stretched there for a long, long time.

    Zheng Fan picked up the scabbard, stood up, and looked at Jingnanhou.

    The Marquis of Jingnan still turned his back to this side,

    Still enjoying the scenery.

    Zheng Fan gritted his teeth,

    He raised the scabbard in his hand,

    Amid Wei Zhonghe's dumbfounded,

    Zheng Fan's scabbard smashed down against the crotch of His Highness the Third Highness!

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