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Main text Chapter 144: Divine Grace Stone

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    Lan En, the chief priest of the Ice Temple, took his students to the island of mist in a hurry by boat.

    The light from the lighthouse fell, dispelling the fog and illusion.

    Before the boat stopped, he hurriedly jumped off the boat and headed towards the Temple of Truth.

    There was a group of people waiting to greet him standing in front of him, but he didn't respond at all, but walked straight past the side.

    These people immediately surrounded Lan En and followed behind him.

    "Lord Lan En."

    "Lord Lan En."

    Whether it is in the Nine Great Temples of Xiyinsi, or in the Temple of Truth far away overseas, or in the eyes of all Xiyinsi people.

    Lan En, the priest of food, deserves the title of an adult.

    It can be seen that Lan En is very anxious at the moment, he walked into the castle, and nodded with the devil knight Elena standing at the door.

    Pushing open the door, I saw the teacher Sang De'an lying on the bed dying.

    The fire damage of the fire demon is still second. The internal organs injured by the last blow are more incurable than the burns. Sang De'an has been vomiting blood every day for the past few days.

    Lan En stopped in front of the door, and then carefully closed the door, letting everyone stay outside.

    He looked at the powerful teacher in the past, the sage of truth who stood at the apex of the world's power in Heinsay, and it was difficult to accept such a fragile appearance at the moment.

    But what makes Lan En even more unbelievable is that.

    The teacher's always wise and exciting eyes in the past have become dim and lifeless now.

    Haru followed Sunderan since he was a child, and in a sense he is his most important student, at least emotionally deeper than Lan En.

    Sand'an heard the movement, and he turned his head to look over.


    "It's Lan En, you're back."

    Lan En hurried forward and sat on the edge of the bed.


    "how so?"

    Sang De'an looked at him with a smile, but the smile was extremely bitter.

    "I always thought that I could pass on the will and ideals of the saints to everyone."

    "did not expect."

    "Those great truths that I say every day, but even my closest students can't pass them on."

    Haru's betrayal dealt a great blow to Sunderan.

    It can even be said that it was a huge impact on his ideals and ideas, making him directly doubt whether the future he was looking forward to could really come.

    He always thought that under the guidance of the will and ideals of the saints, the world would go in the best direction.

    As long as they accept the will of the saints from an early age, everyone can become a pioneer of a better future.

    However, it is not.

    Lan En only knew that Haru had injured the teacher and betrayed the Temple of Truth, but he didn't know what happened there.


    "What the hell happened?"

    Sang De'an lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling: "We have obtained the secret of eternal life."

    Lan En's tone suddenly changed: "What?"

    Sunderan nodded and closed his eyes slightly.

    "That's right!"

    "We combined the secret technique of immortality and the magical technique of imprinting to create a new life. Haru believes that it is the power of the fourth level."

    "I created a stone demon and locked it underground."

    "And Haru turned himself into a fire demon, which is the last monster everyone saw."

    Lan En asked: "Teacher! What exactly do you want to do?"

    Sang De'an tilted his head slightly and looked at Lan En: "I want to see what the power of the fourth level is like."

    "Unfortunately, this path was wrong from the beginning."

    Sang De'an regretted a little, he kept talking about it.

    "It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this."

    "That's not the fourth-order power, Haru made a mistake."

    However, although he failed, he still found the reason for his failure from it, and saw the dawn from the failure.

    Sang De'an took out a pair of forearm-long bone axis silk books from under the pillow, and handed them to Lan En.

    Lan En took it carefully, listening to the teacher speak slowly.

    "We have been on the wrong path from the very beginning, and the method of immortality secret technique is not feasible."

    "What needs to be changed is the essence of the blood of mythology.sp; "I found it.

    Lan En carefully held the crystal and lifted it to Sunderan's eyes.

    Sang De'an stretched out his hand slowly, and Lan En immediately put it between the teacher's fingers.

    Sang De'an pinched the small, glowing "gravel" with his thumb and index finger, and finally showed a happy smile on his face: "It turns out that the blood of myth after transformation is like this."

    At the end of his life, Sunderan still did what he wanted to do.

    Although it only opened a beginning, creating a small gravel, or stone.

    But that door has been pushed open.

    Lan En was very happy, he fulfilled his teacher's expectation.


    "This is your work, you can give it a name!"

    At this moment, Sang De'an suddenly remembered the figure he saw in the Temple of Truth a long time ago.

    No matter how he thought about it, he couldn't remember the other person's appearance, but he remembered what he said.


    "All power comes from blood."

    It was his words that made Sunderan find his way.

    It's a pity that the secret technique of immortality brought by Haru caused him to deviate from the track.

    However, what is even more ridiculous is that it is precisely because of such a detour that they were able to succeed so smoothly this time.

    Sang De'an looked at the glowing spar, his pupils dilated slightly.

    "The wisdom bestowed by the gods, the bloodline bestowed by the gods, and the imprint bestowed by the gods."

    "It's called the God's Grace Stone."

    As Sang De'an spoke, another mouthful of blood spit out from his mouth.

    His organs had reached the worst condition, and even the few doctors standing beside him couldn't do anything about it.


    Sang Dean grabbed Lan En's hand, and he also felt that he fell to the last moment.

    "Find Haru."

    "Tell him we were wrong."

    A few mentors who were kneeling on the side also came up, and they asked Sang De'an with some anxiety.

    "Master Sage!"

    "What about the Temple of Truth? What about the future of the Temple of Truth?"

    Sang De'an's eyes still fell on Lan En and Elena standing at the door, and finally shook his head.

    "I originally wanted to give it to Haru. I know you like your hometown. The Ice Temple is also a good starting point."

    "When you are there, you can also make your own career."

    "I don't want to interfere with your choices, whoever wants to become the second-generation sage of the Temple of Truth between you and Elena will do it."

    "If you don't want to, then find someone to do it."

    "Even at the end."

    "The Temple of Truth is like a shooting star in the middle of the night, and it is nothing."

    Sang De'an's body relaxed a little bit, and his eyes closed slowly.

    "Take it as my fantasies, those day-to-day dreams, which have been punctured by time!"

    The sage of truth who brought the power of rituals and miracles to the world and created the third-order era of priests.

    Died on the bed.

    With Sander'an's death, the God's Grace Stone in his hand also disappeared.
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