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Text Chapter 136: King Henir and His Dream

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    In his later years, Henir tried every means to expand his achievements.

    He vigorously promoted the ritual array of Lan En, the priest of food, and even made Lan En the head priest of the Temple of Ice, and published the book "From Plankton to Ointment" to every small town in Hinnsay.

    He promulgated the Priest Code, made a series of regulations restricting the priests and the nine temples, and at the same time made all young people who have just become official priests have to be resident priests in a small town before they can be promoted, and let them practice "floating" in various places.  The construction of "biological pool" solves the food problem of the Sanye people.

    ?Only by assessing their merits can they continue to become priests in big cities, or enter the Nine Great Temples.

    He summoned a large number of scholars to prepare to rewrite the code.

    He even thought about releasing all the slaves like the Queen of Stars, but it was a pity that he encountered strong opposition from the major families.

    He hastily issued various decrees, and implemented them impatiently. The implementation of various decrees was also rapidly consuming national power.

    Some decrees will bring good news to millions of people.


    But it brought huge chaos, and even caused a rebellion in the territory, causing countless casualties.

    He felt that as long as he did this, his merits in his life would outweigh his faults, and he would be able to pass God's judgment smoothly.

    His body was getting weaker and weaker day by day, and gradually he could only lie on the bed.

    this day.

    In the early hours of the morning.

    The inside and outside of the palace are brightly lit, and the entire city of servants of the gods is heavily guarded, and patrolling soldiers can be seen in every corner of the city.

    On the bed in the bedroom, Henir looked a bit painful and hideous, he grabbed the queen's hand,

    "you say!"

    "I have done so much, is it worth the sins I have committed?"

    The queen comforted Henir: "I firmly believe that you are the greatest king in the world, and you have brought hope and light to the Sanye people."

    "Everyone can see your achievements."

    Henir said impatiently: "But it was Stan Tito and Sunderan who made this."

    "Have I accomplished anything?"

    "Have I done anything for God? Everything I have done is for myself."

    "In order to become king, I have done so many things in order to capture the Ruhe giant monster."

    "I cling to the power of destruction, and I refuse the guidance of the messenger of God."

    "God will judge me, my sin, my darkness."


    The queen looked at Henir who looked like he was insane, and hugged him tightly with tears streaming down her eyes.

    shouted: "King!"

    "You are King Henir!"

    The son outside rushed in and knelt down in front of the bed: "Father."

    A large group of grandchildren and great-grandchildren outside also knelt down.

    Henir looked at the queen and his son, and after taking a long breath, his expression calmed down a little bit.


    "Even if you are unwilling or fearful, so what?"

    "Not yet, I can only choose to let go."

    "Leave everything to fate!"

    He no longer had the courage to say that sentence, I am a swimmer.

    He can go upstream on his own life journey, and he doesn't have to accept the life arranged by his father and elder brother.

    But the only thing is that you can't say no to the gods in the matter of death.

    Henir closed his eyes little by little, his consciousness sank into the boundless darkness.

    In the dark.

    A ray of light appeared in the sky, it was a vertical narrow light.

    The light seeped out little by little, illuminating the dark world.

    It was only then that Henir discovered that it was a huge door that was opened, and the light was coming from the world behind the crack of the door.


    The gate of the kingdom of gods is slowly opening, and under the moon of dreams, a ship sails across the sea of ??fantasy stars.

    The light that fell from behind the gate of the Kingdom of Gods shone on Henir, leading him a little bit towards a higher place, and boarded the ship that came to pick him up.

    He has embarked on the road to enter the kingdom of God, and he will accept the test of evil and good.

    When passing through the gate of the kingdom of gods, the dream of his life floated out of his body, and his figure became blurred and transparent a little bit.

    All the memories are constantly being pulled out from his body.??Flowing from afar, Sheila, the messenger of God, appeared on the sacred boat.

    The goblin of the dream slowly walked towards the lantern, stroking the egg of the dream.

    "forget it!"

    "The stories of both of you are over, that's all."

    These words were not addressed to the ferryman, but to the nightmare sealed in the goblin's egg.

    After these words, the flaming boat lights calmed down a little bit, leaving only subtle and dim lights.

    And the nightmare of black life that the ferryman had encountered was also shattered at this moment.

    It turned into dim fluorescent light, scattered on both sides of the sacred boat.

    Henir's nightmares and painful memories are gone with the wind.

    The broken dream light illuminated the ferryman's face.

    ?The ferryman, who has no face but only a shadow, suddenly reveals his appearance,

    There are seven points like Weiss Hosen, and three points like Henir when he was young.

    Possibly other reasons.

    Also a possibility.

    It's because they are brothers.

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