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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sundries -> Reincarnation Paradise

Chapter 1999 suspicion

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    After opening the treasure chest, it¡¯s time to share the benefits. Su Xiao got a total of 62 points of combat contribution and could buy more than 80% of the treasure chest¡¯s income, but he didn¡¯t do so. Paradise points are the currency mechanism of Apocalypse Paradise.  It's useless, Paradise Coin is the hard currency in Samsara Paradise.

    As for [Frenzied Hair (Legendary Level)], this is a one-time item that can restrain the enemy, but its strength is not high, at least in Su Xiao's view.

    Therefore, Su Xiao is going to save the battle contribution, and if he gets something good in the future, he will start decisively.

    "Kukulin, you are the priority here, we still have 107 battle contribution points left."

    The one-eyed captain obviously didn't want the team to fight among themselves. The combat contributions they obtained before had nothing to do with Su Xiao, but this time, Su Xiao was the main force in killing the small boss.

    "I don't need it."

    "Then we will not be polite."

    The one-eyed captain was the first to get half of the park points, Doro bought [Frenzied Hair], and Zosa also exchanged the park points.

    [You get 27 combat contributions.]  ¡¿

    [You get 31 combat contributions.  ¡¿

    [Battle contribution mechanism has been balanced.  ¡¿

    [Existing combat contribution: 120 points.  ¡¿

    Su Xiao was not surprised by the sudden extra combat contribution. This is the team's balance mechanism. After all, he joined the team late and played a key role in the battle, so he can get part of the combat contribution consumed by other members this time.  , after completing the balance, it will not be in this form.

    After finishing the distribution of spoils, the group continued the previous action and went to area c to clean up the undead.

    Bubuwang and Baja are the vanguard, they are in charge of scouting, and a few hundred meters behind, Captain One-Eyed leads the battle, behind him are Zosa and Fireman, and behind him are Doro, Su Xiao, Little Nanny, Ah  Tom, as for the sniper Gulase, he acted alone.

    Walking in the 'forest' made of steel and concrete, Su Xiao took out the timer from his arms and looked at it. Two hours had passed and 62 hours remained.

    Everyone walked quietly, most of the surrounding buildings were pierced by trees, and in the windows covered by leaves, it seemed that undead might burst out at any time.

    After traveling for nearly half an hour, the team did not encounter any undead, which made the one-eyed captain very happy. This showed that the detection ability of the two summoned creatures in front of the team was very strong.

    After walking for nearly an hour, I finally arrived at Area C mentioned by the one-eyed captain. This is an abandoned shopping mall. There is a hall at least 600 square meters in the center of the shopping mall. The one-eyed captain is going to use this as a defensive point, arrange the formation, and then let Boob  Wang lured the undead into the abandoned shopping mall and used the terrain to kill the enemy.

    Soon, the one-eyed captain and others arranged the formation in the mall. The one-eyed captain and Eminem stood in front of the stairs inside the mall hall, the fireman and Zosa were behind the one-eyed captain, Doro set up the barrier, and the sniper was on the fourth floor  Next to the stairs, the ceiling above the shopping mall hall leads directly to the roof of the building. It is precisely because of this terrain structure that Captain Lone Wolf chooses to clean up the undead here.

    The barrier was quickly set up, and a gap was left at the main entrance. After attracting undead, this place will be sealed.

    Su Xiao sat on the guardrail on the fifth floor of the shopping mall, flipping a gold coin in his hand, and the formation has been arranged, waiting for Boubo Wang to attract the undead.

    A few minutes later, there was a faint sound of running from outside the mall.


    Captain One-Eyed took a deep breath, and hoped that Boubo Wang would not attract too many undead. Ordinary undead are in groups, and how many are attracted depends entirely on luck.

    Under everyone's gaze, Boubo Wang ran past the mall, which made the one-eyed captain frown.


    The ground trembled slightly, and through the barrier on the front of the shopping mall, the one-eyed captain and the others saw densely packed undead running across the street.

    Seeing this number, the one-eyed captain twitched the corner of his mouth, and quickly rushed to the stairs to hide, and the same was true for other people nearby.

    ? Like thousands of troops rushing past, a minute later, the mall returned to silence, and the one-eyed captain and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

    In five minutes at most, Boubo Wang's figure reappeared. It ran to the front and back of the mall door, drifted, and nearly braked, and rushed into the mall.


    A roar came from behind, hundreds of undead swarmed in from the main entrance of the mall, and the battle began

    The sun gradually set from the horizon, and the sky gradually darkened.

    In the shopping mall at this time, there are corpses of undead lying in the hall. The comprehensive attributes of these undead are around 70-80 points, a small amount has one real attribute, and only two abilities.

    The magma burned the corpse, and with theUnder Tom's manipulation, the magma gradually cooled.

    Su Xiao was sitting on the guardrail on the fifth floor, holding a tablet computer in his hand, and was indulging in the game.

    "Come here for today."

    Captain One-Eyed wiped the red viscous liquid from his face, which was mixed with blood and sweat. After 10 hours of high-intensity fighting, his hand holding the shield began to ache.

    Hearing his words, Zuo Sa didn't care about pretending to be cold, and lay directly on the ground, gasping for breath, feeling like he was going to be stupid from exhaustion.

    The firepower hand was leaning against the wall, the cigarette lighting hand was trembling, and the slim white shirt Doro was wearing was soaked with sweat. Two hours later, she also entered the field for a mid-range battle.

    The little nanny sat paralyzed on the ground, as if her body had been hollowed out.

    "It's almost dinner time."

    Su Xiao, who was sitting on the guardrail on the fifth floor, said that he didn't participate in the battle at all, but he cleared three levels of the puzzle game that can be called hell difficulty.

    "Let me lie down for a while."

    The one-eyed captain spoke weakly, and he glanced at Eminem. The other party has also fought until now, and he should be very tired and injured, so he has been clutching his stomach.

    "I'm in charge of the dinner."

    Su Xiao glanced at all the team members who were lying tired. Now that he doesn't get some food, the dinner will basically be ruined.

    "Kukulin, thank you from the bottom of my heart."

    "Good man."

    "Bring me a copy, as long as you can eat it."

    "Thank you."

    Even the high-cold boy Zosa thanked him. This shows how exhausted the ranger team is. They are in pain and happy today. In just one day, the cleaning rate of the undead reached 8.9%, which is very close to 10%.  It won't take a whole morning tomorrow, the task is completed, and I will return to the contractor's camp to take on the next task. I am really happy.

    This chapter is not finished, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content below!

    Boubo Wang and Baja always attract 100 to 150 undead each time, which makes the one-eyed captain and others extremely comfortable. In the past, it was Zuo Sa who attracted them, and the number depended on fate.

    Not only that, but the two halos provided by Boubowang are both magical skills. One restores health and mana, which greatly improves the team's endurance.  mana, the healing amount is doubled.

    Another kind of halo restores physical strength, and the speed of physical strength recovery increases by 20%. If it weren't for this kind of halo, the one-eyed captain and others would have been exhausted.

    Eminem served as the melee and sub-tank, and with Eminem as the off-tank, Captain One-Eyed felt comfortable. Every time he made a slight mistake, Eminem knocked back the enemy with a hammer, reducing the pressure on Captain One-Eyed. What he didn't know was that,  Eminem is a stronger tank than him

    ? In the underground supermarket of the shopping mall, the shelves are scattered here and there, rusty, and it seems that when the disaster strikes, people rushing here, except for plastic products, most of the goods between the shelves are decayed into piles of dust.

    The fire-burning wood crackled, the broth in the iron pot was boiling, and chopped mushrooms could still be seen vaguely.

    The little nanny and Dorothy squatted in front of the iron pot, staring at the brightly colored broth in the pot without blinking, swallowing from time to time, hunger is the best seasoning.

    Su Xiao served a bowl for everyone, and Dorothy took the broth, no matter how hot it was, and took a big gulp, narrowing her eyes happily.

    "Kukulin, your culinary skills are incredible."

    The one-eyed captain gave a thumbs up, Su Xiao smiled, and looked at the clock hanging on the shelf, there were 51 hours left.

    "Kukulin, I've always been curious about something."

    Dorot exhaled hot air, seemingly inadvertently asked.

    "What question?"

    Su Xiao stirred the hot soup in the pot with a long-handled spoon, his expression normal.

    "You seem to care about time?"

    Doro lifted the bowl, and Su Xiao helped her serve a bowl of broth.

    Dorothy began to have doubts, doubts for no reason, this was an intuition that she couldn't explain clearly.

    "Of course I care about time. The cost of failing the main task is heartbreaking. I don't want to fail twice in a row."

    "Is that so?"

    Doro grinned, she didn't find any flaws, but the seeds of distrust had been planted.

    Su Xiao is playing with gold coins in his hands. In this team, the most difficult person is Doro, followed by the one-eyed captain, and then the little nurse. The silent sniper is also very sharp. Zosa is hiding something and occasionally loses his mind  , As for the fireman, this guy's sense of existence is very low, and he can't see through it for the time being

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