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Chapter 805

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    The seventh floor of the Dusk Palace.

    Su Xiao, Yanchen, fake clown, black blood, OL beauty and others gathered together, and the scene of these people gathering together can be imagined.

    Su Xiao is maintaining Zhan Longshan, and there are various knife guards in front of him.

    Yan Chen was holding a piece of raw meat and was teasing Yan Hu. The ferocious Yan Hu was like a big cat in front of Yan Chen.

    The counterfeit clown held a hollow dagger in one hand and a small mirror in the other. He seemed dissatisfied with the current shape, and cut the gap on his face longer from time to time, blood dripping down the dagger.

    Heixue held his breath, his face flushed, and he looked like he was suffocating at any time.

    The ol beauty was sitting on the sidelines, super nervous, she felt like a erha mixed in with wolves, who might be exposed at any time, her eyes seemed to be shouting: 'Who come to save me, I'm about to be exposed.  '

    Let's not talk about the psychological shadow area of ??OL beauty among a group of lunatics, everyone is about to start dividing up the spoils.

    "How do other people deal with it? These have received a total of 1089 points of merit. Excluding our share, very little is evenly shared among their hands."

    Su Xiao opened his mouth, Zhan Longshan has been maintained by him as clean as new.

    "I'll take care of that."

    Yanchen opened his mouth and was ambitious. The reason why he said he was ambitious was that he was going to use this matter to win people's hearts. There was another meaning in it. He could share less, but Su Xiao couldn't stop him from doing something.

    The current situation is obvious. The more than one hundred lunatics who stayed in the Twilight Palace will no longer be accepted by their respective adventure groups. Yanchen takes a fancy to these people.

    "Oh? Then you are also responsible for the shares of the three of them?"

    Su Xiao looked at the fake clown, black blood, and OL beauty.

    "Of course, you have to pay for what you get. This is my initial investment in the new adventure group, and I will bear their share."

    Yanchen cast a questioning look at the fake clown and black blood, he was recruiting them.

    "I have no problem with this, but Yanchen, if I feel bored hanging around with you, I will leave at any time."

    The fake clown doesn't mind changing to another adventure group, his original adventure group has already been destroyed.


    Black Blood let out a breath.

    "I reject."

    Black Blood rejected Yanchen's recruitment.


    Yanchen's expression remained the same.

    "no reason."

    Heixue spread out his hands, a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, and looked at Yanchen as if provocative.

    "You son of a bitch, believe it or not, I'll throw you into the pit right now."

    Yanchen patted Heixue's shoulder very 'gently'.

    "Really? I have always wanted to jump, but I feel that I will die if I jump, so I am still hesitating."

    As soon as Heixue finished speaking, the Flame Tiger beside Yanchen rushed forward, biting Heixue's throat.

    "Ha ha ha ha."

    Heixue laughed suddenly, not caring about being bitten by the throat by the flame tiger.

    "I suddenly changed my mind, and it seems good to join you."

    "Let him go."

    Yanchen had long thought of this kind of situation. Most people didn't know what Heixue was thinking, but Yanchen knew that this young man was enjoying the feeling between life and death.

    "You two, I won't force you to do anything, or you don't have to call me the boss. The hierarchical adventure group model has been verified by Xi with his life. Before the leader dies, this kind of organization is very strong. Once the leader  With death, this organization falls apart.

    I have a very good idea. In the future, Mingmen is not my Yanchen Hall of One. The position of the leader is for those who are capable. Anyone who refuses to accept me can challenge me at any time. I Yanchen welcomes you.  If he dared to play tricks in the dark, I would kill him immediately, not kicking him out of the adventure group, but killing him directly.  "

    After all, Yanchen glanced at the fake clown, then at the black blood, his eyes were meaningful, both of them were rebellious people, if they want to unite these people into an adventure group, the traditional model obviously won't work, besides, Yanchen  He also planned to bring the more than one hundred lunatics closer to the adventure group.

    "Interesting, if this is the case, then I must join."

    The fake clown laughed and slapped his thigh with his hand while laughing.

    "The intention to join is stronger, and I will observe your adventure group for a while."

    Heixue put away the laziness on his face.

    "Well, the original Mingmen is officially disbanded, and the new Mingmen is established today. First, we need to select a leader. I recommend myself."

    magicAppearing in Yanchen's hands, it can be seen that he is very excited now. This kind of excitement never appeared when he first formed Mingmen.

    "What a coincidence, I also recommend myself."

    The dagger in the fake clown's hand flipped.

    "What a coincidence, I also recommend myself."

    A bomb appeared on Black Blood.

    The three confront each other, and the new Mingmen respects the strong, and will bring the weak to the extreme.

    "That I this, I recommend, Boss Yanchen."

    The ol beauty raised her hand weakly.

    "Yes, Not Bad."

    Yanchen patted the shoulder of the OL beauty.

    "Why don't you recommend me."

    The blood-red eyes of the fake clown stared straight at the beauty OL.

    "Small Mr. Clown, we are not familiar with each other, about whom to recommend"

    The ol beauty is very panicked, the fake clown and the black blood are not easy to mess with at first glance, one has strange abilities, and the other treats death like home, as a normal person, the ol beauty is very afraid of these two.

    "Stop talking nonsense, just fight, whoever wins will be the team leader."

    Yanchen's motives are obviously impure. In terms of force, he is definitely one of the best. As for why he didn't win over Su Xiao, Yanchen never had such an idea from the beginning to the end. Su Xiao is too dangerous.

    Facing the three who are about to start a war, Su Xiao still has something to do.

    "Yanchen, I don't want to participate in the internal affairs of your adventure group, but before that, the problem of sharing the spoils should be resolved first, and an alliance has been formed between them. I don't have the habit of eating alone."

    "Okay. Then three to seven points, after all, we have a lot of people here."

    Yanchen lion opened his mouth, but as a negotiation, it is normal for the lion to open his mouth.


    What Su Xiao meant was that he was six and Yanchen was four. Negotiations should always leave some bargaining chips.

    "I'm in a hurry, I'm six and you are four, this is the maximum I can accept."

    "Five-five, because of dealing with Xi, I paid more than planned."

    Su Xiao's words made Yanchen hesitate a bit, the fact is exactly the case, Xi was killed by Su Xiao, which allowed Su Xiaoneng to take the lion's share of the share, plus Su Xiao was the one who provided the powerful explosives, besides, Yanchen also had other  The purpose is to use this opportunity to form a new adventure group, and he is very worried that Su Xiao will be a hindrance.

    "Five-five yes, sign a temporary contract, and in the next four days, we will not interfere with each other."

    "no problem."

    Su Xiao traded 544 points of merit to Yanchen, and at the same time, the two parties signed a non-interference treaty.

    It seems that Yanchen and Su Xiao lost a lot of 50% of the share, after all, Yanchen's 50% was still divided among fake clowns, black blood, OL beauties, and more than a hundred crazy contractors.

    Is this really the case?  No, Yanchen would rather lose money now than find a way to form an adventure group. These people in the Twilight Palace are good at fighting, and more importantly, they are not afraid of death. Let them do something immoral.  will do.

    There are many advantages and disadvantages. For example, these people's spirits are not very normal, and most of them are rebellious. However, is Yanchen's spirit normal?  Obviously not.

    A lunatic group leader + a lunatic group member, the future Mingmen will definitely be a terrifying existence

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