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Text Chapter 89: Battle of Gods and Man (1/4) Beg for the first order!

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    , I have become an outdated martial arts myth

    Not to mention Fang Datong, even Lian Xin, Feng Xiaoxiao, Qiu Hongshan and other senior officials of the Baiyang Sect were dumbfounded and shocked.

    "The leader, turned out to be the emperor? When did it happen? Or has it always been?"


    Lian Xin's eyes flickered, and she suddenly thought of a rumor that the leader originally liked romantic events, but twenty years ago, he suffered a sudden change, and his temperament changed drastically. Since then, he has hidden himself in the Baiyang Sect and rarely shows up in the world.

    "So the real leader was replaced twenty years ago?"

    Lian Xin and Feng Xiaoxiao looked at each other, and they both sensed the horror deep in the other's eyes, obviously thinking of a place.

    Immediately, they turned their attention to the Underworld Lord, Yang Zun.

    If there is anyone in the Baiyang Sect who knows the true identity of the leader, then it must be these two people, or in other words, they are the emperor's people.

    "What the hell happened? What are we doing?"

    Lian Xin, Feng Xiaoxiao and the others can even guess one or two, Jiang Tiexin, Jiugong, and Bai Zhen'er are completely dumbfounded.

    Whether it's the 'paper piers' practiced by evil rituals, or the monsters who claim to be gods, the sudden surprise of the three peaks makes them feel dizzy and dizzy, as if they are in a deep fantasy dream  among.

    They turned their attention to Lingyang and Faming one after another, hoping to get rid of their doubts.


    Lian Sheng, Ma Maocai and other Daohui masters also rushed over at this moment, and they were surprised to see the broken hall and the warriors showing a powerful aura.

    From their perspective, they have never seen so many masters gathered together.

    Seeing the 'Baiyang Hierarch' revealing his true face, Fang Datong's expression was shocked, and then his murderous intent rose sharply, and his turbulent energy swept towards Emperor Yuan Ding like a tidal wave.

    "No matter what schemes and tricks you are up to, as long as you are the emperor of the Tartars, you must die!"

    He pierced through the air with one palm, turned into a frightened body, and suddenly rushed to the emperor, with both fists and palms out.

    The lightning strikes, the fists and palms were so fast that even the phantom disappeared. Emperor Yuan Ding didn't move, and when he grabbed it with his big hand, all the air within a radius of tens of feet was absorbed, and it turned into a palm that covered the sky and smashed head-on.


    Fang Datong was so shocked that he took several steps backwards, the green bricks as hard as gold and iron under his feet were shattered inch by inch, splashing in all directions.

    Fang Datong's expression changed, Emperor Yuan Ding's martial arts cultivation was still higher than his.

    With one palm of his hand, Emperor Yuan Ding did not launch a chase, but sighed: "President Fang, in fact, there is no hatred between you and me. More than 20 years ago, the destruction of Honglian Temple was entirely caused by that monster. Even I  The Liaoren invaded the Central Plains was also driven by that monster, and we seem to occupy the world, but in fact we are just the servants of that monster at will!"

    Fang Datong sneered, he didn't believe a word of what Emperor Yuan Ding said.

    Emperor Yuan Ding didn't care whether he believed it or not, a smile gradually appeared on his face.

    His goal has been achieved!

    Decades ago, the Liao people were just a small tribe between the white mountains and the black waters.

    Suddenly one day, the leader of the tribe at that time dreamed of ghosts and gods, and the ghosts and gods said that if the Liao people believed in him, they could bring them everything they wanted.

    The tribal leader believed deeply in the dream, and summoned the people of the tribe to worship day and night.

    That ghost is the guardian of the corpse forest!

    After the Liao people believed in the Lord of the Corpse Grove, their forces rose rapidly, annexed the surrounding tribes, and then invaded the Central Plains, occupying this great river and mountain.

    Is it time to be satisfied?

    Human desire is endless!

    Especially when Emperor Yuan Ding came to the throne, eradicated powerful ministers, quelled the vassal chaos, and courtiers praised him as an emperor through the ages, but only he himself knew that there was a god on his head.

    Even if he enjoys the power of the world and claims to be above tens of thousands of people, after all, he is just a lackey of ghosts and gods, at his mercy.

    How could Emperor Yuan Ding bear it?

    However, the Lord of the Corpse Grove is too powerful.

    Strong enough to be called sacred in the world, even if he tried his best to resist, Yuan Dingdi could only hide his minions and plot secretly.

    He waited for the best opportunity to besiege and kill the then leader of Baiyang Sect. Li Daitao froze and secretly manipulated Baiyang Sect.

    ?For the next 20 years of operation, use Canglong Lord as a substitute to live at the height of the temple to strategize, and the body of the golden cicada escapes from the shell to be far away from the rivers and lakes to accumulate strength.

    The United Avenue will destroy the temple in the name of rebellion, cut off the faith of all living beings, and weaken the Lord of the Corpse Forest.

    Finally, today, I have come to this step.

    It is Jiang Tiexin, Jiugongp; "This is the power above the first rank? Even if it is not, I am afraid it will not be much worse!"

    "If it wasn't for confusing his mind, even if the three of us work together, we won't be able to deal with this monster for long."


    At this time, Lord Ming, Yang Zun smashed several white shadows that looked like "paper pierced people", rushed forward, joined the three emperors of Yuan Ding, and launched an offensive against the Lord of the Forest of Corpses again.

    Even if Mingzhu and Yang Zun are weaker than Yuan Dingdi and the other three, after all, they have first-level combat power, and the five great masters fight against one person. It is rare to see such a scene in the ages.  Bang shattered.

    The Master of the Corpse Grove was also overwhelmed for a moment, and he kept being beaten, red lights flashed in his eyes, and he roared fiercely.

    As if calling for something, three coffins flew out of the shattered Temple of the Lord of the Corpse Forest amidst the shock, and they shattered into powder the moment they landed, revealing three tall and strong figures.

    This scene slowed down the attack of the five people who were besieged.

    Emperor Yuan Ding shrank his pupils, looked at the three figures in the smoke, and said in a voiceless voice: "Emperor Taizong, the regent, and Jin Taibao?"

    Putting aside the previous two, Jin Taibao was the person Emperor Yuan Ding feared the most, and he was also known as the number one expert in Liaokang.

    He took a deep breath and felt a great shock. It is no wonder that after eradicating Jin Taibao, the other party's body was not found, and he was also practiced by the Lord of the Corpse Forest with evil methods.

    The Master of the Corpse Forest flew out with the three coffins, and his mind seemed to be a little clearer, and his voice was like thunder: "My God's envoys, kill them all!"

    Three tall and strong figures moved, Jin Taibao moved towards the Lord of the Corpse Forest, while the Emperor Taizong and the Regent rushed towards Fang Datong and the others.

    Everyone at the scene turned pale with shock.

    Just when the battle broke out in the imperial city, in the official residence not far from the imperial city in Dongcheng District, the people in the mansion had heard the noise in the imperial palace long ago, and everyone was trembling at this moment, feeling terrified in their hearts.

    Even the owner of the mansion, a second-rank official of the imperial court, is also worried at the moment. He can't help looking up in the direction of the imperial city, but he doesn't know that in his secret room, an unprecedented transformation is going on.


    Inside the secret room, the strong wind was blowing, but it was only compressed within Zhang Xun, as if being pulled by some invisible force. In the very center of the storm, Pei Yuan's figure sitting cross-legged slowly floated up, whispering softly in his mouth  One sound.

    "Mysterious fetus! Mysterious fetus!"

    next moment!

    The storm that was confined within Zhang Xun exploded and turned into countless fine pieces of energy, and slammed into the surroundings of the secret room. The whole secret room was cut into countless pieces in an instant, and the huge shock sound spread far and wide, shaking the mansion.

    Gravels fell from several rockeries, roof tiles flew out, and clear water splashed in the pool. When everyone in the mansion became more and more frightened, a gust of wind suddenly blew up in the sky!

    The situation changes color!

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