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Chapter 1434 Drone

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    The communication soldier agreed, and took a set of equipment from the communication vehicle behind, and installed it on the spot. Some parts were flying up and down in his hands, and they were quickly assembled into three small drones, which seemed to be only the size of a washbasin.  Under the operation of the soldiers, it buzzed softly and flew into the sky.

    The three drones circled for a while and slowly flew into the valley.  Fan Zhiyuan called Ling Feng to the side of the communication vehicle, watched the surveillance screen together, and told him: "I have learned something new this time, our old brains are no longer good, people rely on high technology in war now, don't believe this  no!"

    He was originally more interested in high-tech warfare.  This time, Chen Erdan gave him another special training, and this time it happened to practice his hands in actual combat.

    Ling Feng looked at the picture sent back by the drone, entered from the entrance of the valley, divided into three perspectives: head-up, looking down, and looking up, advancing in layers layer by layer, so as to see the situation in the valley clearly.  This is almost a God's perspective, and the enemy has a panoramic view.  He was convinced in his heart, but he refused to accept it in his mouth: "What's the matter, isn't it just an aerial photography? If we really fight, we have to do it with real swords and guns. This thing is not practical!"

    While the two were talking, there was a sudden "bang", and the picture was covered with snowflakes. It should be that the drone was discovered and shot down with bullets.

    Immediately afterwards, bang bang, two more clicks, and the pictures sent back by the other two drones were also "blind".

    Ling Feng couldn't help laughing: "What do I say? You don't care about this thing. It's like three big moths flying all over the sky, and the blind man can see it. It's strange if you don't shoot it down.  !"

    Fan Zhiyuan also felt embarrassed. He originally wanted to show off in front of the soldiers, but ended up making a fool of himself.  He cursed, asked the communication soldier to put away the drone, and said to Ling Feng in a blink of an eye: "It seems that Captain Ling is right. My drone is not good. It depends on your scout. Please start your  Let's do it."

    Ling Feng: "I'm acting a fart! Didn't you see that your thing was shot down? I'm going to bring someone in. Isn't a living person just a target for others? I can do this kind of stupid thing?"

    Fan Zhiyuan said: "Then let's just lie here stupidly, will we still fight or not?"

    Ling Feng: "Of course we have to fight, but we have to find a way!"

    Ling Feng asked the others to lie in ambush and not move, slipped quietly to the edge of the cliff, and climbed up.  He is nicknamed Gibbon, and his mountaineering skills are top-notch. He stretched out his arms, hooked some rocks and branches, and jumped up suddenly, almost as if he was walking against the wind.  He grabbed another branch casually, and he could use his strength wherever he could hook it.

    The body keeps jumping up, like a big butterfly fluttering in the mountains.  The soldiers below all saw the captain's wonderful performance. If the enemy was not present, everyone would definitely applaud.

    Of course, the enemies in the valley also saw him.  "Bang bang" and "da da da da" bullets came from several directions.  Ling Feng's movement was too fast, where the bullet hit, he had already swung away.  He had already learned a kind of flower roll, which was specifically aimed at avoiding everyone's ballistics.

    In fact, it takes advantage of a kind of psychology of the shooter, and the figure always moves in unexpected directions.  You expect him to go up, but he goes down.  You estimate that his next step may be to the right quickly, but he suddenly turns to the left.  This kind of agility helped Ling Feng get through a lot of bullets.

    However, his agility is also extremely risky, that is, he cannot deal with random guns.  If the opponent didn't predict at all, but just shot randomly, Ling Feng would be finished easily if he was shot.  But this time, he was lucky, because all he met were marksmen with good marksmanship, and the more he was like this, the harder it was to hit him.

    While Ling Feng was flying in the air, Fan Zhiyuan's gun rang out.

    He and Ling Feng are old buddies for many years, and the two cooperate very well.  Ling Feng climbed the mountain and set off, and he had already started looking for his sniper point.  Take your favorite m90 owl sniper rifle, climb to a tall pine tree, and you are ready.

    As soon as the opponent's firepower was exposed, he would shoot.  Bang bang bang, bang bang.  Five shots down on one side.  All the firepower points in the valley were silent.

    Ling Feng was very satisfied. He jumped down from the cliff, clapped his hands and gave a thumbs up to the mouth of the valley. He was praising Fan Zhiyuan: "It's still an old buddy. This marksmanship is perfect. You can't go wrong with someone like Lao Fan!"

    He even swaggered back and forth in the belly of the flat valley a few more times, seeing that there was no longer any stronghold of firepower, and then slowly walked out.

    At this time, Fan Zhiyuan also came down from the ancient pine tree, and the two clapped their hands together to congratulate.  Reorganize the team and prepare to enter the valley.  The time Celine gave them was also three days, and there were still four caves below the left boil valley, and the bones had to be chewed bit by bit.

    Ling Feng led the people forward, Fan Zhiyuan brought the equipment, and led the formation behind.

    Just after walking a few steps, Ling Feng felt uncomfortable.It was so strong that before it could react, there were two explosions, gravel flew, and dust flew up.  Two soldiers screamed and fell down. It turned out that they stepped on a landmine, and their legs were blown up in an instant.  Injured by the blast, he screamed and screamed for a while.

    Fan Zhiyuan hurriedly ordered everyone to stop at the valley entrance and retreat outside the valley.

    When he came to the valley entrance, he saw several wounded soldiers lying down on the ground inside the valley, everyone was wailing and struggling in pain, and the rest were still in shock, standing there, not daring to move.

    Ling Feng crouched behind a rock and yelled at the soldiers who were standing still: "Don't move around. Pick up the wounded and return to the Taniguchi the same way!"

    The wounded soldier was carried out, and Ling Feng followed the same path and came back slowly.

    As soon as he came back, Fan Zhiyuan scolded him: "What's the matter with you, kid? Don't tell me in advance if there are landmines. Lose a dozen of our brothers!"

    Ling Feng was also annoyed: "I know what's going on? I also thought of this discount at first, and I deliberately turned around in the valley twice, but I didn't expect there to be landmines." This is because he was too careless, and he didn't expect that he was too light  , He has the kung fu of lightening his body, and he used it unintentionally. When he raised his breath, he weighed it on the scale, but the weight was less than five kilograms, which was not enough to detonate the landmine.

    And those soldiers, with a weight of more than 100 kilograms, would explode if they stepped on it.  The amount of explosives in these mines is not large, and their purpose is to incapacitate the enemy, not kill them.  Killing an enemy is just losing one enemy, and killing a wounded one requires healing and treatment, dragging down more soldiers, which is a greater drain on the enemy's combat effectiveness.

    Ling Feng also felt sorry for those injured brothers, he stood up straight up: "I'll go inside again, it seems that I didn't make any effort to lighten my body, and I was trampled to death by it." He was also anxious  If he steps on it, no matter how fast he is, it will be difficult to avoid it.

    A few mercenary soldiers came over, they were all Ling Feng's best friends, they stopped their captain: "Captain, you should take a break, let us come!" These soldiers will use the rolling thunder method to clear the team.  (Remember the site URL:
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