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Chapter 1390 Big lump of cement

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    After these mercenaries arrived at Diamond Island, they were often bullied by the mercenaries, who bullied them as deaf-mute, with strange looks, who soaked in the water wearing only a pair of shorts all day long, had no combat effectiveness, and had a wimpy temper.  Fight less with others.

    But Kim Mi-hee never bullied them, and even cooked them a lot of delicious food for them to eat, played with them, and communicated with them in sign language.  It can be said that she is their best friend, and they are also her best friend.

    Now my merman friend died in that cave like this, Jin Meiji saw them being suffocated to death a little bit with her own eyes, but she had nothing to do, how could she not feel sad?  She often hides on the edge of the reef and weeps alone.

    Jin Taiji was also very annoyed, and brought high explosives, and asked the engineers to blow up those caves.  After a few bangs, the effect was extremely bad. The rocks were too hard to be blown up. In addition, there were holes in it, connected by tunnels, and a hole was opened. The people inside hid elsewhere and fired from time to time.

    After three days, more than half of the thousand or so soldiers brought by Jin Taiji had been killed or injured, and the remaining soldiers were extremely exhausted, but they had nothing to do with the gophers in the cave.

    When she was anxious and helpless, Kim Mi-hee came to find her brother, she said to the latter with bloodshot eyes: "If they don't want to come out, let them die inside." Then she told Kim Tae-ji her thoughts and vowed to give her six  The merman friend took revenge.

    After hearing her plan, Jin Taiji also took a breath of air: "Isn't it a bit too vicious to do this?"

    "What else? It's rare to invite them out with good wine and good food?" The woman became vicious, three points more than the man.

    Kim Taeji thought about it, there was no other way, and if he was cruel, he would do what his sister wanted.  He immediately mobilized engineers to remove all the cement from the supply ship. On Shidao, local materials were crushed into sand and gravel, and quickly mixed into quick-drying concrete.  Look at the shooting holes of those bunkers, and pour the air holes into them. Now, it's not about forcing them out with water and poison, but sealing them inside with this kind of concrete.

    If the hole is smaller, fill it manually; if the hole is larger, use a modified vehicle to push it forward like a bulldozer, and it will be tightly blocked.  All the outlets of the leaks were blocked in the morning.

    And let the vehicles filled with concrete stand by in front of the hillside. Wherever there is a ventilated place, they will immediately pour in a pile of them.  This time, the entire Turtle Back Slope was poured into a solid concrete mound, and the people inside would never want to come out again.

    Jin Meiji didn't come up with this idea out of thin air. When she was in the Northeast Bureau, she saw Chen Erdan use cement trucks to seal up those terrifying nuclear weapons. Such a powerful nuclear fuel can be sealed with cement. No matter what soldiers he is, he put  They were stuck inside alive, making this mountain their concrete coffin!

    This is not over yet, Jin Meiji knew that they might have a secret way out of the sea, and she ordered the soldiers to fortify the coast tightly, holding guns to watch the situation on the beach, patrolling day and night, as long as someone came out from inside, they would immediately shoot  .

    The cement was poured in, and soon it condensed into one place with the stone mountain, and the people inside panicked.  After three days of confrontation with the outside, there was not much supplies left inside, and now they are locked inside again. The narrow and cramped environment puts the people inside under tremendous pressure mentally.

    He also wanted to escape from the water hole on the bank, but was shot to death just as his head emerged, and the dead body floated up from the water.

    The people inside finally couldn't take it anymore, they made white flags one after another, tried to tie them to the floats, and floated up from below, expressing their willingness to surrender.

    Jin Meiji refused to accept it, and vowed to kill all the hundreds of people inside. It was difficult and suffocated to relieve her hatred.  But at this time, Jin Taiji was moved with compassion: "Everyone is a mercenary, they are all taking money from others and working their lives for others, why bother to kill them all like this?"

    Jin Meiji: "They killed my best friend." Thinking of her naive and cute merman friends, she couldn't help shedding tears.

    Jin Taiji comforted her: "How can anyone not die in a war? Besides, before leaving, didn't instructor Chen tell us? We are fighting for ourselves now, and we must work hard to win the team.  Are you still willing to surrender? That will be very detrimental to our future plans to seize the island.¡±

    He took out Chen Erdan's words, and Jin Meiji had no choice but to stop insisting.  Kim Tae-ji accepted the letter of surrender from the people inside, sent people to dive into the water, contacted the people inside, and promised them that as long as they surrendered, they could spare their lives.

    The people inside put down their weapons one after another, came out of the underwater channel, and slowly surfaced.

    The leader here is called the Eagle-billed Turtle, who crawled out covered in water, handed his saber to Jin Taiji, and was willing to surrender.  Kim Tae-ji also kept his promise and did not pursue their crimes.?, and invited them to his barracks, and asked some information: "Are you pirates? Or are you hired by others?"

    The Eagle-billed Turtle told the truth: "We are also employed by people. The Turtle Island in front of you, and the b20/c49/c56/c57 you mentioned, are all islands under the jurisdiction of Flying Fish Island.  The two island chains of the Flying Fish Nation are related to the lifeline of the Flying Fish Nation, so they paid a lot of money to deploy defenses here, and are planning to bring this place into the territory of the Flying Fish Nation.

    The eagle-billed turtle also told Jin Taiji: Don¡¯t look at the fact that Turtle Island is not big and there are no resources on it, but there is a large oil field not far from the north of the island. If it can be exploited, it can reach 1.5 of the Middle East¡¯s oil reserves.  According to international maritime law, the 200 nautical miles beyond the territorial islands belong to the exclusive economic zone of the territory. Therefore, the flying fish country is very fancy about Turtle Island. We build a bunker here and let us defend it to the death.  However, he was still defeated by the general.

    Jin Taiji did not hide anything, and directly told the purpose of this trip to the eagle beaked turtle: "This is indeed a treasure land. Rather than working our lives for others, we should develop it ourselves. According to our instructor Chen, we can completely establish our own kingdom.  , Think about it, if this large oil field becomes our own, what kind of picture will it be like?"

    The eagle-billed turtle is also a man with ideals. After hearing this, he couldn't help but get excited: "Who is that instructor of yours? He can really lead us to build an independent country and expand our territory?"

    Jin Taiji said: "I can only comment on him in two words. The first sentence is that there is nothing in this world that he dare not do, and the second one is that there is nothing that he can't do if he wants to!"  Chen Erdan's experience and what he has done are briefly introduced.

    The eagle-billed turtle was also very impressed: "Well, we are lucky to have such a guide. From now on, I will work with you!"

    Originally, Jin Meiji didn't have a good impression of the hawk-beaked turtle and others, and she was still stuck in the hatred of the mermen.  But after several contacts, she also re-recognized the character of the eagle-billed turtle, who is generous, open-minded, and has good ideals.  I also thought that everyone is their own master, and it cannot be regarded as personal grievances, so I slowly let it go, and slowly accepted this new friend in my heart.  (Remember the site URL:
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