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Chapter 1388 Copy immediately

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    The mercenaries were unprepared and were swept away at that time.  Everyone retreated in a hurry, and someone behind him protruded from the crack of the stone, and there was another burst of gunfire, and another piece fell down.  Immediately afterwards, gunpoints protruded from the left and right sides, and there was a burst of gunfire for a while, and they had entered the ambush circle of the bunker unintentionally.

    The champions on the island are in the dark, huddled in the stone bunker, and it is easy to shoot them one by one and wipe them out.  And they can't even see the shadow of their opponents.  With every burst of gunfire, the lives of many mercenaries were harvested.

    The prairie wolf king was very annoyed. He took up his gun and shot wildly at the entrance of a bunker. The bullets hit the stones into sparks, and finally suppressed the enemy's firepower.  With a bang, the entrance of the bunker was blasted open, only to find that the enemies inside had already moved.

    It turned out that those were not isolated bunkers, but a network of tunnels underground. Under the Guibei Mountain was actually a dungeon for Tibetan soldiers. The bunker had openings on the ground, passages, passages, dead ends, and various ambushes inside.  .

    The prairie wolf sent people in through the entrance of the bunker, and the first team sent three people in, and some went but never returned.  The second team sent five people in, but they never returned.  The other mercenary soldiers were all scared, and no one dared to go down.

    While the prairie wolf was getting angry, another muzzle was raised next to him, and it hit him in the knee with a slam.

    When they exited the ambush circle of Guibei Mountain and retreated all the way down the hillside, they encountered Jin Taiji and his men rushing over.  The defeated general hurriedly carried the prairie wolf towards Jin Taiji.  At this time, out of the more than 300 people who were taken away, only a hundred people remained.

    Jin Taiji hurriedly asked the military doctor to show the leg to the prairie wolf. The latter looked at it and said, "I have to amputate the leg immediately, otherwise there will be a lot of bleeding, or if it is infected by germs, it will be life-threatening!"  , to do surgery.

    The prairie wolf also knows that he is not alarmist: the conditions on the battlefield are limited, and the best way to deal with such a situation is amputation.  The bullet penetrated into the lower extremity, the bones and muscle tissue inside have been smashed, and it is easy to cause internal bleeding. This kind of wound is more difficult to deal with than trauma.

    If it is not done well, it will lead to death. The best way is to amputate, lose one leg, and save one life.  But the military doctor has just landed on the island, and many important medical equipment are not yet with him.

    When the prairie wolf heard this, he was furious: "Is this still using a saw? It's really troublesome to step on a horse!" As he said, he drew out his scimitar, cut down and amputated his own limb, and immediately spurted blood, spraying all over the army doctor on the opposite side.

    The latter didn't dare to be negligent, and hastily pulled out the hemostat to stop the bleeding of the prairie wolf, and then lit a fire to burn his wound.  Carbonize the end of the blood vessel to stop bleeding and sterilize.  During this period, the prairie wolf kept silent, letting the bead of sweat roll off his forehead, and his teeth creaked. Since then, the prairie wolf has become a lame wolf.

    Kim Taeji told him to go downhill and return to the boat to recuperate.  He seemed to have lost this battle, but the mercenaries around him all admired him, and the heroic performance of the warrior with a broken leg made the people around him feel admiration.

    The prairie wolf said: "I won't go, I want to watch those gophers dig out with my own eyes, and I will skin them one by one!"

    People on the prairie hate those gophers extremely.  Because those gophers were digging holes in the grassland, the surface was covered by grass, and deep pits had been formed below.  The rider ran over it on horseback, stepped on the pit, and the horse's leg would be broken on the spot. Not to mention the disability of the horse, the rider fell from the horse's back, and was injured or died.

    So the people on the prairie hated these gophers very much. Unexpectedly, on a remote desert island, the prairie wolves would play the tricks of the gophers again.  Dirty things don't dare to confront them head-on, and hide underground to hurt people.

    Jin Taiji heard him talk about the problem of whack-a-mole in the prairie, and suddenly he came to the stretcher of the prairie wolf: "Brother, you just said that this group of people are like those gophers on the prairie.  Tell me, how did you fight gophers on the grassland?"

    The prairie wolf closed his eyes, twitched his lips twice, and said bitterly: "We fumigate them with smoke, irrigate them with water, dig them out with a shovel, shoot them to death, and feed them to the dogs!"

    "Okay, that's enough, these few moves are enough." Jin Taiji was very excited, thinking that these few moves could deal with the gopher soldiers here.

    The first thing that comes to mind is to use poison gas fumigation.  Now I don't care about any international conventions. Fighting is life and death. There is no appointment. What is the difference between using guns and cannons and poison gas?  Chatting is over, but if the problem can be solved by drinking and chatting, who will fight?  This is a ridiculous paradox!

    Thinking of this, Kim Tae-ji started to collect poison.All the poisonous things that could be found, plus some chemicals provided by the old military doctor, were all brought over, and dry wood and gasoline were brought from the ship, and they were all brought down the Turtle Back Slope.

    First sent people to make a tentative attack, and sure enough, with minimal casualties, several bunker holes were discovered.  After suppressing the firepower, the engineers were sent to the mouth of the bunker, where the poisonous firewood was doused with gasoline and ignited, and blowing into the hole with a hair dryer.  After blowing for a long time, I felt that it should be almost done, but there was no movement inside, so I sent people up the Turtle Back Slope again.

    As a result, as soon as they went up, there was a loud gunshot, and guns were stretched out from an unknown place to shoot. The more than one hundred mercenaries who went up were almost wiped out.  It turned out that the poisonous smoke had no effect at all.

    Jin Taiji found a new hole, continued to light the fire and smoke, and smoked for more than three hours, until the wind picked up on the island, and the poisonous smoke was blown everywhere, only choking his soldiers to cough loudly, with snot and tears flowing.  After fumigation, it's not that the poisonous smoke doesn't care about things. The soldiers who saw me were all in a state of confusion. They had been lying down for more than 20 years.

    Put out the fire, and send people to rush up again, but they still hit it right, and there was another burst of sudden bursts, killing most of the hundred or so people who went up.

    Jin Meiji hurriedly stopped her brother: "This method can't be used, it seems that they have partitions underground, which should block the poisonous gas. No, brother, look!"

    Jin Taiji followed her gestures and saw that smoke began to rise from a pile of rocks more than a thousand meters away.  It turned out that the family had a special anti-virus passage underground, and the poisonous smoke came out of another place after turning a corner.

    This move doesn't work, change another move, water attack.

    Jin Taiji asked his men to go to the boat to move the high-pressure water hose, one end was connected to the sea, and the other end was brought to the turtle-back slope, where he found the entrance of the cave and began to pour it vigorously.

    From noon to night, and from night to the next morning, water was poured into the cave, but no water came out, and no enemy begged for mercy.  How is this going?  Jin Taiji also had doubts: Is this a bottomless pit?

    Just at this time, Jin Meiji ran to him and said, "Brother, stop pouring water, it doesn't work. The water has flowed into the sea again." (Remember the website website:
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