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Chapter 1366 Free and open

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    When Montgomery heard this, he didn't bother to discuss aesthetics with Miss Barbara, and hurried to the corridor, looking out through the window glass from the fourth floor.  Sure enough, on the beach outside the bar, about 3,000 mercenaries gathered, all armed and full of energy, almost emerging from the flat ground, as if they had entered a state of battle.

    But they didn't mean to surround Victoria, but stood in a whole line, as if waiting for someone.

    Sure enough, a military off-road vehicle turned around from the foot of the mountain, drove quickly to the front of the team, and stopped abruptly. The sunroof opened, and Chen Erdan showed the upper half of his body from inside, and waved to everyone: "Okay, everyone can arrive on time.  Good performance." Speaking of this, he stretched out his hand and gave his soldiers a thumbs up.

    A captain yelled a password, and the soldiers stood at attention and saluted. Although their saluting standards were different, some raised above their heads and some just above their chests, their piety was beyond words, and their faces were full of admiration and respect for their instructors.  convince.  On the training ground in the morning, Chen Erdan fired two shots, and these two shots were a masterful move, conquering three thousand mercenaries in one go.

    Chen Erdan asked everyone to "sit down", there was a clatter of noise, everyone sat on the ground, no one made any noise, and listened to his lecture quietly.

    Montgomery was also very surprised when he saw it through the window: Is this group of mercenaries the same group of people he saw through the binoculars on the top of Huoyun Peak in the morning?  Why are you so serious now?

    Just at this time, Wang Taigong also ran out of his room while putting on his clothes.

    Montgotelli pointed to the team on the beach downstairs and said to him, "What's going on?"

    The Grand Duke didn't know either, so he called Kate quickly.  The latter's answer: Colonel Tuaigo is going to conduct military training in Victoria.

    Wang Taigong was also a little angry when he heard it: "I agree with him doing military training, why did he come to Victoria? Is this a place for horse riding training?"

    Kate said on the phone: "By the way, Colonel Tuai asked me to tell you in advance that he would rent this Victoria for three days, and invite these mercenaries to have a good time here. I hope you can agree!"

    Wang Taigong said: "I agree with you! How can I do business when they are here? Do those guests still dare to come? Besides, is there such a military training as him? Where can't you train? You have to go to my bar  Come here?"

    But Kate said: "At the beginning you promised him that as long as you train the soldiers well, you can agree to any conditions. Why do you go back on it now?"

    When Wang Taigong listened to the soul's question, he was also questioned.  In the end, I can only say: "Okay, so, if he really wants to do some training here, I promise him that the entertainment halls on the two basement floors, the underground boxing gym, and the dining bar on the ground floor can let them  Use it for three days. Further up, the dance hall and the beauty dormitory are absolutely not allowed to enter."

    Kate said: "Okay, I will tell the colonel instructor, but, the expenses for these three days have been agreed, and you will have to pay for it!"

    Wang Taigong heard that he had to pay for the three days' expenses out of his own pocket, and his heart ached for a while.  But I thought of what Chen Erdan said: After training this group of mercenaries, they are the masters of tigers and wolves. They can fight for themselves, and they can make money if they can fight.  Businessmen understand better the principle of seeking profit first, so they gritted their teeth and agreed.

    Chen Erdan has publicly announced to the soldiers outside Victoria: The bar is free for everyone to open for three days, you can eat, drink and have fun, but first, you can't fight or hurt people, and second, you can't destroy things. If there is any violation, you will be shot immediately on the spot!  Do you understand?

    Three thousand mercenaries, respond together.  All kinds of languages ??answered together, like a tsunami.  Then everyone entered the Victoria Bar one by one. The line was orderly. Sure enough, everyone obeyed the rules, and there was no crowding or noise.  They are afraid of the military order of the new instructor: those who violate it will be punished on the spot.

    Montgomery also wanted to see how the new instructor trained the team. He was on the fourth floor, in a large office with Wang Taigong, and watched them train through the monitoring equipment everywhere.

    But looking around, I saw that those mercenaries should eat and drink.  Some went to the basement to play billiards and video games.  Some went to the gymnasium on the second floor to lift irons and punched twice.  More drinking on the first floor.  The polar bear mercenary who lived next door to Chen Erdan caught free wine and drank red wine and white wine, and soon became drunk on the floor, unconscious.

    Looking for the new instructor, Tuaige, he just wandered around.  Sometimes he also had a drink with those mercenaries, and Kate followed him, the two of them walked around, and Kate took a small notebook and kept jotting down something.

    Wang Taigong was surprised and called Kate: "What kind of training are you doing? What did you record in your notebook?"

    Kate replied: "This is a military secret. It is inconvenient to talk during training, so I hung up first."

      For three days, Erdan Chen just let the mercenaries play in the Victoria bar, and he and Kate wandered around.  During the transfer, he asked Kate to record one by one, which soldiers are good at drinking, these people can't be used, but if used properly, they can be used as surprise soldiers.

    It can be seen from the way they play games which soldiers are brave and ruthless and like to kill.  Before video games, he only focused on offense and didn't know much about defense.  They belong to the brave and foolhardy people, and they need to be trained. If you use them well, one can count as ten, but if you use them poorly, it can lead to bad things.

    Some people are greedy for money, some are lustful, some are afraid of death, some like to speculateyou can see it when they play games, gamble, and have fun.  He told Kate that these are the weaknesses of human nature and people. Using soldiers is not just about using their strengths. Those who use soldiers well must know how to use their weaknesses.

    Kate was a little confused: "What do you mean? According to you, can these soldiers with obvious shortcomings be used?"

    "Of course, using it well is an advantage! For example," Erdan Chen pulled Kate and sat on a wine table in a corner, pointing to a soldier who was drunk, "Drinking is easy to cause trouble, but there are  Time can make things happen, otherwise, why would there be a saying of "strong wine"? There is a saying in the Xia Kingdom called "wine strengthens heroes and courage".

    "For example, in ancient Xia Kingdom there was a famous general who was good at archery. He drank too much at night and went out to pee. Suddenly, he felt like a tiger was staring at him from a distance. This famous general didn't dare to pee anymore. Immediately bent his bow and set an arrow  , shoot an arrow out."

    "Wait to look again the next morning. It wasn't a tiger last night, but a big rock. That arrow actually shot through the edge of the stone and went to the end of the arrow. Is it amazing? He also felt strange,  I shot again after I woke up from the wine, but I couldn¡¯t shoot in anyway. It can be seen that the wine really works. Also, some people can kill tigers with bare hands after drinking wine, and some people drink wine"

    Kate stopped him: "Okay, I don't want to hear your story. You can talk about the things in the story. You soldiers are drinking like this, how can you fight?"

    Chen Erdan said: "If we really want to fight a war, drinking like this will definitely not work. Therefore, a good commander knows when to let them drink and how much to drink." (Remember the website website:
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