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Chapter 1306

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    She was taken aback for a moment, but then she suddenly understood, jumped again, and jumped into Chen Erdan's arms, with her legs crossed around his waist: "It's really my amazing husband, how did you know there is such a good place?"  ? It really is a treasure mountain!"

    Chen Erdan took the opportunity to drop a book bag: "Knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to win a hundred battles. When the time and place are right, those who are generals must check. The most important thing is that those who learn and apply"

    Ding Dang couldn't help being so happy that he opened his mouth and kissed him on the face.

    Mo Tian shouted from the side: "When, are you still serious? Look at the group of strange dogs down the mountain are following."

    Sure enough, the two brothers, stupid, stupid, and stupid couldn't resist, and they ran up, panting and shouting: "My lord, we really can't stop them, those mad dogs are too powerful, they bite everywhere, and they won't let go."  Mouth. Wait for us!"

    The armored geek led a group of mechanical dogs to rush up the mountain, rushed down the mountain, just after catching up with the skyscraper team, and was about to start a killing spree, when suddenly their actions became extremely weird: it was extremely difficult to lift their hands, and their feet were sucked to the ground just after they took a step  superior.

    A few mechanical dogs rushed forward with all their strength, and with a bang, they were sucked onto the big rock, their four legs scratching non-stop, but their bodies were sucked so hard that they couldn't move on the rock.

    It turns out that this place is called Magneto Mountain.  Most of the rocks on the mountain have strong magnetism, and they are attracted by strong magnetism. The mechanical dogs can't move. The armored man has also discovered this situation. Now he also has difficulty in acting, as if his body is tied by thousands of ropes.

    Seeing that the situation was not good, the armored man quickly gave an order to direct the mechanical dogs to retreat.  Chen Erdan waved the command flag in his hand, and issued an order: Let go!

    The soldiers who had climbed halfway up the mountain had already prepared to throw stones down from mid-air.  Those magnetic stones hit the mechanical dogs, and they were immediately magnetized. Some stones rolled down and immediately rolled into a ball with several mechanical dogs. It was like a snowball, rolling bigger and bigger, attracting more than a dozen mechanical dogs together.

    Those mechanical dogs struggled hard, bursting out with powerful physical strength, but the greater the force they mobilized, the greater the magnetism generated in their bodies, and the stronger the adsorption to those magnets.  I can't move.

    The iron-clad monster was also lying among the rocks, attracted by the magnet, holding a huge spherical boulder in both hands, unable to move.

    The king of the elephant gave a long cry and stepped on it. Elephants have the most clear distinction between gratitude and resentment. They repay their kindness and hold revenge. Just now, the armored man hurt its foot and broke its teeth, making it hate it to the bone.  The armored man trampled to death, Erdan Chen wanted to stop him, but it was too late. He still wanted to ask some confession from that man, but he had no chance.

    People have been trampled to death, and some clues can be found on the corpses. There are still so many mechanical dogs sucked on the stones, which can be studied slowly.

    "Everyone, come and see, these dogs are shitting. What kind of stuff is this?" A soldier shouted, and Erdan Chen followed to watch.  Those mechanical dogs were sucked on the stone, their red eyes slowly dimmed, and lengths of gray dog ??feces were pulled out from the back of their buttocks, slowly condensing into stone-like things.

    Ding Dang covered his nose with a smile and scolded: "What's so interesting about a pile of stinky shit? You perverts!"

    Chen Erdan was very interested in this pile of shit. He squatted down, observed carefully, found another wooden stick, and moved it back and forth.  It was found that the thing was neither stone nor soil, and it was still steaming.  He moved the mechanical dogs that were attracted to the magnet and studied them carefully.

    He thinks this is the energy source in the mechanical dog's body, which has now been exhausted and "excreted" out.  Without energy, these mechanical dogs are a pile of scrap metal.

    Chen Erdan came to the man in iron armor again, and peeled off the iron armor on his body. He looked like a normal person on the inside, but the iron suit on the outside was amazing, equipped with various powerful skills, which could defend and attack  , It is simply a set of intelligent exoskeleton.

    Looking at this set of iron armor, Chen Erdan was also very surprised: In this isolated place, almost still in the middle ages, without any shadow of modern technology, cold weapons have been used for such a long time of war, and then they  Traditional witchcraft and voodoo, how did such a high-tech thing as "Iron Man" appear all of a sudden? Isn't this a bit time-traveled?

    Where did this armor come from, and what energy are they powered by?  You must know that in this kind of place, there is no basic electricity, no lights and telephones, let alone computers and mobile phones, etc. What is the energy source of his armored equipment?

    Chen Erdan checked again carefully, and found a big box like a "battery" at the heart shield of this set of armor.  When I opened the box, I saw that there was also a gray and white pile of shit-like stuff inside, which was neither stone nor soil, and it was still warm, and it had slowly started to cool down.  Looks like that's the power source for this armor.

    Chen Erdan squatted thereSuddenly he was kicked in the butt, and Ding Dang shouted behind him: "You man, when did you get this problem, why did you fall in love with studying 'shit'?"

    Chen Erdan grabbed her little feet and said, "Not only do I like to study shit, but I also like to eat shit!" As he said, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

    Ding Dang was going to laugh at him for "eating shit", but he didn't expect him to "eat" himself, and then he understood the taste, and slapped him on the face with two reproaches: "I think you are the stinky shit, after so long  Don't even come to see me!"

    The two had a fight, and Mo Tian and the giant brothers came over: "Okay, we have won a big victory, quickly clean up the battlefield, go back to the cave to drink, and let everyone get drunk." When the giant brothers heard this, they hugged each other immediately  Dancing in a circle, these two are also two alcoholics.

    ? Have a big banquet to celebrate.  After drinking, Ding Dang hugged Chen Erdan and leaned on him like a piece of brown sugar: "If you come, you are not allowed to leave. We are here to have fun, and you don't want to go back to Tommy."

    Chen Erdan couldn't get rid of her and she had to agree: "Okay, we won't go anywhere tonight, just spend time with my little wife!"

    "Why are you still the little wife? How many older wives do you have?" Ding Dang was of course not happy.

    "When I say young, I mean young. Alas, you are still too young, let's talk about it in a few years." Age is always a psychological obstacle for him.

    The next day, when the giant gang raised troops, Chen Erdan led the crowd to recapture the Black Water Village and the Spirit Snake Valley, and the Hedong Four Villages returned to Tommy's sphere of influence again.

    Ding Dang still wanted Chen Erdan to stay: "Don't you think I'm young? It's okay, just wait here and wait for me to grow up, it's not bad for us to grow old together."

    The two were getting bored here, Sky King came in from the outside, holding an urgent letter with three feathers stained on it, it seemed that there was an emergency, he broke up and said "Excuse me", opened the letter, and read it face to face  .

    The two men also became nervous when they heard it. The letter was written by Huo Fenghuang, and it was sent by the boss of Xiangnu with a carrier pigeon.  The content of the letter is very clear: Queen Tommy has been plotted by Linglong, her life is in danger, please hurry back and save her life.  (Remember the site URL:
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