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Chapter 1131

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    Seeing the flag of Costin, Wunege felt a little unhappy.  But he couldn't help laughing when he saw the procession behind the flag.  With two oily mustaches in his hands, he said: How dare this kind of team come to the Namuda Conference?  Any small tribe I ally with can beat them to the ground.

    The Left League team is indeed not very good.  It's just that the Hei Niu holding the flag in front is quite a man, tall and mighty, but he looks honest, like a country bumpkin.

    There were less than a dozen sparse people behind, old and young.  He saw Harimu riding an old white horse and walking behind. The horse was so old that it had few teeth left, and it was still staggering when walking, and hit the wrong foot. Can this kind of horse still play?

    The people behind are also of different heights. Compared with other teams, they are simply a motley crew.  What's even more funny is that there is a motorcycle sandwiched between several horses.

    It was an off-road motorcycle, and among a group of not-so-high horses, he seemed even shorter, almost crawling around under the horse's belly.  The man riding the bicycle was twenty-two or three years old, wearing a casual jacket and sunglasses, covering half of his face, with a half-smile, looking left and right, curious about everything, and careless about everything, as if he was rushing  big set.

    The one riding the motorcycle is Chen Erdan.  He was slowly observing in the team, looking for someone, Huangfu Shaohua.  He wore sunglasses, also to prevent him from being easily recognized.  He couldn't find Huangfu Shaohua's shadow for a long time, and then he gradually felt relieved.

    Wunige looked at it, and couldn't help pointing to the team with a smile to show to his elder brother China: "Look, that old Harimu guy hasn't been here for a few years, right? He didn't make any mistakes this year.  Just pull up such a team. Well, we will see how capable they are in a while."

    Chi Na had already seen the black bull holding the flag: "I think that kid has some strength, I will wrestle with him after a while."

    Unig reminded him: "You are the Generalissimo, it is best not to take action lightly, you can send the leaders of your subordinates to fight him."

    China felt that it would be more enjoyable to do it by himself.

    ? After the entrance ceremony, according to the usual practice in previous years, it should be the previous leader who gave the opening speech for everyone.  Everyone stood back in their own camp, waiting for the leader of Tagli to appear.

    It was Unig who stood up on the rostrum.  He cleared his throat, raised the microphone in front of himself, and began to speak: "First of all, on behalf of the previous leader, my father, Prince Tagli, to all the tribes who came to participate in this Namuda Conference, everyone!  The chief extended a warm welcome and kindest condolences."

    There are some remote small tribes below who don't know that Prince Tagli has passed away, and they are still whispering below: "Why is this little fat man hosting this time? Why didn't Prince Tagli show up?"

    But most of the people who came to the conference were tribes that Unig had already bought, plus Tagli¡¯s old tribe, so of course everyone must support his speech.  The speech was interrupted by cheers and applause almost as soon as a few words were spoken, and the people below cheered in unison: "The great prince China is a thousand years old, and the second prince Unig is a thousand years old."

    In fact, to truly become king, one needs to be entrusted by the old king of the Central Plains.  Now that the news of the old prince's death has not been reported, and the order from above has not yet come down, they have already begun to call themselves princes.

    Seeing the fanatically supported tribes below, Unig was very proud. He glanced at China beside him, but he couldn't keep his mouth shut for joy.

    ? In the end, Unig wished the conference a smooth convening and wished everyone good results.  According to the usual practice, the tribe with the most gold medals will become the next prairie leader.  He also raised his arms and led everyone to shout loudly: Long live the Harqin Grassland!

    This slogan was also carefully designed by him. When everyone shouted "Long Live" together, they had already expressed their intention to separate the Harqin Grassland from the Central Plains Dynasty and form a country of its own.

    The entrance ceremony in the morning, the competition starts in the afternoon, and the first event is the equestrian competition.  People on the prairie cannot do without horses, this is the first and most important race.

    Equestrianism is divided into three sub-items.  The first small item is walking horse.  It is required to walk three laps around the Jinding Hill, and the first to come wins.

    There are five tribes, big and small, and thirteen riders participating in this competition. The old patriarch Harimu played in the left league. He rode his old white horse and stood on the starting line together with other young players.

    The referee looked at his old horse and was a little worried. He saw that its fur was curled up, its ears were drooping, and it was standing there wobbly. The rider was also in his seventies.  ?

    However, Harimu on the horse looked confident. He took out a long cigarette pouch from his arms, lit it, took two puffs, and then spit out two thick phlegm.signal to start.

    With a bang, the game started.

    What this Zouma pays attention to is the word "walk", which is quite different from the Zouma.  It is very simple for a horse to run. Generally, a trot is a trot with the left front leg and the right hind leg. When running fast, the two front legs jump out at the same time, and the two hind legs keep up, jumping and galloping.

    While walking a horse, the front and rear legs on the same side move out at the same time, that is, running along the turn.  This is a unique way of running, which can run for a long distance. The horse is not easy to get tired when running, and it is very stable.  "Walking horse".

    However, it is extremely difficult to train such a "walking horse". It requires the rider to have superb training skills and a tacit cooperation with the horse, which can be done after years of training.

    As soon as the gunshot fired, thirteen horses on the prairie "walked" immediately.  All of a sudden, the grass stalks were flying and the dust was flying. The rider ordered the horses to quickly turn around the hill. There was a referee standing on the observation deck on the top of the hill, supervising the competition. They were also waiting anxiously at the starting point and the finish line.

    After more than ten minutes, a horse head turned from the other side of the hill.  The first three horses are No. 2, No. 3 and No. 12 respectively.

    The two horses in front are riders from the Right League, No. 2 is China's subordinate, and No. 3 is Wunige's subordinate.  The two watched in the middle of the stand, very satisfied, and waved the red flag in their hands to cheer for the riders.  When No. 12 approached, everyone saw clearly that the ones following the first two horses turned out to be the old man Harim and his old curly horse.

    Hey, the old white horse's ears are straightened, and its legs don't tremble anymore.  The four hooves are spread apart, and the posture is so elegant that it is not "walking", it is almost a catwalk, it is a dance.  It danced extremely gracefully, following the two horses in front unhurriedly, the horse's head almost reaching the tail of the second horse.

    Everyone thought it was unbelievable, but Old Harimu looked disapproving on horseback: You people who have never seen the world, do you know what kind of horse I am?  He is a heavenly horse from the Western Regions. He rides across the Tianshan Mountains for fifteen thousand a day. He is old, but he is five years younger.

    The horses behind were much behind.  (Remember the site URL:
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