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Chapter 1300: The seal is fruitless

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    As time passed, the snowstorm continued to spread. After slaughtering the entire village, these snowstorms seemed to have been ordered to gather and charge, and continued to pursue the pair of men and horses that ran away before.

    Seeing this, Lin Feng realized that he could no longer confront the giant snow demon.

    Although Lin Feng is confident that he has the ability to intercept the opponent here, so that it cannot advance an inch, but he can only intercept this big one. As for the snow demon army that has already rushed out of the village, Lin Feng is powerless.

    And once these snow demon legions catch up with Zhao Yi and others who are running ahead, it will probably be another killing.

    "Stop for me!" With this in mind, Lin Feng immediately jumped off the high ground, launched a super-speed charge, came behind a snow demon, turned his long knife, and pierced through the guy's back.

    The terrifying energy within the blade also erupted at the same time, directly causing the Snow Demon's body to explode, revealing a scar the size of a bowl.

    But, obviously, that giant snow demon would not just sit back and watch Lin Feng slaughter his people. Before Lin Feng could get close to the second target, a loud roar erupted behind him. Immediately afterwards, there was a fist as heavy as a mountain, directly carrying the snow storm  The hurricane hit directly above Lin Feng's head.


    Lin Feng's eyes burst into coldness, he snarled, turned around, and raised his left hand high.

    A strange spatial fluctuation emanated from the body, firmly restraining the space, the fist of the giant snow demon barely touched Lin Feng's forehead, but stopped in place.

    Even though it was only for a second, Lin Feng also found an excellent opportunity to attack and counterattack. He raised the blade and made more than a dozen knives in an instant.  His hair was burned away, exposing the purple-black skin.

    The blade continued to burst out, and there were countless impacts on the back of the snow demon's fist, and there was a constant ping-pong sound.

    However, the snow demon's skin is extremely strong, even if it is a slash that contains the original power of the earth fire, it can only leave shallow bloodstains on it, and cannot directly penetrate into the flesh and blood, causing heavy damage to the giant snow demon.

    The seemingly ferocious wound, compared to the huge size of the Snow Demon, was ridiculously small, and it couldn't even penetrate the skin.

    "It seems that you must find the core to be fatal!" Lin Feng withdrew his long knife in surprise, his eyes full of surprise.

    At the same time, the space lock time ended, and in the next second, the heavy fist of the giant snow demon, still carrying enough power to destroy everything, crushed down viciously.

    Lin Feng had no choice but to hold the long knife horizontally above his head, abruptly blocking the blow.

    The arrogance all over his body was boiling at an accelerated rate, and his whole body was engulfed in flames, as if he was wearing a flame armor, and he shook it hard against the attacking giant fist.


    A hurricane rose under the surface, spreading like waves, and soon these waves swept across the entire village, smashing all the buildings that had already become fragile.

    Lin Feng's body also sank two meters directly, and his whole body was smashed into the soil. At the same time, the soil around his body also sank crazily, showing a large pit with a diameter of more than ten meters.


    The giant snow demon let out a triumphant roar. It retracted its fist and looked at the sunken land under its feet. Its eyes flashed cruelty and coldness, as if celebrating the death of the enemy.

    However, at the same time that its eyeballs were filled with pride, the collapsed soil actually bulged up again, like a small hill, condensing a ground thorn with a diameter of more than five meters, which directly got rid of the shackles of the surface and turned into a thorn.  The black light shot directly at the eyes of the giant snow demon.


    The Snow Demon roared again, waved its giant hand, and exploded the thorn, but at the same time, cracks opened up in the surrounding land within a radius of several hundred feet, and then a large number of ferocious thorns emerged, like a mess.  Like rain, it shot high into the sky in unison.

    The pupils of the giant snow demon shrank suddenly, and hurriedly waved its huge hands like windmills.

    However, the ground thorns are too dense, so it is inevitable to pierce it's waving arm, and then show a strong penetrating power, directly breaking through the blockade of the skin, and pricking bloodstains on the giant snow demon's arm, blood flowing horizontally  , falling like a waterfall.

    That's the real blood waterfall!

    Due to the huge size of the giant snow demon, the blood sprayed from those wounds was even more exaggerated than the waterfall. They dispersed into rain in the air and enveloped the entire village.

    However, even after suffering such a heavy blow, the giant snow demon was still not fatally injured. It roared crazily, and the white fluff on its body stood upright, like the needles of a hedgehog.It trembled, and shot straight up, intercepting all the ground thorns that filled the sky.


    At this time, Lin Feng's explosive roar came again from under the surface, and a jet of water shot up into the sky, shaking the giant snow demon back. The huge soles of the feet retreated more than ten steps in a row, and finally stepped on a quagmire, and barely stood up.  Stabilize your body.


    The giant snow demon sounded like a thunderstorm, and was about to continue to attack, but an even weirder scene appeared.

    I saw the quagmire under my feet suddenly began to roll, spinning like a vortex at a high speed, and my ankles were sinking continuously, and my whole body was also trapped by the quagmire, unable to break free.

    It just remembered that there is no quagmire behind it at all, and this quagmire should be deliberately created by that human being!

    Sure enough, at the same time panic flashed in the eyes of the giant snow demon, a small hill less than 200 meters away from it exploded, and then, Lin Feng, who was filled with three powerful air currents, burst out of the ground,  His hands were brought together suddenly, and he let out a loud shout.


    The quagmire expanded rapidly, directly spreading out to a range of 500 meters in diameter. Even though the giant snow demon was huge, he could only watch his body sink and be slowly swallowed by the quagmire.

    But Lin Feng's eyes lit up, as long as he used the quagmire to completely trap this big guy, he would be able to repeat his tricks, mobilize the original power of the three elements, and forcibly seal this giant snow demon.

    Once the leader is lost, the Snow Demon Legion will naturally be defeated.

    But, the reality is never as smooth as the plan. Just when Lin Feng couldn't wait to activate the elemental energy to seal the opponent, the surface of the giant snow demon's body suddenly burst into bright white light. Under the white light, the whole  The quagmire immediately froze, forming thick scabs!

    At the same time, the giant snow demon roared loudly, smashed its arms hard on the ground, jumped up with the help of its body, and instantly crossed the barrier of the mire, and punched again. The terrifying icy breath sent  The range where Lin Feng is located is shrouded.

    "It's too difficult!"

    Lin Feng's scalp tightened, looking at the terrifying shadow above his head, he could only let go of his hands and leap off the ground quickly.

    With a bang, Lin Feng had just jumped out of a distance of less than ten feet, when the adobe layer behind him was crushed by the hurricane and sank, causing a huge explosion.

    The shock wave like a nuclear bomb swept straight in, blowing up the ground by three feet, and at the center of the explosion point, there was a huge crater with a diameter of almost two or three hundred feet!

    Within a radius of one kilometer, all objects, including Lin Feng himself, were blown away by the powerful shock wave, and flew out like dead leaves. I don't know how many big trees were smashed along the way, and they barely stopped the backward flight  the trend of.  (Remember the site URL:
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