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Chapter 617: Human Corpse

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    After advancing in such a peaceful manner for about an hour, the white mist in the air gradually thinned out, and everyone's tense nerves were slightly relaxed.

    And as the white mist gradually disappeared, what appeared in the eyes of everyone again was a weird jungle full of primitive and wild atmosphere. In the depths of the jungle, all kinds of strange flowers and plants appeared one after another, and the huge shrubs and jungles were like a dark forest.  The green ocean is connected with the distant horizon.

    Arriving at a wasteland outside the jungle, Xiao Hu first waved his hand to signal the people around him to stop, making the team stop temporarily, then walked to a relatively high place, and squinted his eyes to look around.

    Then he jumped down from the higher rock, quickly walked to Lin Feng at the back of the team, and whispered, "It seems that your deduction is correct, we have indeed come to a place we have never been to before."

    As a local snake in Han City, Xiao Hu naturally has a clear understanding of the environment on the edge of the entire city, but the environment he is in now is completely different from the environment he remembers, which shows that they are indeed no longer in the Blue Star World.  up.

    Lin Feng was not surprised by this, nodded, and then asked again, "Have you figured out which direction to go next?"

    Xiao Hu looked around and said, "The place I'm looking for is a huge cave. The left and right sides of this cave may be deep in the jungle, but I don't know exactly where it is."

    Hearing this, Lin Feng frowned directly, "You don't even know the exact location of the target, so how do you know there will be a cave inside?"

    "Well" After hearing Lin Feng's question, Xiao Hu seemed to be thinking about something, and he hesitated for a long time before saying.

    "To tell you the truth, we are not the first to come here. Some people have discovered this space channel half a month ago. At first, those people just walked around outside the channel and did not dare to go too deep.  , but there are always courageous people in this world, after wandering around for a few days, a few courageous guys came here."

    Lin Feng nodded and said, "Then what happened to these people?"

    "have no idea!"

    Xiao Hu shook his head and said, "Anyway, the first batch of people who entered here basically died. Only one lucky guy escaped from here. Later, our people accidentally found him on the road."

    "At that time, he was seriously injured, and he was about to die. I asked this guy, but I didn't get much information. I only know that he once broke into a cave, and encountered a terrible thing in that cave.  thing."

    Lin Feng said coldly, "You know that cave is scary, why did you go looking for it?"

    Xiao Hu smiled noncommittally, "Although it is dangerous, there is something I want in that cave."

    Lin Feng said, "Did that person tell you before he died?"

    "Yes!" Xiao Hu nodded and said, "I found something on that guy, and that thing had a great effect on me, but unfortunately only a small part of it was brought out by him, so I thought about it and planned to re-  Lead people into that cave to find more resources."

    Lin Feng said with a cold face, "Even now, you still refuse to tell me what you want to find."

    "You'll know when the time comes, don't be in a hurry." Xiao Hu still had no comment, but when he turned his gaze, Lin Feng read some subtle fluctuations in his beating eyes.

    However, Xiao Hu concealed this emotion very well. Even Lin Feng couldn't see what this guy was thinking.

    At this time, Long Tao suddenly ran to the two of them and said loudly, "Come and have a look, I found a dead body at the edge of the forest."

    "A human corpse?"

    Hearing this, both Lin Feng and Xiao Hu were surprised, and turned their eyes to Long Tao at the same time.

    Long Tao nodded, "That's right, it's a stranger I've never met before."

    "Come on, let's go and have a look right away!" The two looked at each other and hurriedly followed Long Tao towards the edge of the forest.

    Lin Feng felt very strange, and said to Long Tao while walking, "Are you sure you can see clearly, that is a human being, not some kind of monster that looks closer to human beings?"

    In the dimensional world, there are also many alien races whose body structure is almost exactly the same as that of human beings. Lin Feng wondered if Long Tao had misread the corpses of alien races as human corpses.

    Long Tao shook his head vigorously and said, "There's nothing wrong with it. He's just a human being. He wears the same clothes as ours and has a belt around his waist. Foreigners alwaysWouldn't there be such a thing?  "

    Lin Feng nodded, and unconsciously quickened his pace.

    Two minutes later, he and Xiao Hu arrived at the place where Long Tao claimed to have found a human corpse. Sure enough, there was a human corpse crouching under a relatively thick towering ancient tree. The corpse belonged to a relatively strong adult male, with the upper body  It's a blue plaid shirt, with a very energetic crop top.

    "It really is a human being!" Xiao Hu stopped in his tracks, his eyes flickering rapidly.

    Lin Feng quickly walked towards the human corpse, and turned the corpse over.

    The cause of this person's death was excessive blood loss. There was a terrible scratch on his chest, which ran from his left shoulder to his right abdomen. The internal organs were faintly visible. Judging by the freshness of the wound, the time of his death should have been yesterday.

    That is to say, besides the team led by Xiao Hu, there are other awakened teams also here.

    Lin Feng crouched on the edge of the corpse and pondered for a while. Soon after, he heard Xiao Hu muttering to himself, "Why are there human corpses here? Could it be that other than us, other people are also eyeing this place?"

    Long Tao didn't want to talk to Xiao Hu at first, but he was also very puzzled, so he raised a guess to Lin Feng, "Could it be that the monster from the dimensional world entered the Blue Star through the previous passage, and then captured this person?"  From here?"

    Lin Feng shook his head and said, "This possibility is not ruled out, but it is unlikely. Generally, monsters will eat humans immediately after they find them. They rarely have the habit of 'hoarding food', and look at the scars on this person  , obviously just appeared not long ago, if the monster really used him as food, why is there no biting marks on the body?"

    Xiao Hu also nodded and said, "It seems that this person was not dragged in by the monster, but he ran to this forest by himself, was attacked by the monster, and then insisted on running here to die."

    "It should be so." Lin Feng was obviously more inclined to Xiao Hu's speculation.

    Long Tao scratched his neck and said with a puzzled expression, "Why did this guy break into the dimensional world for no reason? Isn't he courting death?"

    Lin Feng glanced at Xiao Hu indiscriminately, then shook his head and explained, "Humans entering the dimensional world does not mean that they are looking for death, on the contrary, they may be attracted by something, with the same purpose as us  Enter this rainforest." (Remember this website URL:
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