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Text Chapter 111: World Fusion

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    The Chaos Sea, the world of the gods who don't know the danger is approaching, is still advancing step by step.

    If someone with a heart carefully studies the trajectory of the world of the gods, they will find that if they continue along this route, the final destination is the Great Desolation.

    Thanks to Pangu's awesome performance, the prehistoric world has been famous in the sea of ??chaos since its birth.

    Almost all Hunyuan monks have heard of the name of the prehistoric world.  Matched with the great name, that is endless peeping.

    Peeping is peeping. After Pangu created the world, the prehistoric world automatically disappeared.  Even if the native-born strongman goes out, it will take a lot of effort to return to the prehistoric world.  .

    It is more difficult for outsiders to find the prehistoric world in the vast chaos than to find a needle in a haystack.

    All of this changed with the killing of gods. The Great War of All Saints exposed the coordinates of the prehistoric world, and instantly became the number one target of world invaders.

    It's just that the prehistoric world is not a soft persimmon. Countless Chaos Demon Gods who broke in rashly turned into nourishment for the growth of the world in the end.

    So much so that the latecomers have learned to behave well, knowing the power of the prehistoric world, and playing the routine of joining if they can't beat it, trying to subvert the prehistoric world from the inside.

    Generally speaking, intruders are divided into three categories:

    The first type of intruder is the world predator with the title of public enemy, who wants to destroy the prehistoric world and seize the origin of the world.

    The second type of intruders is somewhat similar to Haotian's previous plan to invade the Xuanhuang World. They are following a sustainable development route with relatively mild means, and want to seize control of the prehistoric world.

    The third type of intruder is the friendliest.  I just want to find a high-level world to join and get a better cultivation condition.

    It's just that the intruder's position is not constant and may change at any time.  The main thing that determines the change of their position is strength.

    To put it simply, if you can't win, you will join the immigrants, if you win, you will seize the control of the world, and if you break the world, you will plunder the origin.

    All come according to the law of the chaotic jungle, benevolence, righteousness, morality, and karma are all gone here.  All order in chaos comes from strength.

    Since the exposure of the prehistoric world, countless intruders have jumped out, wanting to get a share of this feast of sharing.

    The world of the gods is also the most inconspicuous member of the countless intruders.  Everything is for Dao.  Flood dragons cannot be raised in shallow water, and the level of the world often determines the upper limit of monks.

    Although you can still seek opportunities in the chaos, the vast chaos is too illusory.  The two great gods of the world of the gods, Shangshen, once formed a team to explore the chaos deeply. After countless years, they finally returned disappointed.

    It's not that there are no opportunities in the chaos, but most of the so-called opportunities are for low-level monks.  For gods like them who are comparable to Hunyuan monks, there is no real help.

    Originally, they had all given up and were ready to slowly farm and develop the world.  But when he turned around suddenly, he realized that the path to the world of the gods had gone astray.

    After the way of faith became the mainstream, it gradually affected the laws of the world, causing the world of gods to run wildly on the road of believing in Shinto.

    World awareness, or the way of heaven, is unknowingly combined with the belief in Shinto, and Shinto has become the only mainstream in this world.

    With the general trend like this, the two gods and gods are powerless.  Just at this time, the coordinates of the prehistoric world were exposed, and the two sat down and made a total decision, and immediately decided to do it.

    ? In order to invade the prehistoric world, the demon gods of all walks of life showed their abilities and continuously seized the control of the world, intending to use the world as a stepping stone to enter the prehistoric world.

    There are countless worlds rushing to the prehistoric world at once, but no one pays attention to the small movements of the world of the gods.  The journey was very flat, until entering the chaos where the Xuanhuang world is located.

    The chaotic sea, which was originally calm and calm, suddenly had a whirlwind. In the turbulent chaotic current, even one world can only be regarded as a light boat.

    After discovering all this, the god of the earth on duty urged the god array to deal with the chaotic turbulence, and at the same time told his subordinates: "No, the tide of chaos is about to erupt, Aqidin quickly inform the god master!"

    Actually, all of this is superfluous.  The moment the chaotic turbulence appeared, the two gods in the world of the gods realized the danger.

    Both of them have been in the chaos, and they are very aware of the dangers of the chaos. At this moment, they are driving the world forward, so how can they be unprepared.

    Without waiting for any hesitation, the two appeared together on the periphery of the world, setting up a protective shield.  Although it cannot completely preventNone of the monks who can cultivate to the realm of Hunyuan is a fool.

    Regardless of the fact that the three of them are talking very happily now, Li Mu can be sure that the two of them have their own calculations, and it is impossible to trust him with just a few words.

    Suggesting to join forces is just to take advantage of the trend. After all, in the current situation, fighting and not being able to fight, it will not benefit anyone if the relationship is froze.

    The world of adults has always been rarely confused.  Before you officially turn your back, greeting with a smile is just a basic operation, try not to offend people if you can.

    If the interests are the same, maybe they can really join forces.  After all, there is a long way to go to the prehistoric world, and no one knows how many dangers are waiting for them in the chaos.

    Anyway, they are all calculating each other, and Li Mu doesn't care what the two are calculating.  They are the best thugs when the mysterious murderer "only" comes out of the cage.

    Unwilling to make a move?

    Then discuss it with "only"!

    Anyway, according to the ancient records, "Zhi" is the fairest existence in the Xuanhuang world, and treats all powerful people equally.

    After a round of discussions and bragging, the relationship between the three was quickly drawn closer, as if they had become good friends who had known each other for many years.

    I don't know if it's an illusion, but Li Mu also found that the relationship between the Lord of Light and the Lord of Darkness is not as good as it seems on the surface.

    Playing him on purpose?

    It seems that there is no need for this.  Everyone is an old fox of hundreds of millions of years, who fooled who!

    Deep down in his heart, Li Mu still prefers to believe that there is a conflict between the two.  After all, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, not to mention one is dark and the other is radiant, the proper attributes are mutually exclusive!

    Instead of fighting to the death, they suppressed the contradictions and joined forces to plan the prehistoric world, which is enough to prove the strength of these two people.

    Seeing the gradual completion of world fusion, Li Mu's heart became more and more heavy.  There is no way, after making such a big commotion, it is unreasonable for the ferocious beast to "only" wake up.

    He didn't attack immediately, either because he was "only" afraid of the strength of the three of them and didn't dare to attack rashly; or he wanted to kill the strong men of the two worlds together, and was worried that he would scare the fish away with an early attack.

    Regardless of the situation, it is not a good thing for Li Mu.  This means that "only" is not a beast that only knows how to kill, but a high-level life form with wisdom.

    Following the end of the last wave of shock, the Xuanhuang world and the world of the gods were completely merged together.  The original pattern of five elements and eight trigrams has also changed now, as if it has become a huge spoon.

    Li Mu's complexion didn't change much, but the complexions of the Lord of Darkness and the Lord of Radiance became uglier than the other, as if their parents were dead.

    There is no way, in the law of heaven in the newborn world, the proportion of the world of gods is too small, and even the power system is more inclined to the mysterious world.

    It's all sequelae caused by going astray. Belief in Shinto is dominant in the world of gods. It not only squeezes other cultivation systems, but also allows the laws of heaven and earth to walk on one foot.

    In contrast, the world of Xuanhuang is full of various cultivation modes.  The most important thing is that Xuanhuang World not only has many types of laws, but also goes further in the strongest single law.

    There were no accidents, this was due to Li Mu.  The years in the prehistoric world are not in vain, even though they are all Hunyuan monks, their innate foundation is to be better than ordinary monks in the Great Thousand World.

    It's not that the two are not talented enough, it's purely a restriction of the world level.  The same is the law of comprehension. The innate laws of the prehistoric world are all above the Hunyuan level, while the monks of the Great Thousand World have to rely on their own deduction and development at the last moment.

    ?It seems that different routes lead to the same goal, but there is not much difference in the end. In fact, those who have experienced it know that it is inevitable to miss something by groping it all by yourself.

    It's just that the Lord of Light and the Lord of Darkness didn't know it, and mistakenly thought that Li Mu was a native monk in the Xuanhuang World.

    It is simply thought that Li Mu has gone further on the road of law cultivation and perfected the laws of heaven and earth, so that Xuanhuang World has taken the leading position in this merger.

    For monks at the Hunyuan level, every small step forward can bring about earth-shaking changes.

    What's more, now that the gap between the two worlds is so great, it is purely a 37-point account.

    Looking at Li Mu again, the eyes of the two became more reserved.  There is more awe of the strong in the eyebrows, as well as a faint admiration.

    In this regard, Li Mu is also happy to see the results. No matter what the reason is, now that the two of them have been shocked, a lot of twists and turns have been avoided.

    Without waiting for any hesitation, taking advantage of the moment when the two of them lost their minds, Li Mu immediately said: "Two fellow Taoists, regarding the distribution of power in the new world, how about we follow the laws of the original two worlds?

    In this way, no one will be at a disadvantage, so as not to cause twists and turns and hurt each other's harmony in vain.  "??"Two fellow daoists, regarding the distribution of the authority of heaven in the new world, how about we follow the laws of the original two worlds?

    In this way, no one will be at a disadvantage, so as not to cause twists and turns and hurt each other's harmony in vain.  ?
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