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Text Chapter 181: The Most Favored Emperor

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    Chile River, under the Yin Mountain.

    The sky is like a dome, covering the whole field.

    The sky is gray and wild.

    When the wind blows the grass, the cattle and sheep are low

    Not in the mood to appreciate the scenery of the prairie, Li Mu was galloping on the prairie with three hundred Huashan disciples.

    This time, they are here to destroy the crowd, so the speed must be fast.  In case the Palace of Eternal Life found the trace and hid in advance, Li Mu would have no way to find him out in the vast prairie.

    After going deep into the prairie for more than half a month and turning thousands of miles, there was no trace of their whereabouts, because everyone who saw them died.

    Not only did they kill people, but for the sake of supplies, Li Mu and his party did not hesitate to pick up horse thieves. Seven small and medium tribes were robbed along the way.

    Fortunately, this is a prairie. Due to the need for grazing, the whereabouts of nomadic tribes are often erratic, otherwise the news would have spread.

    However, this kind of thing can't be hidden for long. Many tribes were wiped out along the way. Such a tragedy will definitely attract the attention of the Oach Royal Court.

    As long as you check the wound, you can know that it was done by a martial arts master. This kind of thing will definitely be notified to Wacha, the leader of martial arts and religion-the Palace of Longevity.

    Looking at the sky, Li Mu reined in his horse and stopped.


    "It's less than a hundred miles away from the headquarters of the Hall of Eternal Life. I'll rest here for a night today, and I'll start working tomorrow after I've recharged my energy."

    Fortunately, all the experts came here. If ordinary people were tossing around like this, they would probably lie down before reaching the place.

    In fact, Li Mu really planned to bring more Huashan disciples over to witness the bloodiness of the battlefield.

    Just considering the special status of the Hall of Eternal Life in Wacha, once they are eliminated, they will be surrounded by the Wacha army, and the selection criteria have to be raised.

    Leaving nothing else aside, at least in the face of a large army besieging, he can outrun the war horse.

    On the vast grassland, if you want to run with two legs and beat with four legs, it is impossible for non-martial arts masters to do it.

    The carefully selected three hundred disciples can be said to be all elites.  If they were left on the prairie, the Huashan faction would be seriously injured.

    Looking at the burning clouds in the sky, Feng Buping walked up to Li Mu and said, "Master, the weather is a bit wrong!"

    The climate on the grassland is changeable, and all kinds of bad weather such as wind, sun, rain, and sandstorms emerge one after another. The Huashan faction and its group have suffered a lot these days.

    Experience has been accumulated. Feng Buping, who was careless in the past, has now learned to pay attention to weather changes.

    Pointing to the clouds in the sky and stepping on the green grass, Li Mu smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, this is a sign of the outbreak of the black disaster.

    We don't stay here for a long time, and we will return to Guanzhong after destroying the Hall of Eternal Life, which will not affect us.  "

    Naturally, it is impossible to only target the land of China.  Compared with farming civilizations that are more resistant to risks, grasslands that are more ecologically fragile are undoubtedly more likely to cause massacres.

    The "Three Disasters" on the grassland, if any wave comes, blood will flow like a river.

    Li Mu can be sure that after the black disaster broke out, Wacha either invaded westward to plunder, or went southward to raid grass valleys.

    This is a battle for survival, and it must be fought whether you want to or not

    Forbidden City

    Looking at the two veterans who were laughing in front of them, "Zhu Houwei" became very angry.

    "Two priests, don't be so secretive. I know all about the killing and robbery in the world, and now it's just the sky's killing intent, and the stars are changing.

    Next, there will be killing opportunities from the ground, and dragons and snakes will rise to the ground;

    According to ancient records, a slight mishandling at such a time would be the disaster of the dynasty's overthrow.

    ?I dare not be incautious when it comes to my great Ming country.  The two of you were invited here today to find a solution.

    Both of them are experts in the world, and they must have good ideas to teach them.  "

    After the two looked at each other, Zhang Tianshi said slowly: "Your Majesty, as long as you are close to virtuous ministers, far from villains, and work hard to govern, the Ming Dynasty will naturally prosper forever.

    We, people outside the world, really have no good strategy for governing the country. Your Majesty should discuss it with the cabinet!  "

    Rolling his eyes, "Zhu Houwei" thought to himself: If the cabinet can solve it, he will not be humble.

    Those books talked about the way of saints vividly and vividly. Any natural disaster must be the emperor's loss of morality. It is clear that he wants to take the blame for himself.

    He didn't hide his emotions at the moment, and directly said to the two of them:

    "The two priests can figure it out,up!

    ?Since I came to the throne, I have never been short of its offerings. As for staring at me hard?  "

    Regarding the grievance of "Zhu Houwei", the two tacitly did not respond.  The ancestors did a good job, now it's their turn to repay, there is nothing wrong with it.

    Although the world of Xiaoao has not reached the point where there are gods standing above its head, it is still a fallen extraordinary world after all.  How can you have a good life if you are guilty of crimes against the sky.

    If it weren't for the fact that the bureaucratic system of the Ming Dynasty hadn't completely degenerated, and the civil official group hadn't been dominated by one single family, "Zhu Houwei" would be the second Chongzhen.

    Of course, "Zhu Houwei" is still much stronger than Chongzhen.  Although he enjoyed a similar natural disaster package, his countermeasures were much more reliable.

    It's just that human power is insignificant in the face of natural disasters. No matter how hard we try, we can't stand the continuous natural disasters.

    After hesitating for a long time, Zhang Tianshi said slowly: "Your Majesty, since it cannot be avoided, let's start preparing for the battle!

    Old Daoist Chongxu, this time you Wudang will do your best.  Now that the world is in chaos, at least it can relieve some of the pressure on His Majesty.  "

    The essence of killing and robbery is "killing", and only killing can eliminate the power of robbery.  As for who died, it doesn't matter.

    In a sense, the death of a martial arts master is more effective than the death of hundreds of ordinary people.

    Rolling his eyes, Daoist Chongxu said angrily: "Brother Dao, how long has it been since you cared about affairs in Jianghu?

    Both the Nine Sects Alliance and the Demon Cult in Sichuan are losing, and now both the good and the evil are gathered in Bashu, and a new war may break out at any time.

    In order to survive this killing, even the trials of the disciples of the poor Taoist sect were changed to exterminate the bandits and do justice for the heavens.  "

    These words were obviously said by the two of them to the emperor on purpose, in order to tell "Zhu Houwei" that the Daoist sect has done its best now.

    There is no need to count on other things. With this little strength, they can only make so many waves at most

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