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Chapter 373 The future is slim

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    a few hours later

    Winthrop Rockefeller and Crewe Humphrey of the Boston Consortium met with Li Jianxi together. In view of the importance of the matter, some ugly things need to be said publicly first.

    The three of them sat facing each other, each with a ghost.

    Winthrop Rockefeller glanced at Crew Humphrey and stared at the roof, he had no intention of speaking first, and could only break the deadlock by himself;

    "President Li, well, for the severe situation facing Samsung Electronics, the consortium is ready to help after discussion, but it is not free. I hope you can be prepared in your heart."

    "I fully understand this, and I am grateful for the valuable financial support in difficult times."

    Li Jianxi said that it is almost a dead end now, and he has no choice at all.

    ?After experiencing the financial turmoil from 1997 to the end of 1998, banks in the Korean peninsula were licking their wounds silently. They did not really recover and were unable to issue large US dollar loans.

    In European and American societies, the Internet high-tech bubble burst on March 14, 2000, and there were also mourners everywhere.

    A large number of Internet high-tech startups in Silicon Valley were weaned, and their original high valuations were worthless in an instant. Nearly 90% of the startups died in the cold winter.

    The U.S. stock market alone has lost 5 trillion US dollars in market value, and more than a thousand large and small banks have closed down.

    Early 2001

    The chain reaction brought about by the bursting of the Internet high-tech bubble and the aftermath caused by the evaporation of huge wealth have been passed on to the US real estate market.

    Many glamorous real estate companies collapsed, and countless middle-class people became impoverished overnight, lost their jobs, their comfortable life, their houses and dogs.

    Under such circumstances, the US-funded consortium still has confidence in Samsung Electronics News and is willing to lend a helping hand. Can Li Jianxi expect more?

    ? Continued Winthrop Rockefeller;

    "Your planned 12-inch fab construction plan was rejected. It is crazy to increase investment under such circumstances. The Mi-funded consortium cannot convince everyone."

    ? This news was like a bolt from the blue, which made Li Jianxi stunned for a moment. He rushed forward eagerly, and said while holding Winthrop Rockefeller's arm tightly;

    "Mr. Winthrop, this

    This decision will make Samsung Electronics lose the opportunity to catch up with each other. You know, the electronics industry is developing at a rocket-like speed, and it is falling behind by one generation every 18 months.

    The 12-inch fab is very important for Samsung Electronics to maintain high-end R&D capabilities, promote advanced manufacturing processes, and closely follow the competitors' footsteps!

    Moreover, the world's advanced level is in the 12-inch wafer fab. It is indispensable for technicians to be familiar with and find out production methods to improve yield, and to accumulate production line operation level.

    This is related to the major issue of the production cost of a single memory particle chip, and it is also related to the international competitiveness of Samsung Electronics.

    Please, no matter what"

    "Shut up!"

    Crue Humphrey was so angry that he stopped Li Jianxi's remaining words loudly;

    This damn Han Bangzi, who smells like kimchi, is like an insatiable gambler, squandering huge amounts of money from American consortiums without heartache. That's tens of billions of dollars!

    Just now after Senator Michael Bay mediated, there was a split within the US-funded consortium over the continued capital injection, and the damned Kenneth Ray was unwilling to take out his share.

    To put it bluntly, this bastard is not optimistic about Samsung Electronics at all, and wants to jump ship alone!

    ?The US-funded consortiums that came together because of their interests had originally guarded against each other, and the talks almost broke down completely.

    at last

    The Rockefeller consortium and the old white money coterie represented by Senator Michael Bay jointly funded and took over the part of Cisco to avoid the final breakup.

    Crewe Humphrey couldn't suppress the anger in his heart at all, and reprimanded;

    "You are simply an authentic gambler, betting all your chips on the bullshit counter-cyclical expansion, please remember that Samsung Electronics has died once, we saved you.

    Now, you come up with this trick to play again, but it is our chips that are betting.

    Do you know how much Mr. Winthrop Rockefeller paid to continue to give Samsung Electronics a blood transfusion in order to reach the current agreement?

    ? No one is optimistic about you, and I mean everyone.

    Under such circumstances, Mr. Winthrop Rockefeller still gives you valuable support, whether in technology transfer, market access, scientific and technological research.??In terms of funds, they are the greatest support without reservation.

    And what did you do?

    What to use in return for our generosity.

    Don't just stretch out your hand, wanting this and that greedily, let us all be mature, and not be like children who see candies in other people's hands and want them desperately.

    Look outside, Washington National Bank has also been merged by HSBC, and now the whole world is short of money"

    "Crewe, stop talking." Mr. Winthrop Rockefeller said to Li Jianxi sincerely;

    "President Li, I understand your feelings and your unparalleled affection for Samsung Group and Samsung Electronics. I hope to single-handedly bring them into the ranks of the world's top companies.

    However, let us look at the problem calmly and objectively.

    Even with the full support of the US consortium, it is impossible for Samsung Electronics to completely defeat its opponent and drive it out of the market.

    What does it matter if it is number one in the world or number two in the world?

    In any case, Samsung Electronics must survive first, which is the most important thing, and then we can talk about whether to give competitors a good look.

    Wang's consortium is an enemy that cannot be underestimated. To face up to this competitor is also to respect the competitor.

    I believe that Samsung Electronics will never admit defeat, so I will fully support you, and I hope you will not let me down.  "

    Two people, one singing red face and the other singing bad face, in the final analysis, they still don't want to take any more risks.

    As a veteran of the business world, Li Jianxi is well aware of this set of tricks, but he is completely powerless.

    He asked with a sad smile; "How much support can we get?"

    "I persuaded my partners with the utmost sincerity to allocate 1.5 billion US dollars for scientific research investment, and then raise no less than 6 billion US dollars to support Samsung Electronics to tide over the difficulties." Mr. Winthrop Rockefeller continued; "  The money will be in the form of bridge loans from Citibank, Bank of America and HSBC, but Samsung Electronics will pay 6.5% interest every month."

    Li Jianxi was silent after hearing this, which means;

    The US-funded consortium has completely distrusted the Samsung Group, and they kept a hand.

    The bridge loan is in the form of a bank controlled by a US-funded consortium, which obtains a loan from the above-mentioned large multinational bank and relents it to Samsung Electronics, which is a type of secured loan.

    Once Samsung Electronics goes bankrupt, this guaranteed loan has priority to repay claims, prior to all Samsung Electronics shareholders and other bank claims.

    For the US-funded consortium, there is no need for more equity.

    ?Because they hold 54% of the preferred shares of Samsung Electronics in their hands and can obtain more than 80% of the profits, it is completely meaningless to continue to increase their equity, and instead allow the accumulation of risks.

    At the same time, Han Bangzi's equity continued to weaken, and he became a real worker for a US-funded consortium, and his sense of responsibility would naturally weaken sharply, which is what the major shareholders are most worried about.

    The monthly interest rate of the subsequent bridge loan is as high as 6.5%, and the annual interest rate is as high as 7.8%, which is equivalent to peeling off another layer of skin on Samsung Electronics.

    After the Internet high-tech bubble burst, the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States lowered the federal interest rate three times in 2000 in order to stimulate the economy, and lowered the interest rate for the fourth time in February 2001, bringing the interest rate down to 3.25%.

    In contrast, 7.8% is almost twice as high.

    However, the weak do not have the right to choose.

    Li Jianxi could only knock down his teeth and swallow his blood, silently accepting this unequal condition.

    Ah, Samsung Electronics!

    ?The road ahead will be even more difficult. Not only will we have to face powerful competitors, but our major shareholders will also have to pick up another layer of skin. The future is becoming increasingly bleak.

    "We When will we get this loan?" Li Jianxi's voice was difficult.

    Mr. Winthrop Rockefeller smiled and said: "Soon, my friend, the procedures for the bridge loan will be troublesome. I believe it should be completed within two or three months. This leaves us with more  Preparation time."

    "Two or three months?" Li Jianxi was really desperate in his heart. This time is too long; "Well, can the loan be paid out as soon as possible?  The group has very little liquidity."

    Mr. Winthrop Rockefeller restrained his smile, stared at Li Jianxi with a pair of gray-blue eyes, and said coldly; "President Li, we are not nanny, we will not do everything for you, and  , I want to remind you that there is not much time left for the Samsung Group, you must show your value, otherwise, I cannot stop my friends from dismantling and selling the Samsung Group."

    At this moment, Li Jianxi's self-esteem had been severely hit, and he silently lowered his proud head.  (Remember the site URL:; At this moment, Li Jianxi's self-esteem had been hit beyond measure, and he silently lowered his proud head.  (Remember the site URL:
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