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Chapter 309: The Targeted Samsung Group

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    Silence, the meeting room was silent.

    "I will never allow this situation to continue. The Samsung Group will definitely rise in my hands. The Wang Group is the most dangerous enemy. I hope you will treat him as the biggest opponent, knock it down, and defeat it  , and stomped it down hard."

    ? Chairman Li Jianxi's loud voice resounded through the venue, encouraging his subordinates.


    Balabala said a lot, but the meeting room was still silent. The senior cadres were thinking deeply, maybe they had already lost their minds.

    It's easy to say, if the opponent can be sprayed to death with just talking, and the financial crisis hits, Han Bangzi will not have 11 chaebols go bankrupt and liquidate.

    Everyone at the top of the chaebol circle knows each other well. When the financial crisis hits violently, everyone is walking on eggshells, struggling on the edge of life and death, and life is not easy.

    At this time, it is really ridiculous to talk extravagantly about killing the opponent!


    ?As one of the five largest domestic chaebols in Han Bangzi, the Samsung consortium is tied with the Hyundai consortium, the Daewoo consortium, the lg consortium, and the sk consortium.

    In fact, the Hyundai consortium and the Daewoo consortium are stronger, and the Samsung consortium can barely rank third.

    Ranked second, the more powerful Daewoo Consortium went bankrupt under the violent financial turmoil. How could the other four consortia fare better?

    If it weren't for the Han Bangziguo government's efforts to protect and focus on support, even if it is a gamble on the country's fortune, the life of the Samsung consortium would not be much easier now.

    At the end of 1997,

    The entire Samsung Group has total assets of 17.04 billion US dollars, achieved sales of 10.17 billion US dollars, net profit of only a pitiful 177 million US dollars, and a debt ratio as high as 132.6%, which is completely accumulated by a large number of bank loans.

    The situation of other Korean-funded consortiums is similar. They are all burdened with heavy bank debts, and their debt ratios are astonishingly high. The lowest is no less than 97%, which has already far exceeded the warning line.

    In 1996, the Samsung Group's profit was as high as 3.56 billion US dollars, and the huge debt did not seem to be fatal.

    But now that the financial crisis hits, the risk of all high debt ratios is dramatically magnified. It is not an exaggeration to say that we are standing on the edge of a cliff. Once the financial crisis in the banking industry has a chain reaction, a large number of consortiums will fall.

    The consequences are terrible!

    The so-called financial crisis is nothing more than a sharp collapse of market confidence, a large number of foreign capital fleeing, resulting in an extremely weak local currency, and the heavy debt risk is suddenly highlighted, crushing outstanding companies that borrowed money one after another.

    There is less money in the market, higher interest rates, and a sharply enlarged debt risk, causing a chain reaction. If all these cannot be contained, it will have disastrous consequences.

    If the prosperity continues for another two years, the Daewoo consortium and the Kia consortium may not be able to develop into a world-class enterprise and occupy a place in the world market by relying on profits to eliminate a large amount of debt.

    The harsh reality has no ifs. The Daewoo consortium and the Kia consortium have fallen in the financial turmoil one after another, leaving behind a piece of wreckage.

    Looking back on the past after experiencing glory, it seems that it is heaven and earth, the difference is too great.

    Today, most of the companies under the Samsung Group are trembling in the financial turmoil, and survival is the greatest desire.

    At this time, I still hope to defeat my competitors


    It is tantamount to a fool's dream.

    Chairman Li Jianxi stared at the crowd with hatred, and his tone was full of vicissitudes; "What's the matter, why don't you speak? Don't you have the confidence to defeat a powerful opponent?"

    Grass, I can kill you old man, what can I use to fight with others?

    Song Changxu, president of Samsung Electronics, expressed his position in desperation;

    "Chairman, we at Samsung Electronics are united as one, and we are confident that we will fight against this round of cruel market baptism, and stand out in the final competition and defeat all powerful opponents.

    Because we have the strong leadership of the chairman, the whole Samsung Electronics company has the confidence to win, and we are stronger, more substantial, and more combative than the enemy in the spiritual field.

    ? Looking back at the past, we have come all the way, gritted our teeth and bought dozens of powerful memory manufacturers such as Fujitsu Co., Ltd., a Japanese-funded manufacturer.

    Victory depends on Han Bangzi's unyielding spirit and indomitable belief in fighting to the death.

    Today, we will set sail again and embark on a more difficult road.

    theFacing the enemy who is armed to the teeth, bravely rush forward to fight, use teeth, fists, and the belief of victory to tear the enemy apart and win the final victory.  "

    ? President Song Changxu¡¯s blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. In fact, it¡¯s useless. It only highlights the role of spiritual power, and there¡¯s no trace of a practically useful plan.

    But this happened to scratch Chairman Li Jianxi's itch, and he nodded approvingly.

    "This is a very good statement. We must know that behind Samsung Electronics, there is the full support of the group company, the full support of the banking industry, and the strong support of the government. We are not fighting alone.

    The Korean nation is the most united nation in the world, the most self-reliant nation, and the most fighting nation. We are not afraid of any powerful enemy, and the belief in victory is the most important thing.

    This time the financial turmoil brought us deep thinking, where is the Samsung Group going?

    The Samsung Group is big but not strong, and there are many subsidiaries but few with worldwide competitiveness. This is a serious problem for the group leaders;

    Is there a need for radical reform?

    This is a re-establishment of the group, and we will undergo a painful transformation"

    The president's countermeasure meeting lasted until late at night, and the lonely light of the Samsung Building was stubbornly lit in the thick night, illuminating the tortuous road ahead, symbolizing Han Bangzi's unyielding spirit.

    At the intersection of historical opportunities, one step ahead means one step ahead.

    Today, in this different historical time and space.

    ?The Wang consortium was born and seized the historical opportunity belonging to the Samsung Group. Samsung Electronics has gone on a more difficult and tortuous road than in history, and it is a road full of hardships.

    ? think back to a few years ago

    Relying on the support of the government, the Samsung Group gritted its teeth and survived the bloody baptism of the international memory chip market, and suffered losses of up to billions of dollars. After several years of hard work, it knows its own joys and sorrows.

    In the end, dozens of memory chip manufacturers were eliminated, including the powerful Japanese-owned giant Fujitsu Co., Ltd., ushering in the final victory.

    The number of manufacturers in the international memory chip market has halved from more than 40 to less than 20 today, ushering in a round of market reshuffle.

    While Samsung Group is enjoying the dividend of high memory chip prices, Atlantic Wafer Technology Group came out at this time to grab food and enjoy the benefits, and developed rapidly during the three-year dividend period, becoming a strong opponent that cannot be ignored  .

    Is it that the Samsung Group does not see the danger?


    ? Samsung Group is also in the period when oil is exhausted, and it urgently needs a period of stable dividends to recuperate, to restore blood and energy to the group company, and to strengthen the muscles and bones for the next battle.

    If you don't want to fight, you really can't fight.

    ? If you continue to do this, you will be in trouble, so why talk about seizing the international market?

    What Li Jianxi, chairman of Samsung Group, did not know was;

    Wang Yaocheng has been keeping a close eye on the Samsung Group since the very beginning. Over the years, he has carefully collected detailed economic information. The Samsung Group has been studied the most, including its main company Samsung Electronics.

    There is a saying that is a wise saying;

    The one who knows the enemy best must be his competitor.  (Remember the site URL:
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