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Chapter 959 Strange Woman

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    "Ahhh! I'm going to kill you!"

    "Who will sleep with you!"

    Weiwei looked at Jiang Shuo's calm appearance of making the request, and stomped her feet angrily.

    Jiang Shuo took the opportunity to glance at her from top to bottom, then shook his head and went to the cloakroom.

    Seeing that, Weiwei's hairs stood on end.

    Especially when I think of this period of time, Lu Wende and his damned fellows acted as dream mentors in front of them.

    More flustered.

    Originally, she was a little cranky, but now she covered her mouth.

    Somewhat horrified, he thought: "Xiao Shuoshuo really knows how to put me to sleep!"

    It's even more messy.

    On the way to Zhonghai Bank, Weiwei was still thinking about this matter.

    Liu Bing drove, and she sat in the co-pilot.

    Keep looking at Jiang Shuo through the rearview mirror.

    Jiang Shuo habitually looked outside and remained silent.

    Liu Bing is also very strange about Weiwei's appearance at the moment, why does she always look behind Mr. Jiang?

    While the car was waiting for a red light, Liu Bing picked up a bottle of mineral water that was on the side.

    Take a sip.

    Weiwei finally stopped complaining: "Little Shuosuo, why don't I find you a nanny, is that okay?"

    Jiang Shuo gave her a strange look: "What's the matter? Didn't senior sister Chen give you a raise?"

    Speaking of the reason for this wage increase, Weiwei was about to burst into tears.

    A few days ago, their tight pants senior sisters from the Finance Institute went out to have fun together.

    Chen Yiqing drank too much wine and lost her composure.

    Put one hand on Weiwei's shoulder: "Weiwei, do you know why our department and the board of directors specially gave you an extra salary of 5,000?"

    Weiwei was also drunk: "Why?"

    Chen Yiqing laughed loudly: "Because we all want you to sleep with Xiao Shuo Shuo!"

    "In this way, Xiao Shuoshuo won't be sullen all day long. He is desperately short of a woman to warm his bed."

    "Do you think we are very witty!"

    Chen Yiqing was drunk, and was still twisting and turning in front of Weiwei.

    For a moment, Weiwei really wanted to strangle Chen Yiqing to death, and then the sisterhood would be broken!

    Seeing her aggrieved look, Jiang Shuo didn't answer.

    "What's the matter with you."

    Weiwei sighed: "Little Shuosuo, you cover your conscience and say it."

    "Do you really want to put me to sleep!"

    "Pfft!" Liu Bing spit out half of the mineral water in his mouth, and the other half was held back.

    Jiang Shuo turned his head back and said, "Yeah, haven't I been mentioning this to you?"


    The other half of the mineral water in Liu Bing's mouth was also spit out.

    Staring blankly at Weiwei.

    Vivi went crazy again, she felt like going crazy.

    He scratched his hair and vented on Liu Bing: "What are you looking at, you iron lump."

    "Green light, let's drive!"

    Liu Bing clicked.

    It is rare to see him like this, so he quickly started the car.

    After Jiang Shuo replied to Weiwei's words, he fell silent again.

    Weiwei is angry, but every time she sees Jiang Shuo's sudden silence.

    And inexplicably, there will be a burst of distress.

    Jiang Shuo led a group of them to start from scratch in the Finance Institute.

    In their hearts, they actually exist like gods.

    A person who was so lively and stinky before.

    Suddenly becoming so mature, no one will get used to it.

    The car quickly fell silent, sighed and did not speak again.

    Pull down the mirror above the seat and take out the lipstick.

    As if nothing had happened, I made up my own makeup.

    Liu Bing glanced at her from the corner of his eye from time to time, muttering in his heart:

    "What a strange woman."

    Jiang Shuo rushed to China Overseas Bank.

    It's about that building.

    Some time ago at Tang Yuanbing's side, Yu Guoguang did not fool Jiang Shuo.

    After returning, I immediately organized a meeting with relevant personnel.

    Then the municipal government endorsed Jiang Shuo and took the loan from China Overseas Bank.

    The reason why Jiang Shuo has never played with the bank is mainly because he was beaten by the bank in his previous life.?? Loaned once.

    That time he was almost beaten to death, but fortunately Du Yonghui took a sum of money to tide him over.

    Instinctively jealous.

    However, the situation in this life is different.

    There is Li Hongbing, a big boss in the banking system, and this time it is endorsed by the city government, and he really doesn't want to spend all his funds in this building.

    In addition, once this building is built, it will definitely become a landmark building in Lujiazui.

    As long as it is built, there is no need to worry about renting.

    Considering all the above considerations, Jiang Shuo let go of his ideas.

    Very smooth.

    Sun Zhihai, general manager of Bank of China, went through the procedures in person.

    Sun Zhihai was originally a very small branch manager.

    The reason why it climbed so fast.

    First, the family belongs to the banking system, which is an indispensable condition.

    Second, the first person who led the opening of the online banking system is groundbreaking.

    Third, that is the ability to absorb reserves. Now Jangho Group's funds are all lying in China Overseas Bank, and later led by Jiang Shuo, many people in his circle have opened large accounts in his hands.

    These points are enough for him to climb up quickly.

    Jiang Shuo borrowed 10 billion from the bank with the project pledge!

    If there is no endorsement by the municipal government, no one would dare to lend money like this and sign this word.

    After coming out of the bank, the two entered a restaurant next to the bank.

    Weiwei ran up and down, acting as a waiter.

    After the meals are served.

    Jiang Shuo directly asked Wei Wei and Liu Bing to sit and eat together.

    He never treated anyone around him differently.

    Sun Zhihai is an old friend, so there is no question of etiquette.

    On the dinner table, chatting and chatting, Sun Zhihai asked a little strangely: "Jiang Shuo, can I ask something?"

    Jiang Shuo took a sip of the soup and smiled: "There are no taboos."

    President Sun nodded: "Did you go to the Kingdom of Zhuang some time ago?"

    "I heard from Mr. Tang that you found the bones of your parents?"

    Jiang Shuo didn't keep it either: "It was found, and it was brought back to his hometown for burial."

    "President Sun, why did you ask this suddenly?"

    Sun Zhihai nodded after hearing this: "Li Jiangping should have something to do with this matter."

    "This man has caused us a lot of trouble."

    "Recently, several things have exploded."

    Jiang Shuo wiped his mouth: "What is it with your bank?"

    So Sun Zhihai started talking.

    It turned out that they thought that Bank of China Investment Management Co., Ltd. was founded by a person from their system.

    However, after Sun Zhihai took office, he investigated carefully and found that this was not the case.

    It turns out that Li Jiangping has been controlling it behind the scenes for many years.

    And in those few years, Li Jiangping did a lot of lending business outside under the banner of China Overseas Bank.

    Now these implicated customers have determined that the subject of the dispute is their Zhonghai Bank.

    So I come here every day to make trouble, and the trouble has already gone to the court.

    It caused a lot of trouble to the reputation of China Overseas Bank.

    And Sun Zhihai also has a deep relationship with the Commission for Discipline Inspection, so he heard something about Li Jiangping and the sensational corrupt element.

    There is also this question.  (Remember the site URL:
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