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Text Chapter 127: Buying a Knife

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    What kind of city is Jincheng?

    Yue Heng's previous impression of this city should not be much different from that of most people from other provinces.

    ? Northwest, drought, wind and sand, ancient, backward

    There is also a bowl of beef noodles as thin as onion wings!

    After getting off the plane at Jincheng International Airport, he took a taxi to the city.

    The distance is a bit far, and the taxi ran for more than an hour.

    Yue Heng found that Jincheng was not as backward as imagined, and modern high-rise buildings abound.

    After all, as a provincial capital city, it is also the economic and cultural center of the whole province.

    Of course it is the most impressive.

    It still belongs to the style of history.

    Yue Heng feels that only by living here for a month or two can he truly appreciate her charm.

    Regrettably, Yue Heng did not come for sightseeing.

    After completing the check-in procedures at the reserved urban hotel, Yue Heng first went to the room to rest.

    Then left the hotel and rushed to the destination of this trip.

    ?Sanfang District.

    On the way to the city earlier, Yue Heng checked the information on the Internet.

    Sanfang Community is the staff community of the former Jincheng No. 3 Textile Factory.

    ? Located in the southeast corner of the old town.

    There are many shacks waiting to be demolished here, in stark contrast to the bustling and modern main city.

    Among them, the Sanfang District is not bad.

    But the buildings inside are basically all buildings from the 1980s.

    Yue Heng got off the car at the gate of the community.

    Although it is called a community here, there is actually no decent property management.

    There are more than a dozen trash cans on the side of the road, cars, motorcycles, and shared bicycles are parked randomly, and advertisements for "a lot of money for a child" are plastered on the telephone poles.

    Take a closer look, the heroine printed on it is Fan Bayi!

    There should be nothing to say about inserting a knife to teach the Great Guardian.

    The fat uncle sitting at the door sat on a rattan chair, his bald head drooping and motionless.

    If it wasn't for the uncle who could snore from time to time, Yue Heng would have wanted to make an emergency call for him.

    And the residents of the community who came in and out were obviously not surprised by this.

    Yue Heng hesitated for a moment, raised his legs and walked inside.


    As soon as Yue Heng stepped on the yellow line on the ground, he was stopped by someone: "Young man, what are you doing?"

    Um?  ?

    Yue Heng turned his head and took a look.

    Surprised to find the janitor who was sleeping soundly before.

    Actually woke up at this moment.

    And also pointed to the "Visitor Registration" signboard standing next to it.

    Yue Heng felt that this signboard was at least ten years old, and the words pasted on it were completely faded.

    It's just that since he was blocked, he couldn't break in with a big face.

    Although others are free to enter and exit.


    ? Yue Heng sacrificed the law of Huazi and handed over a cigarette: "I want to ask you, do you know which building Mr. Ma Minde's home is in?"

    The fat man took the cigarette and sniffed it, then grinned and asked, "What's the matter?"

    Yue Heng was speechless.

    The fat man smiled and said, "I'm not joking with you, Ma Minde's house is Room 502 in Building 3."

    "Thank you."

    Yue Heng gave the other party half a pack of cigarettes in his hand.

    The fat uncle was a little embarrassed and asked, "Are you a relative of his family?"

    Yue Heng shook his head: "I have something to do with him."

    The fat uncle reminded: "The old horse has a bad temper, and the relationship with the neighbors is very bad, so be careful."

    It's not a dragon's pool and a tiger's den.

    Yue Heng expressed his thanks again, then went in and quickly found Building No. 3.

    The area of ??Sanfang District is not large, and there are only seven or eight buildings in total, all of which are six-storey stair houses.

    The corridors are dilapidated and narrow, and the residents have placed shoe racks and other sundries, and the walls are covered with various small advertisements.

    The smell of oily smoke wafted in the air.

    It's almost dinner time.

    He came to the fifth floor and knocked on the door of Room 502.

    It was a white-haired old man who opened the door.

    He was tall and thin, and his face was a bit fierce. When he saw Yue Heng, he frowned: "Who are you looking for?"

    The tone is aggressive.

    "Hello. ???

    Yue Heng asked: "Excuse me, are you Mr. Ma Minde?"

    "I am Maminde."

    The white-haired old man was very impatient: "Let me tell you, our family has no money and can't afford anything!"

    After speaking, he will close the door.

    Yue Heng, who was misunderstood as a salesman, quickly stopped him: "Mr. Ma, I am not here to sell products. I heard that you have a Tang Hengdao at home. I am willing to pay a high price"

    This Tang Hengdao is exactly the purpose of Yue Heng's trip.

    A very special wonder!

    "What Tang Hengdao?"

    As a result, before Yue Heng finished speaking, Ma Minde's face changed again: "Who are you listening to nonsense, my house doesn't have what you want, hurry up and leave!"


    The door panel that was slammed shut suddenly almost hit Yue Heng's nose.

    Depend on!

    Yue Heng's self-cultivation is considered very good, but he was also a little annoyed by this old guy's bad attitude.

    No wonder the fat man who was watching the door reminded him specially.

    After thinking for a while, Yue Heng knocked on the door again: "Mr. Ma, I am very sincere"


    Yue Heng: ""

    Although he was very unwilling, since the other party had no intention of giving up, he could only retreat temporarily.

    Think of another way.

    Otherwise, go straight in and kill people to seize treasure?

    Yue Heng noticed that the door of room 501 next door was quietly opened.

    A sneaky eye appeared in the crack of the door, looking secretly towards this side.

    He shook his head and turned to go downstairs.

    What Yue Heng didn't expect was that.

    Just as he returned to the first floor, someone hurriedly chased after him: "Sir, please wait a moment!"

    The other party was a middle-aged man in his forties, whose appearance was at least six to seven points similar to Ma Minde.

    All dressed in a rather downcast look, with the haggardness of life written all over his face.

    "Who are you?"

    The middle-aged man did not expect Yue Heng to be so young, and he replied in a daze: "I am Ma Haocheng, and Ma Minde is my father. This classmate, you are looking for him to buy something?"

    Ma Haocheng.

    This name matches the information in Yue Heng's memory!

    Yue Heng smiled and said: "That's right, one of my elders likes to collect ancient weapons very much."

    "I heard that Mr. Ma has a treasured Tang Dynasty horizontal knife here, so I came here and asked him if he would like to give up his love."


    Ma Haocheng was thoughtful, and seemed to think of something: "How much do you pay?"

    He saw Yue Heng's imposing manner and the clothes he was wearing were not ordinary, so he guessed that the latter was a rich second generation.

    There was a look of anticipation in his eyes.

    "Mr. Ma."

    Yue Heng smiled and said: "I flew over from Jiangnan, you don't need to doubt my sincerity, but if you want to talk about the price, I have to see something first, right?"

    Ma Haocheng was suddenly at a loss for words.

    Thinking about it is indeed the truth: "How can I contact you?"

    Yue Heng told the other party his mobile phone number and hotel room number calmly: "I have been in Jincheng for the past two days. If you can convince Mr. Ma, please contact me anytime."

    This is really a turn of events.

    After touching his nose in front of Ma Minde, now his son took the initiative to send him to the door.

    Yue Heng felt that the matter was settled.

    Because this Tang Hengdao in the previous life was sold by this middle-aged man.

    Then it changed hands several times.

    In the end, he was exiled abroad and was held by outsiders for a hundred years!

    In addition to the value of strange objects, this Tang Dynasty horizontal knife also has special historical significance.

    Some time ago, Yue Heng had no intention of searching for strange things, and got the information given by the queen and sealed it in his memory.

    Didn't pay much attention.

    It wasn't until he had a talk with the Zerg Queen a few days ago that he unsealed these memories.

    Then I found relevant information about this strange object inside.

    Although it is still more than a year before Ma Haocheng steals the horizontal knife from the seller, Yue Heng feels that he cannot completely rely on the historical memory of his previous life - learn about the butterfly effect.

    So I asked for leave from the school and came to Jincheng to find the whereabouts of this strange object.

    Cut it off in advance to prevent it from falling into the hands of outsiders.

    Strange things are priceless.

    Worth the money you spend.

    However, Yue Heng didn't have a good impression of the Ma family father and son, so of course it was impossible to reveal his bottom line to the other party.


    Ma Haocheng gritted his teeth and said, "I will contact you as soon as possible."

    Seeing his expression, Yue Heng was quite disturbed.

    So I decided to add more fire.

    He opened the bag he was carrying and showed it to the other party - there were stacks of bright red bills inside!

    This is the cash specially prepared by Yue Heng.

    Because cash is undoubtedly more convincing in transactions than electronic payments.

    Ma Haocheng's eyes changed.

    Money is actually a strange thing.

    Few people can resist its magic power!¡ª¡ª

    The first one is delivered.  </div>sp; Wonders are priceless.

    Worth the money you spend.

    However, Yue Heng didn't have a good impression of the Ma family father and son, so of course it was impossible to reveal his bottom line to the other party.


    Ma Haocheng gritted his teeth and said, "I will contact you as soon as possible."

    Seeing his expression, Yue Heng was quite disturbed.

    So I decided to add more fire.

    He opened the bag he was carrying and showed it to the other party - there were stacks of bright red bills inside!

    This is the cash specially prepared by Yue Heng.

    Because cash is undoubtedly more convincing in transactions than electronic payments.

    Ma Haocheng's eyes changed.

    Money is actually a strange thing.

    Few people can resist its magic power!¡ª¡ª

    The first one is delivered.  </div&gt
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