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Chapter 325 Elven Alliance Meeting

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    The announcement of the Pok¨¦ Ball brought the atmosphere of the audience to a climax.

    When Aiwen returned to the VIP area, a large number of nobles immediately surrounded him.

    They eagerly asked about the Pok¨¦ Ball, and also very much hoped to get one.

    Even if it takes a lot of money and money to get the Pok¨¦ Ball, they will not give up this opportunity.

    According to their understanding of elf balls, this kind of elf ball can not only collect their own elves into the elf ball, but also seal wild elves.

    Even, some nobles know that His Royal Highness Aiwen has successfully sealed the patron saint of Darkrai with a poke ball.

    "As long as you become an official trainer, you will be eligible to buy poke balls." Ivan said with a smile.

    The lords in front of him obviously wanted to use their identities to obtain Pok¨¦ Balls, but it was a rule he set that only formal trainers could use Pok¨¦ Balls, and it couldn't be broken.

    If these lords want to obtain Pok¨¦ Balls, they must also register as trainers and pass the formal trainer assessment!

    Seeing what Aiwen said, these lords were still a little unwilling to give up, but Aiwen just didn't let go, which made them very helpless.

    "The formal trainer assessment this time is just the beginning. In the fall, the Elven Territory will hold another formal trainer assessment."

    "At that time, as long as you are an official trainer, you will be able to participate in the assessment, and you may all have a try." Ai Wen continued to explain.

    After hearing his words, the faces of the lords present changed slightly. Some lords felt a little uncomfortable when they thought that they were going to participate in the assessment with these commoners.

    However, they also know in their hearts that the promotion of the trainer system is the general trend. Even if they don't become trainers directly, they can't stop their citizens from becoming trainers.

    In this case, they must also join the trainer system and become the managers of the trainers in the territory, otherwise these trainers will definitely flow to the elf territory.

    Fortunately, His Royal Highness Aiwen intends to open the formal trainer assessment to all trainers in Lizhi City, not just for trainers in his own territory.

    If His Royal Highness Aiwen really only allows the trainers of the elf leader to participate in the trainer assessment, then the trainers in the entire Lizhi City will further gather towards the elf leader.

    However, the knights like Captain Kevin showed eagerness on their faces. They had already begun to enjoy the benefits brought by the trainer, and they didn't have any resistance to this, but became excited.

    "Let's watch the formal trainer actual combat assessment that will start soon." Aiwen smiled and diverted his attention.

    Taking advantage of this period of preparation, the examination room has already been prepared.

    The number of people who passed the written test this time is still very large. They are all waiting in the closed waiting room, unable to contact the outside world during this period, and will not enter the test room until their names are called.

    "Phew, it's about to start." Xuehou took a deep breath, and at this moment he was holding a number plate in his hand, with number 1 written on it.

    Before the official assessment began, the assessors had already obtained their own number plates in the background, which represented the order of the assessment.

    At the same time, the staff in the assessment field could be heard calling the examiner's signal, asking him to enter the battlefield to start the assessment.

    Seeing this, Xuehou stepped into the battle field without any hesitation. At this time, he was followed by a big-tailed raccoon, which was obviously the elf he planned to participate in the assessment.

    Immediately, it caught the attention of the audience, and their eyes were full of jealousy and envy.

    As long as they can successfully pass the assessment, the assessors in the field can become official trainers. In addition to receiving a lot of benefits, they can also get poke balls.

    "Huh? It turned out to be a big-tailed raccoon?" Ai Wen narrowed his eyes slightly.

    There are several very powerful spirits in the hands of Bloodhowl, but this big-tailed raccoon is obviously not among those spirits.

    Apparently, this big-tailed raccoon was tamed and bred by him after he came to the elf collar. To some extent, it was the elf he tamed after he became a trainer.

    This time the assessment, Gorehowl obviously wanted to use his own ability to pass the assessment, instead of relying on the elves he had cultivated before, so that he could show his trainer level.

    "Now, the assessment is about to begin. I am Suter, the chief examiner." Suter looked at the blood roar below, "You should know the rules of the assessment, right?"

    As he said, Suter pointed to a large pile of poke balls on the table behind him. According to the assessment rules, the examiner will first select six poke balls here.

    &nbsYes, they opened their mouths, and suddenly felt that His Royal Highness Aiwen's conditions were not unacceptable.

    As long as elf food processing factories and chemical fertilizer processing factories are established in their own territories, their territories will indeed become different, and the price is to entrust part of the land, just like entrusting the lower-level nobles.

    They usually entrust the lower-level nobles in order to continuously gather their own strength.

    And enfeoffing nobles is also enfeoffing, dividing an area to build elf food processing factories and chemical fertilizer processing factories is also enfeoffing, it seems that there is not much difference.

    Especially the existence of the elf center. During this time, they have been paying attention to the elf center. Naturally, they know how meaningful it is to establish an elf center in their territory!

    In addition, some of the lords in the field who are not rich at this time also showed emotion on their faces. It is very difficult to manage their territories.

    If the elf food processing factory and chemical fertilizer processing factory can really bring considerable financial income to the territory, they don't mind losing part of the territory to build elf food processing factory and chemical fertilizer processing factory.

    With the leadership of Baron Cass, the attitudes of some lords in the field were a little shaken. They fell into silence, frantically calculating the pros and cons in their minds, and at the same time observing His Royal Highness Ivan's reaction.

    "Naturally there is no problem, and I will naturally do my best to help Cass Town develop." Ivan nodded to Baron Cass.

    Of course, he plans to wait until after the meeting to discuss specific matters. Cass Town will be the front line of the construction of the Elf Alliance, and he will definitely develop Cass Town well.

    "His Royal Highness Aiwen, I hope that the Iron Blood Fortress can establish an elf center."

    "I have passed on your conditions to His Royal Highness Mira, and His Highness has agreed to divide the original Warcraft Chamber of Commerce's residence to establish an elf center."

    Just at this moment, Kevin suddenly said that the Iron-Blood Fortress is the front line, and the existence of the Elf Center is really significant, as it can avoid many casualties in battles.

    In addition, Binhai City has already belonged to the elves, and Lizhi City's eastern defense line is safe. To the south of Lizhi City is the forest and the sea, and to the west is the wetland. The only pressure is the northern border.

    He felt that letting the elf leader establish the elf center in the iron-blooded fortress was equivalent to the power of the elf leader also stationed in the iron-blooded fortress, which greatly improved the defense line of the iron-blooded fortress.

    "Okay, I will give priority to building an elf center in Iron-Blood Fortress." Aiwen nodded seriously.

    With the support of His Royal Highness Mira, the construction of the elf alliance will be much easier, but in this case, the cultivation of healing elves has become his first priority now.

    In the field at this time, with the leadership of Baron Cass and Captain Kevin, many other lords could not sit still, especially those nobles whose territories were not managed well, quietly made a decision in their hearts.

    Next, Aiwen did not continue to discuss this topic at the meeting, but continued to explain the specific establishment process of the trainer system and the elf cultivation house.

    Now his primary goal is to spread the trainer system throughout Lizhi City. As the cornerstone of the Elf Alliance, trainers can naturally drive the development of the Elf Alliance.
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