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Main Text Chapter 50 This is an Accident

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    "Why did Aiwen give them 50% of the medicine proceeds?"

    Peter froze for a moment, he really wanted to say that it was because they provided orange fruit.

    But in fact, the other party can prepare the medicine by purchasing orange oranges, so that Aiwen can get more benefits.

    "Ivan wants to help us." Tessie sighed, and slowly said the answer in his heart.

    Peter was taken aback for another moment, and then nodded in silence. In fact, he thought so too.

    So, this time Ivan paid a high price to buy those unripe berries, is it also to help them?

    Indeed, with these benefits, the impact of early winter will be minimized this time, and fruit farmers will still be able to survive.

    "Do a good job of patrolling. This is the only thing we can help Aiwen now." Tessie patted his Aiwen and said in a low voice.

    Peter took a deep breath and assured his father, "Don't worry, I will definitely do the patrol work well."

    Returning to patrol the streets again, Peter's mentality was completely different at this time, and he felt full of strength.

    Suddenly, he saw some fruit growers from other villages talking about something. After thinking for a while, he walked over to listen to the situation.

    "Tell me, is this guy called Aiwen really a fool." Pete smiled at the villagers in the same village beside him.

    At this time, he had already sold his own tree fruit, and took the coins to show off in front of his fellow villagers.

    Hearing his words, those fellow villagers fell silent. In fact, most of the people present thought so.

    Unripe tree fruit, the other party would buy such a large amount of money, consume a lot of money, and get nothing in the end, it is not stupid or something.

    Although this Darby is the village head of Chengguo Village, with such a large amount of fruit, I am afraid that all his family's savings must be filled in, right?

    "Hey, it doesn't matter whether he is a fool or not, as long as the gold coins I get are real." After showing off, Pete shook the gold coins in his hand, turned around and wanted to leave.

    As soon as he turned around, he saw a young man standing in front of him, looking at him with an angry expression.

    Pete was stunned for a moment, but before he could react, he felt a sharp pain, and then he felt his body fly out.


    It hit the ground heavily, and Pete touched his face with his hands in a daze, and saw blood on his hands.

    His companions also reacted at this time, seeing Pete's face covered in blood and a few missing teeth, they quickly surrounded Pete to check the situation.

    "Who the hell are you? Why did you hit someone for no reason!" Pete's companion pointed to Peter who was standing there with his fists clenched, angrily accusing him.

    Seeing this, other fruit growers also gathered around one after another, watching Peter in the field pointing.

    "You just said Ivan is a fool?" Peter lowered his head, trembling unconsciously, and said word by word.

    Hearing Peter's question, Pete's companions froze for a moment. Peter did say this before.

    Now being pointed out directly, they also feel that Pete should not say such things publicly!

    Seeing this, the other villagers were also silent. Although they had thought about it in their hearts, it was another matter to say it.

    "Then you shouldn't hit people." Pete's companion said bravely.

    After finishing speaking, he looked at Peter standing there, and suddenly found that the body of this strong young man was shaking continuously.

    Immediately afterwards, two lines of tears suddenly appeared on each other's faces.

    Wiping the tears off his face fiercely, Peter suddenly roared loudly: "Have you really never thought about why Ivan bought those unripe berries?"

    He said, angrily walked to a cart, threw the unripe berries on the ground, and stepped on it fiercely.

    "Do you really feel that he wants these berries?"

    "He justwanted to help you guys, you know that?!"

    After saying these words, Peter suddenly gasped for breath, as if he had vented all the strength in my body at once.

    At this moment, the atmosphere in the field suddenly became quiet. Everyone was talking, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

    "That's right, whether you help us in Chengguo Village or you, Aiwen has always been the loser. Do you really feel that he isSon?  "

    At this moment, several villagers from Chengguo Village also ran out from the field. They had been immersed in the joy of the harvest all along.

    But now that I think about it carefully, isn't it just that Aiwen distributed his gains to everyone?  What they obtained originally belonged to Aiwen!

    "Ivanhe is really a fool, yes, he is a fool!"

    "He has been giving silently all the time. He never said that he is helping us, but he also thanked us for our efforts!"

    "Fool, that's right, I am also a fool. I didn't realize such a simple truth, and I have been complacent about my gains!"

    Another villager came out to agree, and his face was already full of tears at this time, Ai Wen is really a good person!

    "Evan is helping us"

    "He really helped me. If he hadn't bought these immature fruits, then this winter, this winter"

    A villager from outside said in a trembling voice, and everyone else in the scene lowered their heads, feeling as if something was holding their hearts.

    Some emotional people from other villages already had tears in their eyes at this time, and their faces were full of regret, regretting their previous thoughts.

    On the ground, Pete's companions also stood up at this time, they hesitated for a moment, and silently moved away from Pete on the ground.

    Pete opened his mouth, feeling regretful in his heart at this moment, wishing that there was a pit in front of him, and let him jump directly, really unable to meet people.

    Looking around, Pete covered his mouth and got out of the crowd with his head down. He just wanted to get away from here.

    In the following time, the order of Chengguo Village returned to normal, but compared to before, the faces of these villagers were obviously grateful.

    This winter, it was Aiwen who saved them, and they will definitely remember this winter after a long time.

    "Ivan, is this your purpose?"

    In the farm, Darby, who got the news, looked at Aiwen who was sorting the fruit in front of him, and opened his mouth.

    In this regard, Ivan shrugged, and said with some helplessness: "This is really just an accident."

    After finishing speaking, he added in his heart that he just wanted to gain some favor, and by the way, use these unripe berries to make some chemical fertilizers.

    However, this is also very good, and his rural cooperative plan will go much smoother in the future.
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