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Chapter Seventy-Five

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    The Zhang family has been unoccupied for more than four years. Zhang Meili thought that the house must be too dirty to look at, but when she opened the door, she found that it was fine, only a thin layer of dust.  She just pretended that the window was closed tightly, put down the luggage on her hands, and turned to send Bai Lanjin off.  He originally wanted to follow them in, but was stopped by Zhang Meili, who said that he would be invited as a guest after cleaning up.

    When she came back after seeing off people, Kong Shiran didn't know where she went. She searched around downstairs and shouted "Of course" for a long time before he poked his head out upstairs and said, "Mom, I'm here."

    "Mom will clean up the house later, can you help me?" She went up as she spoke.

    "Okay!" Kong Shiran readily agreed, ran out of the upstairs bedroom, and asked, "Whose room is this?"

    She walked over and looked around the place, nothing changed, "It belongs to mother."

    The child was very curious, so he rushed to the opposite door and opened it with a snap, "What about this one?"

    Compared with that bedroom, this room is really small, only a single bed, a bookcase, a table and a chair, and that person has lived here for five years.

    There were still his college textbooks and notes on the desk, and when he opened one of them, there were handwritings she was familiar with.  In the past, he often held her hand with his right hand and wrote beautiful characters with his left hand.

    Zhang Meili withdrew her thoughts and said, "This is your father's room."

    "Does father and mother live together?"

    "Yes," she said, pushing the child out to wipe the furniture.  And she tied up her hair and started cleaning the room.

    She never hides from her son about the child's father.  Kong Shiran always wanted his father before, and when he became a little more sensible, Zhang Meili patiently explained to him that they separated because they were not suitable in various aspects.  Gradually, Kong Shiran seemed to understand, and could understand that it was not easy for his mother to take him alone, so he stopped asking.  As for the son's request to see his father, they only took a small wedding photo and did not bring it to the United States. She searched the Internet and found a photo of Kong Ming to show him, but it was just for viewing.  .

    In spring, the temperature difference between morning and evening is always huge. Zhang Meili didn't bring much clothes when she came back, thinking that she would buy them later depending on the situation.  She took half a month of annual leave in advance, went to the company's office in city a to report for duty, and then took her annual leave at home.

    Kong Shiran had never been back to the country, and he was making noise all day long to go out.  Zhang Meili took him outside to play for two days, looked at the clothes his son had brought back, thought it was impossible, and had to add two more, so she took him to the street to buy clothes on a weekend.

    After not coming back for a few years, City A has changed a lot. The shopping mall she used to visit has also been renovated, and many new brands have been introduced. However, due to the high level of consumption, there are not many people shopping on weekends, and it looks deserted.  .

    I don't know whether Kong Shiran has been playing with American children for a long time, or whether he has eaten too much beef in the United States and exhausted his endless energy. Zhang Meili couldn't control him for a while, so she bought a few sticks downstairs.  Chocolate bars from Italy, let him run around with them.

    She followed the signboards in the mall to find the brand she often bought for Shiran, and dragged her son back who was still enjoying herself, "Come and try this cardigan, do you like the pants? Let's try it together."

    The brand shopping guide saw that this lady with a child had an elegant temperament, and her simple clothes showed that she was not cheap, so she enthusiastically opened the door of the dressing room, "The fitting is here."

    Zhang Meili grabbed Kong Shiran's half-eaten chocolate bar with one hand, and took the clothes to take him to the locker room. The boy grabbed the door and said, "Mom, I'll do it myself."

    Generally, this older child has to do everything by himself, especially Kong Shiran is quite independent. Zhang Meili gave him the clothes, "Take off the shoes and put them on again. Mom is waiting for you outside."

    Helping her son close the door, she walked around the store again, looking at the new arrivals of this season on the cabinet at the entrance of the store, and a small, timid voice came from beside her: "Mom"

    This voice did not belong to Kong Shiran. Zhang Meili thought it was a child from the wrong family who was shouting and shouting. She looked down and saw a white and clean face looking up at her without blinking.

    "Of course?" At first glance, she wondered why Kong Shiran changed his clothes so quickly, but she just yelled and realized something was wrong. The child in front of her was not wearing the clothes she had just chosen.  But he looks exactly the same as Shiran, except that he is thinner and has a different hairstyle. He is neatly combed, unlike Shiran who combs his hair every day, grabs it and rakes it carelessly, and counts it as a comb.

    Looking at the child in a daze, her heart beat violently and she didn't know how to react.  Seeing her frozen in place, the little boy hugged her leg excitedly, "Mom, I miss you!"

    Zhang Meilibsp; He stared blankly at the photo, and it took him a long time to find his voice, and he said with difficulty: "Did you see her?"

    The boy nodded and said he saw it while shopping.

    The man with his eyes downcast and wondering what he was thinking was silent for a long time, returned the chocolate bar to his son, and went out by himself.

    It has been a long time since he returned to his home. When he opened the door with some expectation, it was still the empty house.

    He smiled bitterly. Up to now, he still has fantasies about that woman, hoping that she can come back here.  But the facts proved cruelly that even if she returned to city a, she would never come to his and her home again.

    She left here without saying that she would come back.

    Driving aimlessly, he arrived at a familiar place unknowingly, the place where he lived for five years.

    Kong Ming has lived in many places. When he was a child, he rented houses with his mother everywhere. Later, he lived in Zhang¡¯s house, and then he had his own house. Now he lives in Kong¡¯s house for a long time.  This place was not the place he stayed the longest, but it was the place he missed the most. It was in this place that he met her and started his only love so far.

    Even though he was cheated by her so many times, even though he shed countless tears for her, he still doesn't regret it at all.

    Don't go to her, he told himself.

    One day she will be forgotten, not in three or four years, not in thirty or forty years, she will always be forgotten.

    Leaning on the car seat, Kong Ming quietly looked at the house with warm lights. He knew that the woman he had hated for four years was there.  Will forgive her, never will.


    I feel tired. I feel like I wrote two articles in the past two days. One is about the male lead named Kong Ming, who loves beauty very much.  I'm not too familiar with him, so it's not easy to comment, um (remember this website URL:
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