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Chapter 1492 Trouble (four more flowers)

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    The governor sat at home, muffled.

    In the past two days, he has also been reflecting on whether his behavior was too radical?  What Chief Zuo said made him feel unhappy.

    I was working for the Zuo family, but I was criticized a lot.  Of course, the Zuo family also paved the way for his future.

    Now that he is the governor, it's hard to come by, maybe it's because of a little haste in order to perform better.

    Can't eat hot tofu in a hurry!

    After calming down now, the governor also thought to himself that the future work really cannot be carried out like this.

    Otherwise, if they deliberately punish themselves and report everything no matter how big or small, wouldn't they be exhausted to death?

    After thinking about it all night, I didn't feel like going to sleep.

    Tossing and turning, looking at the ceiling.

    In the middle of the night, the phone rang sharply.

    The governor frowned and turned on the bedside lamp.

    The wife asked on the bed, "What's the matter? Why are you making so much noise in the middle of the night?"

    "You go and see?"

    My wife was a little upset and got up to answer the phone.  "Is the governor here? This is Secretary Qiu."

    The governor's wife scolded, "Xiaoqiu, are you crazy? Do you still have a sense of time?"

    Secretary Qiu went crazy, "I know, I know, but the matter is urgent, and I dare not slack off."

    "Then tell me, he is resting, he just lay down for a few minutes."

    Secretary Qiu said: "An accident happened in Dongsha City. The Bailai urban management team stormed the government building. The matter became serious."

    I heard that there is a problem in Dongsha City, how dare the governor's wife delay?  He hurried to the bedroom and asked the governor to answer the phone.

    Only then did the governor slowly pick up the phone beside the bed, "Xiaoqiu."

    Secretary Qiu was really in a hurry, "Governor, it's me. Something happened in Dongsha City. Those urban management collectively rebelled and caused trouble in the government building."

    Upon hearing the news, the governor asked angrily, "What is the municipal party committee doing?"

    Xiao Qiu said, "The mayor was injured by them and sent to the hospital. The secretary of the municipal party committee did not come back from the field."

    The governor roared, "Come here immediately!"

    Get up from the bed with an angry face.

    What happened?  How dare a few city management officers make trouble?  I don't know how these people in Dongsha City got their jobs.

    Everyone is fine, but there is an accident over there, I think there is a problem with their working ability.  The governor lit a cigarette and paced up and down the living room.

    The wife muttered next to her, "It's the middle of the night, do you still let people sleep?"

    The governor said unhappily: "It's nothing to do with you, go to sleep!"

    The wife had to go back to the bedroom to sleep, and Xiao Qiu came in a hurry.  The governor sat on the sofa, "I think they have to be removed, they are so useless."

    Xiaoqiu said, "Governor, do you want to inform Vice Governor Gu? After all, he has been working on this urban management reform plan."

    The governor said displeasedly, "Could it be that without him, the matter would not be settled?"

    Xiaoqiu secretly said in his heart, I am also very kind.

    Besides, calling Vice Governor Gu to come forward would save him a lot of trouble.  Now that I have taken away other people's power, it is also thankless for myself.

    He really didn't understand why the governor had to hold all the power firmly in his hands.  Seeing that the governor was unhappy, he couldn't say anything more.

    In fact, Xiaoqiu didn't want to take care of these things, it was too troublesome.

    The governor asked, "Do you know the specific reason?"

    Xiaoqiu said, "I've heard that Dongsha City's approach is to dismiss the former old city managers, leaving only a very small number, but when it comes to the issue of severance pay, the city is unwilling to pay, so they made a fuss.  Woke up."

    "I heard¡ª¡ª"

    When Secretary Qiu said this, he paused.

    The governor is losing his temper, "Isn't there a ready-made model? Who told them to toss?"

    Secretary Qiu said, "The main reason is this. They are going to resign these old urban management and plan to form a new team of female urban management. These female urban management will be recruited half from the school and half from the society. It is said that in order to build this new urban management team  , the municipal party committee decided to allocate more than 6 million yuan. So these old urban managers started making trouble."

    "What did the people from the Municipal Public Security Bureau do?"

    Secretary Qiu shook his head, "I'm not too sure about the specific situation. The Municipal Public Security Bureau has not acted for a long time. To some extent, these city management officials have allowed trouble."

    The governor was furious and immediately called Sun Benshan.

     Secretary Qiu took out his mobile phone and called Sun Benshan, secretary of the Dongsha Municipal Party Committee, but the phone couldn't be connected.

    "Governor, I can't get through the phone."


    The governor waved his hand angrily and knocked over the ashtray on the table.

    "This Sun Benshan, I think he doesn't want to do it anymore."

    The governor was trembling with anger. Such a big incident happened, and as the head of the municipal party committee, he was not at work.

    Even if you have something to do when you go out, your mobile phone must be kept connected 24 hours a day. This call completely angered the governor.

    Secretary Qiu said cautiously, "Do you want to stop calling the mayor?"

    The governor glared, "Fuck, I want to see if he is dead or alive!"

    Secretary Qiu was busy calling the mayor, but the line was always busy there.  This made Secretary Qiu very angry.  Calling the secretary of the municipal party committee failed to connect, and calling the municipal party committee was busy again.

    Seeing that the governor was very angry, he had to immediately call the executive deputy mayor again.  The executive deputy mayor answered the phone. It was quite noisy over there, and he couldn't hear anything clearly.

    Secretary Qiu was shouting, "Can you hear me? Can you hear me?"

    The other party yelled into the phone, "Secretary Qiu, tell me, tell me, I'm listening!"

    "It's too noisy there, call me from another place."

    "What? I can't hear you!"

    Secretary Qiu went crazy, who are those people in Dongsha City?

    Then I heard shouting from the phone, "Get it, get it for me!"

    Beep beep beep - busy tone again.

    Secretary Qiu looked embarrassed, "It seems that the situation over there is not good, why don't you ask later!"

    The governor looked at the secretary, "Forget it, I don't think any of these people can be trusted."

    Secretary Qiu didn't know what to say, so he had to stand there, thinking in his heart that this matter should not be too big.  In the past, when Governor Du was here, the urban management reform work was carried out vigorously.

    Now that the boss has taken office, there has been such a big mess, and the rumors are not good.

    The most important thing is that the boss removed Vice Governor Gu as the deputy team leader, which means that all the work and responsibilities must be carried by the boss himself.

    Even if he pushes everything to the people below, you still have to make sense of it!

    But as for the boss, he couldn't listen to his own words, and the secretary secretly worried that this matter would become a big problem tomorrow.

    After about twenty minutes, the mayor finally got through.  Secretary Qiu was very angry and asked the other party, why the phone has been disconnected?

    The mayor said he was reporting to work.

    When the governor heard it, he got angry on the spot. Who was he reporting to?

    The mayor heard the voice on the phone and knew that things were going to go bad.  But he heard that after the governor took office, he carried out a systematic rectification and redistributed the division of labor among several deputy governors in the government team.

    In fact, why doesn't he want to report to the governor?  It's just that there is a call from the deputy governor over there to ask the situation first, so I can't hang up, can I?

    I didn't expect the governor to be so angry, but the mayor answered cautiously.  Secretary Qiu gave the phone to the governor, who said angrily, "I don't care what method you use, I must calm the situation down tonight!"

    The mayor said at the other end, "Please rest assured, the governor, we are doing our best to do their ideological work. I guarantee that nothing will happen, nothing will happen."

    Hearing this, the governor was furious, and promised that nothing would happen, can you guarantee it?  Why did things go this way?

    The matter in Dongsha is still getting bigger.

    In one night, hundreds of urban management officers stormed the government building, smashed many offices, and wounded many leaders.

    These people are like crazy, regardless of it.  And this matter was stabbed in the newspaper.

    In fact, Gu Qiu and many provincial party committee cadres knew about it, but none of them said anything.  The governor called the members of the urban management rectification team for a meeting early in the morning.

    Gu Qiu didn't know what to say specifically.

    However, the two main leaders of the Dongsha city team rushed over from Dongsha city and were called by Secretary Tang.

    The governor was in a meeting, and when he heard that they had gone to the provincial party committee, he lowered his face at that time, knowing that Secretary Tang had meddled in this matter, and the trouble would be even greater.

    How to push this responsibility?

    The point is, he still doesn't know where the real incentive is, and he is about to listen to the explanation from the two of them?  Unexpectedly, Secretary Tang took the lead.

    The governor announced the adjournment, and returned to the office to wait for the two comrades from Dongsha to come and explain.

    Han Chen tentatively asked the boss, "An accident happened in Dongsha, what do you think?"

    Gu Qiu glanced at Han Chen, "Who did you listen to?"

    Han Chen said, "Everyone is talking about it. And it's in the newspaper."

    Gu Qiu waved his hand, go out, if someone comes to me because of this matter, say that I am not here.

    ps: Fourth watch for flowers (remember this site URL: do you think?  "

    Gu Qiu glanced at Han Chen, "Who did you listen to?"

    Han Chen said, "Everyone is talking about it. And it's in the newspaper."

    Gu Qiu waved his hand, go out, if someone comes to me because of this matter, say that I am not here.

    ps: four more flowers (remember this site URL:
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