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Chapter 1210 Gu Qiu's Image

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    Look at Shi Laosan who fell on the ground again, with a shot in the head.

    The bullet entered from above the left ear, leaving a blood hole the size of a finger.

    Before the handbud was pulled, everything about him disappeared from this world.  Hei Mole, the gangster that Gu Qiu subdued, never dreamed that the secretary of the municipal party committee was actually quite skilled, so he restrained him at the critical moment of getting on the bus.

    He once imagined whether someone would sneak up on him from behind before he got into the car, but what he never dreamed of was that this person was actually the secretary of the municipal party committee in front of him.

    Everyone cooperated very well, it was seamless, and many people around were sweating.  Three sets of movements, three groups of people, as long as one of them makes mistakes, Gu Qiu will be finished.

    Fortunately, everything went as planned.

    Just when Gu Qiu was in trouble, Jiang Long's gunshot rang out, killing Shi Laosan accurately.  At the same time, another criminal policeman rushed over in time and subdued the two gangsters in the car.

    Song Qingzhen was drenched all over, and when Gu Qiu proposed to change her, she felt a strong shock in her heart.  She really couldn't imagine that Gu Qiuchang, as the secretary of the municipal party committee, would be so disregarding her own safety and come forward to save her.

    Song Qingzhen remembered this scene in her heart many years later.

    Of course, with this courage, no matter whether Gu Qiu has good skills or not, it is indeed not easy for him to make such a decision.

    In the scene just now, Song Qingzhen was so nervous that her whole body was drenched. Seeing that Gu Qiu was safe and sound, she breathed a sigh of relief, and her body went limp.

    It's not easy for her to persevere until now. Now that Gu Qiu is safe and sound, she also relaxes.

    Jiang Long came over, "Secretary Gu!"

    Seeing Jiang Long, Gu Qiu smiled slightly and shook hands with Jiang Long, "Thank you for saving my life!"

    Jiang Longdao: "You shouldn't thank me, you should thank yourself. It turned out that it wasn't your wit. Today's rescue would not be so perfect, and accidents are more likely to happen."

    Jiang Long said, "You are the most courageous and courageous cadre I have ever met."

    Gu Qiu laughed loudly, "I've won the award. I've won the award!"

    Zeng Kaiyuan was sweating profusely, "Secretary Gu, you scared us to death!"

    Gu Qiu smiled and said: "It's okay, everyone go back!"

    Cheng Muxue was very nervous all the time, if she hadn't pressed her chest tightly, her heart would have almost burst.  Such a thrilling scene just now was a little unexpected, and the consequences were unimaginable.

    Han Chen watched from the side, feeling extremely nervous.

    Secretary Gu's hero shocked him again.

    Han Chen has stayed in Wuyuan City for so long and met all kinds of people. He has never seen such a leader who dared to exchange his own life for the safety of others at a critical moment.

    Don't say that there is no such thing, even if there is, there are very few, very few.

    It is difficult to find a second person in the Wuyuan City system just for someone with such courage.

    In the eyes of some people, when they are used to seeing corrupt officials and the inaction of most leaders, Gu Qiu's bravery is definitely a dose of sobriety, allowing them to see hope again.

    Some people say that Gu Qiu is impulsive, brave but not resourceful.

    As a secretary of the municipal party committee, take this risk.

    But Gu Qiu knew in his heart that at a critical moment, due to a human instinct, there was not much room for thinking.  In many cases, I just do it without hesitation.

    What is left behind?  Whether it's praise or insults, don't care about it anymore.

    Be a person and do things, the most important thing is to be ashamed of your heart.

    Don't say that Gu Qiu is on the scene, even if he is not there, he will try his best to prevent the tragedy from happening.  Under the circumstances at that time, as the leader of a team, a dignified man, should he just watch Song Qingzhen take risks with a woman?

    At that moment, Gu Qiu invisibly infected many people.

    Especially those criminal police comrades, it is their duty to protect the safety of people's lives and property.  But today, the secretary of the municipal party committee taught them a vivid lesson.

    After closing the team, Gu Qiu went back to take a shower.

    Song Qingzhen also returned home, and after taking a bath, she lay on the sofa.  Song Qingzhen was going to take her to the hospital, but she insisted on not going.

    Since you are not injured, don't be so delicate.

    He Shaoli rushed over, did she want to be with Song Qingzhen? She always felt uneasy when this happened.

    Song Qingzhen said: "This has nothing to do with you, those desperadoes came from the border to seek revenge."

    He Shaoli always felt a little sorry, and said a lottalk.  Song Qingzhen said: "Don't worry about it so much. On the contrary, we should be happy. At least these people have been wiped out, and a threat has been removed."

    Indeed, from this point of view, it is true.

    Since these people want to seek revenge, sooner or later they will come to your door.  Now that they have all been arrested, they will be more at ease in the future.

    Song Qingzhen knew in her heart that if she hadn't been too tough in the past and dealt too harshly with these people, naturally this would not have happened today.

    It's just that she didn't know that there was another drama behind this scene.

    Gu Qiu just took a shower, returned to the office, and quickly held a meeting.

    Just briefly talk about what happened today.

    Then he emphasized the need to intensify the crackdown and crack down on crimes in the Wuyuan area.

    Instruct Zeng Kaiyuan to try the case immediately and find out the ins and outs of the matter.

    When the meeting ended, everyone stood up and shook hands with Gu Qiu.  Congratulations on his safe return.

    Gu Qiu patted them on the shoulders and went back to their offices.

    Minister Zhang heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately held a meeting after returning to produce today's news.  It is necessary to highlight the unity of the team and the awe-inspiring righteousness of Secretary Gu.

    He is quite busy with his work, this time he has to review the manuscript himself, and there should be no negligence.

    Later, Gu Qiu invited Jiang Long to the office.

    Stand up and shake hands with Jiang Long, "Brother Jiang Long, why are you here?"

    Jiang Longdao: "I came here to check on something. Just as I got off the plane, I heard the driver say something big. When you drove out, you had already met the gangster face to face."

    Gu Qiu said: "If it wasn't for you today, I would have lost a lot of money."

    Jiang Long waved his hand, "It's nothing to do with me, I'm just a shooter. But you, in the minds of the criminal police, have a great influence. To be honest, I have never seen any leading cadre who can be like you  No wonder the people of Wuyuan City give you rave reviews."

    Gu Qiu smiled wryly, "You don't want to wear such a high hat, nothing happened, Comrade Song Qingzhen is safe and sound, and everyone is happy."

    Since meeting Gu Qiu, Jiang Long's affection for him has grown steadily.

    Gu Qiu said, "Let's have dinner together tonight, I will accompany you to have a good drink today, thank you brother for saving your life!"

    Jiang Longdao: "Drinking is fine, but don't say that. Otherwise, you'll be offended."

    Gu Qiu stood up, shook hands with him, and sent him to the door.

    In the afternoon, Gu Qiu went to visit Song Qingzhen.

    This time he came to Song Qingzhen's house, entered the door, and saw Song Qingzhen at home alone.  Gu Qiu looked at everything in this room.  Relatively simple, really, nothing too fancy.

    He knew that Song Qingzhen was a down-to-earth person. After Gu Qiu sat down, Song Qingzhen poured the tea herself.

    Gu Qiu asked, "How is your body? Do you want to check it?"

    Song Qingzhen said: "I'm fine, thank you Secretary Gu for your concern."

    Gu Qiu said, "Colleagues in a team should help each other. As long as you are healthy, you will be fine. Our city government still relies on you to preside over many tasks."

    Song Qingzhen saw that he said it lightly, what is mutual help?

    Many times, the intrigues and intrigues in the system are very serious. It is not like today, where people are fighting with their own lives.

    She was very grateful to Gu Qiu for his righteousness. Gu Qiu said, "Let's have dinner together tonight. I have invited Comrade Jiang Long."

    Song Qingzhen knew that Jiang Long was the sharpshooter who shot and killed Shi Laosan at a critical moment. It can also be said that he was the key to the success of the whole thing.

    Without Jiang Long, Gu Qiu would really not be sure of turning defeat into victory.  If he is robbed by these gangsters, even if he does not die, he will make a big fool of himself.

    Of course Song Qingzhen was going, to attend such a banquet was to show her gratitude to the savior.  So Song Qingzhen said, "Okay, I will definitely be there!"

    Gu Qiu didn't linger, he stood up and left.  "Then I'll take my leave, and you have a good rest."

    Seeing Gu Qiu leave, Song Qingzhen's eyes were a little dull.

    For some reason, there is always an illusion in my heart.  She always thinks that it should not be Gu Qiu who cares about her, but the man she has been married to for many years.

    But where is that man?  Does he still have his own existence in his heart?

    So she thought of that sentence again: When everything is bearish, is there still a kind of persistence hidden in her heart?

    Was the insistence at the beginning right or wrong?

    ps: Thank you for rewarding 100 coins for running 2070, and rewarding 1888 for the vast sea~sky.

    Get excited, haha¡ª¡ª(remember this website URL:; Get excited, haha¡ª¡ª(Remember this website URL:
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